Premature Hangover

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Premature Hangover

Post by Miklo »

I have expirenced this a couple time, sometimes during the summer when i am just drinking beer, so ill leave that partially to dehydration. but yesterday afternoon i bought a flask sized bottle of cheap vodka to take back to work. i killed the bottle and had a nice buz going for a little more then an hour then it hit me like a bat to back of the head. this massive headache, this hangover, if you can call it that. it was misrable especially since i had to go get a crown from the dentist just an hour after that. terrible day. ever happen to anyone?
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by Wingman »

yeah, i think i know what you're talking about. i've always assumed it was either dehydration or a sign that i wasn't drinking fast enough. always just a headache, no other symptoms of a hangover. and drinking more fixes it. of course.
Stupid should hurt.

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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by fizzmaster »

Happens to me when I drink early sometimes. That's why I'm not really into day drinking anymore. I save up all my thirst for the night time then drink hard until the wee hours of morning.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by Two Hearted »

You just have to power drink through it.
When I drink during the day it happens if I slow right down or (shudder) stop drinking for a while.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by DeeboCools »

I sort of know what you meant. At my most desperate times I drank the cheapest of the cheapest, and sometimes as I was drinking it occurred to me "this is going to hurt later on..." but of course that never stopped me. For me the pre-hangover was a rare experience, so if you have it often you should re-think everything and trust no one.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by Riddeford »

Yeah I get that sometimes. The only thing that helps is drinking through it. And as soon as the corner store opens this morning I'm going to pounds some beers for god's sake!
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Fiyah: Fuck curry. We're doing shots and do them NOW

<@Veen> First one was just a standard hangover puke.
<@Veen> Second one was when I was at lunch with my ex and had some ham that was way too dry.
<@Veen> Third one was just a bit ago when I read that vagina story.

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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by NYDingbat »

I offer my compliments on your constitution for getting your chiclets serviced whilst hungover. That is a feat.

That is the worst feeling at work:

8:30 "Hey I feel great! I must still be stewed! Better get somethin' to eat soon though."

11:30 "Whoa. Comin' down. This sucks. Stupid ass. This is not the first time this has happened. You tell yourself "Eat that damned bagel you got an hour ago already or it's the first car on the yak train for you, missy." Rapidly losing appetite, however.

12:30 Bagel still idling. Crap. Now I missed the hungry window. Now I'm hungry/nauseous. Shoulda gone to that saloon down the block an hour ago. "Conductor - I'll take a one way ticket for the Yak Express."

2:30 That done, the chastising begins: "If only I went to that saloon down the block to stave off this approaching misery hours ago, I don't even know if I could deal with it now. I can't friggin' believe I have two more hours to go in this gray and burgundy dungeon..."

4:18 Oh screw this, this is asinine already. Get the hell outta here.

4:52 At home fully supporting Wingmans's position - Happy hour! Problem + Vodka = Solution!

Rinse. Repeat.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by PinchePollacko »

I get this sometimes if I do a Hair of the Dog, which happens pretty much anytime I don't have to work. I'm feeling good, chilling, then all of a sudden the world takes a shit on me. Only one cure...more pivo.

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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by Emperor Awesome »

I'll pretty much echo the reasoning everyone else has. I get that awful headache when I daydrink if I slow it down. It's consistent and I believe I have some science happening here. Scenario for a premature hangover:

Black coffee and bourbon, repeat till pot's empty.
Start cracking some beers.
Lunchtime, cooking and eating distracts from the drinking. I slow down.
(Between 12-4 I've gone from an average 2+ beers/hr to 1 beer/2hrs)
This is when the headache hits. Right here.

To solve that, belt some liquor, shotgun some beers, whatever, wake yourself up out of that malaise and get back to your schedule.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by cloud8 »

So these guys are getting hungover before they get drunk, instead of when they wake up? I don't get it. It's sort of like coming before her lips caress the sacred bottle if you know what I mean.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by G_W »

It's not a premature hangover. It's a reminder to drink.
steved wrote:Proof is just information.
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by ChiliDawg »

I think of her>>>>>>>(that direction on my screen, anyway) when I read this post. Thanks, Cloud, for the updated Gal. It means alot, and I like her more than the last Paris lookin' girl.

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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by ChiliDawg »

What, you don't see Cloud's gal over there? HA! Hunter's cute and all, but....Damn, how many is this.

Oh, it will be a good evening.

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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by peetie44 »

I'm 58 fuckin yrs old...when I see the word "premature" I put a pillow over my head and think long and hard about life...
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Re: Premature Hangover

Post by Bur »

something like thse I've had a couple of times

But in general I have way more of these 'delayed' hangovers as in a one case NYDingbat presented above

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