21 and Under

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Is this story any good?

Yes -- but you are stupid for drinking that much.
No -- I wish you would have died.
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21 and Under

Post by roshkoch »

This story and more found on my site ... see the sig line


I almost died whilst drinking once. Or at least I think I almost died. I really cannot remember.

It all started on a Friday night in January at a friend's house in Old Forge, PA. It was the weekend of a wrestling event and I was staying up there for the duration. I was scheduled to be in a barbed wire death match. (See that story on my site.)

A few of us had gathered together for a little social snacking at a local restaurant and we had decided to return to JS5's house for some beverages and conversation. Typical for such a crew of hard drinkers.

In attendance was myself (the obvious protagonist of said story), JS5, Raylo, Volch, and two tramps whom I cannot recall their names. JS5 and Volch were hard drinkers of many years; Raylo is a bitter Latino ex-Marine with a penchant for hate crime conspiracy. I was the "rookie".

JS5 has his own bar in the basement of his home, so we liberally indulged. Knowing the company that I was in, I felt the need to impress my friends with my drinking abilities. And impress them I did. I also managed to be kicked out of this house for the remainder of my existence.

Volch became my drinking target. I would match him shot for shot. Whiskey, tequila, rum, gin, vodka, schnapps -- you name it, we drank it in shots. They even slipped in some of Satan's Cider -- Sambuca; the only beverage that can make me feel ill just by its exposure to my olfactory system.

Needless to say, between speed shooting and mixing medicines, I was shit housed in no time, but I sure as hell wasn't going to stop. I wanted to max out, so I continued well into the double digits ... 15, 16, 17, 18 ... one after another I pounded down shots of various toxins until I reached a staggering 21.

After I hit 21 (at only 18 years old mind you) we stopped counting, and I would wager another 4 shots entered my system. I don't remember exactly. In fact, I don't remember much from there at all. My last memory was sitting in JS5's room on his "comfy chair" clutching a bottle of Vanilla Vodka.

When I awoke, I was upstairs in a room I was not familiar with, and a foul stench adrift in the air. I had suspicions that I was hoping were not true, but I knew were. I slowly looked forward and saw myself covered in my own vomit.

It just so happens that at this moment in time, JS5 opens the door to check on me and the look on his face is utterly priceless. It is total horror and amazement. As I looked around the room, I saw that the entire room was painted in my supper from the night prior.

He slammed the door shut and I could hear laughter. I laid there in my own vomit and a familiar feeling was in my head.

I was still drunk.

It took some prodding, but they got my fat ass up off of the couch and crawled to the bathroom where I passed out in the shower. I apparently flooded the bathroom and drenched the carpet. They said I was passed out for at least an hour and a half, maybe 2.

When I finally woke up and finished cleaning myself off, I feverishly scrubbed my teeth and the insides of my mouth. It tasted like I would imagine eating canned wet dog food and chalk would have tasted like.

I got to the living room, somewhat undrunk, and examined the excellent new paint job that I had given the room. It was everywhere. I ruined the couch, covered the carpet, stained the window blinds, and left chunks of fried chicken salad all over the room.

It was safe to say that I was banned from entering that house again under a social premise; they never invited me to another party again either.

http://www.roshkoch.com : the Blown Load - IN YOUR FACE

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Post by Chelsea40oz »

Shock and awe.

You're out of your league, go back to your own village!

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Post by headpiece »

Fantastic story my good man!,

Read my story post up ahead for a terrific story of utmost horror involving Sambuca.
-_Things that are impossible to say when your drunk:_-

No thanks, I don't want to have sex
Nope, no more booze for me
A lovely night isn't it officer?

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Post by will_butler »

Great story, and you're not the slightest bit stupid for drinking that much. That's just what we do. Still that's impressive as all get out at 18.



i try

Post by greencan »

This one occured about 2 years or so ago - I don't even remember what I was drinking or why, but I do recall the repercussions. This was around the time that all shooters had been banned from pubs in Alice springs, the second biggest town in the NT, Australia. If you call yourself a drinker and don't know about this place, well, you are a liar. Anyway, there were no shot glasses or shots, so we had to order double tequilas straight for our enjoyment. I was thrown out of the casino at about 1am, and began the 20 minute trek home(it's a small town). As I rounded the first corner I came upon some friends holed up in a storm drain, taking drugs before going out for the night. I promptly charged over to them, forgetting that one side of the drain was a gentle incline, the other a 2.5 metre dropoff onto concrete. Guess which side I entered on? As I picked myself up to the cheers of my comrades, did a quick checkover and decided I was uninjured. I quickly enjoyed some drugs from my accomodating chums and continued my journey. Somewhere I lost two or three hours, and recall being woken by my irate mother at 4.30 am, naked, outside the front of my house lying on the glass shards of a freshly broken beer bottle in sub-zero temperatures. I somehow made my way to my bedroom, and woke 6 hours later to discover I was blind. Feeling my way to the bathroom, I managed to wash a substance off my face and see again, to discover I had just wiped off a vomit/blood facemask, and noticed a massive gash in my forehead (still bleeding) from my slight tumble the previous night - no scratches from the beer bottle though, I reckon I was in a fakir-like state of mind/existence by that stage. On return to my bedroom, I found that I had somehow moved my cupboard from one side of the room to the other, and turned it upside down, along with spraying the contents of my drawers around the room and what looked like the remains of an all in fight with my couch. Took a few days to get things back on track and fill in the holes, but what a night!

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