any DUI or DWI victims here?

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any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by drunken parrot »

personally, I have 2 DUIs, last one being seven years ago. In my humble opinion, the whole system is to make as much money possible from those that have had a few. Checkpoints anywhere is straight-up entrapment.
for example: A police officer comes to your house to find a stolen stereo, and opens a drawer to find a pound of drugs. Technically he can't bust you for the drugs if the warrant is looking for a stereo. THAT would be true if current law weren't skewed against the little guy, and I IN NO WAY ENDORSE the use of drugs, but you get my point.
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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

Yes, throughout my career as a drunkard, I have done my time and paid my debt to society for influential driving. That was some time ago, and I would like to think that i learned my lesson.
Honestly, the lesson learned was about ten years ago, when I was dating this crazy chick, and I got two DUI's in a month. I was scared shitless, I had two previous convictions, and thought I was gonna lose it all. I got a very good lawyer who knew everyone, played golf with the judges and all that shit. he got me off of BOTH of them with a charge of, and I quote: "actual physical control of a motor vehicle under the influence". $100 fine and court costs, 2 points on my license, and the ALS ( automatic license suspension for not complying to tests) dropped.
I knew right then that I had used up my karma cards, and I don't drive drunk. Unless I have to.
But yeah, the whole thing does seem to be about $$$.
...and I do endorse the use of drugs.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by GetDrunkStayDrunk »

I got one about 6 months ago. Wound up dropped in court on a technicality. They didn't tell me what it was though. Would have been a $992 fine.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Cowboy Joe »

Never had one....never really had to deal with the checkpoints, though. When I lived on an air force base I was always terrified of getting busted by the guard going the know that at 2 am on Saturday they're smelling everyone's breath--so I just went to the club on the base and got trashed tax-free.

I'll drive after drinking, but I make a point not to drive drunk--mainly because no matter how much of a drunkard I am I'd be pissed if someone asshole killed someone I cared about because they were doing it. I think any kind of checkpoint thing or "random" stops are bullshit, though. If you're driving fine and obeying the law, who gives a shit if you've had a few drinks.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by ChiliDawg »

Made that most idiotic of mistakes in 94-95, can't exactly remember right now. However, I do remember it was a foolish thing to do.

I spent the night in a nice, grey-bar Hilton, with 5 other, some what intimidating individuals who looked as if it may not have been their first time there.

One drink with dinner and that's it.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by peetie44 »

I had one; on the Don Valley Parkway (06/06/91), Toronto/Ontario/Canada.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Cliffie S. Bockerson »

I got one in '99. And I deserved it. I was nearly unconscious at the time and it was a terrible mistake. I'm very grateful the cops got me off the highway before I hurt someone or killed myself. I deserved the fine and I deserved the humiliating Sat. morning roadside trash-pickup detail. Middle of Summer in Texas. God, that was awful. Hungover and picking up trash as DWI penance...

I do occasionally drive after drinking, however. It's two different things and the current laws do a poor job of allowing for the distinction between the buzzed-but-okay driver and the guy who needs to be taken off the streets, IMO. Also, the notion that you can pull into a drive-through liquor store but can't open a beer on the way home is inane.

There's good reason for DWI laws but the crazy drys have bullied the politicians into some stupid shit.
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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Tagreed »

I have had two. Both I totally deserved because I was stupid. First one, I was not hurt. Second, I broke my neck. I am walking and my second was the most random, bizarre thing that I am so happy that I only got 5 days in jail.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by KingApathy »

Not one yet..I was EXTREMELY was the whole night (couple) hours after situation..I drank like a champ and slept only a couple or few hours so figured it was a new day and no longer drunk (even though I damn well knew I was) well I got busted doing an 87 in 55 while passing in a double yellow.....oh and best of all that was with pants still wet from not being able to hold my own urine!! got away scott clean with a 505$ ticket lol
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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Mad Lion »

I have... 2 DUI's. However, the second was reduced to a first (thanks to a badass lawyer) so I've got TWO FIRSTs.

I've learned my lesson. I only walk, cab, get rides, or even ride a bicycle now. I just will not risk it again.

I get off probation in 2 months. Fines paid, community service done... now it's just a matter of time before I can be a normal citizen again, and I look forwrad to it.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Tipsy McStagger »

I'm a victim of a DUI. My oldest brother was killed by a man driving drunk. I haven't heard his voice or seen him enjoy his life in 20 years. There's not a day that goes by that I don't wish he was here.

I have received my punishment for my one DUI. I was lucky enough to not harm anyone else including myself. But I learned my lesson and take cabs or walk if I get too drunk. Being stupid and doing something that you know better about doing, is not being a victim, we my friend, are/were the crime.
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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by peetie44 »

Tipsy McStagger wrote:I'm a victim of a DUI. My oldest brother was killed by a man driving drunk. I haven't heard his voice or seen him enjoy his life in 20 years. There's not a day that goes by that I don't wish he was here.

I have received my punishment for my one DUI. I was lucky enough to not harm anyone else including myself. But I learned my lesson and take cabs or walk if I get too drunk. Being stupid and doing something that you know better about doing, is not being a victim, we my friend, are/were the crime.

Sorry to hear that about your brother (I lost my father and my only brother in a NON-alcohol-related auto accident 40yrs ago). That's sad, man. I feel for you.

Vagrant (or one of the other mods) should sticky this particular post of yours somewhere on this forum, if only to put a bit of "close-to-home-and-personal" light on why it's not good to DUI (that is, if you wouldn't mind).

Here's to your brother's memory,

CHEERS! **clink**
"Man i once bought $101 worth of insect candy because it was free shipping on orders over 100 bucks." -- ThirstyDrunk

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Bluespook »

A friend of mine got busted a couple weeks back and had her evaluation yesterday. Said she was a severe substance abuser because she drinks a few beers with the guys on friday nights and a few after work on wednesdays with the ladies. She drinks in my bar and typically doesn't have more than a few. Real danger to society there, but since she drinks more than a couple a week and gets drunk, she's a severe danger.
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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Illiniwek »

bluespook wrote:A friend of mine got busted a couple weeks back and had her evaluation yesterday. Said she was a severe substance abuser because she drinks a few beers with the guys on friday nights and a few after work on wednesdays with the ladies. She drinks in my bar and typically doesn't have more than a few. Real danger to society there, but since she drinks more than a couple a week and gets drunk, she's a severe danger.
Thing is, most of those people running the evaluations are probably drunkards, too. They just don't want to admit it. Or even if they do, they're just living a lie.

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Re: any DUI or DWI victims here?

Post by Count Sporkula »

Illiniwek wrote:
bluespook wrote:A friend of mine got busted a couple weeks back and had her evaluation yesterday. Said she was a severe substance abuser because she drinks a few beers with the guys on friday nights and a few after work on wednesdays with the ladies. She drinks in my bar and typically doesn't have more than a few. Real danger to society there, but since she drinks more than a couple a week and gets drunk, she's a severe danger.
Thing is, most of those people running the evaluations are probably drunkards, too. They just don't want to admit it. Or even if they do, they're just living a lie.

Does it really matter how much or how often people drink? most of us (I hope) know better than to drink and drive... sure... we all did it in the past and we were stupid and lucky back then.

I hate madd as much as anyone but Drinking and driving is a fools game.

I am actually surprised at how many posters here justify drinking and driving...
And you wonder why the drys are out to get us?
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