Your most epic after-hours at the bar

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Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by Resident Asshole »

I've had a ton of after-hours experiences at the bar. I love after hours because the bartender gets to select only cool people to stay so you don't have to deal with assholes. You also don't have to deal with people who can't hold their booze because they wouldn't still be there at 2:30am. Generally you can even smoke in the bar after hours because they don't want people going outside.

Most of the time the booze is free. If you are single and there is a girl there your chances of going home with her is much better than during hours. By the time you leave the after hours the cops are done making their rounds. Basically, there are a ton of upsides to partying after hours and the only downside I have found is if you have to work in the morning.

Personally, my favorite moments involved:
Helping a friend search for his wedding ring in an ice bin, breaking a glass and cutting our hands while doing so
Banging a chick on the bar
Making strong drinks for people with weak stomachs and watching them puke
Setting things on fire
Getting far too inebriated to be served during normal hours

But my favorite of all was when the manager and myself closed the bar down then decided to do some construction on the place at 4am. We decided there was no point in going to bed so we stayed up all night drinking. The owner arrived about 10am and we were hammered. One customer came in (before the day bartender got there) and when the owner left to get a newspaper we brought our motorcycles in the bar and proceeded to do burnouts on the floor. He walked back in while we were doing that and didn't actually scold us, we was just shocked. Here's some after hours pics:





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Re: Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by Mr Boozificator »

16 years old, full of pride and yesterday's drinks, I decide to listen to the Portuguese guy and fight in the blind alley behind the restaurant/bar. I win the first two fights, the third one introduces me to the emergency service for the first time. Still wondering why I would do something that stupid. Taught me a lesson, but curiously not on the spot, even nowadays I can think myself invincible for a second or two just because I've been drinking.
Not exactly a good moment, but certainly one that I'll remember for ever.
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Re: Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by Surreal »

Nice shot from Stobers - Lansing's oldest and coolest bar. I didn't do burn-outs or stay after hours, but I did knock a few back w/ RA and ended up waking up on his basement couch the next am wondering what county I was in.
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Re: Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

Resident Asshole wrote:
I really dig that your pic posts always have some kind of balancing things on other things going on. That kicks ass, it's like bar Jenga or something.
Cheers RA!
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Re: Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by Jiggers McCoy »

Not an after-hour, per se, but there was this bartender I knew who would text me where he was working and it happened he was at this one place that was more of a restaurant. He was comping me most of the night (I of course tipped handsomely) and the place closed at like 10. During that time, he, this girl I was dating, and some random dude from out of town had formed a little gang and decided to do a bar crawl. We were already pretty hammered but we hit a few places and random dude mentions he has OJ Simpson's phone number. Apparently it was a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend situation, but at one point this guy went fishing with Juice and got his cell number. So we call it and of course he doesn't answer but it's his voice (or sounds like him) on the voicemail message. I was too scared and shitfaced to say anything, so I'm sure it was just a bunch of giggling.

Between stops we lost the bartender to sickness and I'm pretty sure tourist-random-OJ-friend got lost on the sideroads of DC. Hope he made it home ok.
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Re: Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by Girlie »

That is quite an epic story with pics to suit.

Steve and I were permitted to hang along with the crew for a bit at our local karaoke joint once, but that was pretty tame by comparison.

The most memorable after-hours moment for me was my first day as a waitress at a private restaurant. I was 17 (I really didn't lie about my age, but rather allowed them to believe what they wanted to believe because I had worked at another place that served and I really didn't lie about my age when I got that job either since they asked if I was 18 and I said "No, but my birthday is next week." My birthday was the following week, but I was turning 17, not 18.). After all of the patrons left and we cleaned up, the managers and staff decided to hang out and have a few drinks and get to know the new girl. We wound up drinking and carrying on until after 5 AM, I got home about 6. The next shift they explained that they never do that and it never happened again, but that was a pretty fun first day for a 17 year-old.

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Re: Your most epic after-hours at the bar

Post by Lush City »

I remember having such a great time sitting at this bar throwing them back and everyone buying rounds. It was so good I fell backwards on my stool all over the floor! Those barstools with backrests are dangerous. So, this was as close as I got to after hours. It was definitely PM. Even so, it was epic.
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