Remembering my first blackout - or at least trying too

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Remembering my first blackout - or at least trying too

Post by Bone »

So I was sitting at the bar the other night - go figure - thinking back to the one time I have actually blacked out from drinking. Believe it or not it wasnt even during college or even shortly thereafter - try 3 years later. Now I dont believe in the line “I can’t drink like I use too,” I think it is a matter of your situation in life.

I am single, 26, and rather good looking I might add, and I can still drink 7 days a week if I choose (most of the time its more like 4-5 days). I digress.

So I blacked out and for the first time in my life I had to have someone else recount the night that apparantly was for me. I remember passing out the first time on my friends couch at the Fraternity house (visiting friends) in the middle of telling 12 people a story. Yep - passed out cold. Then why did I wake up on the other side of the house in a different room, with my clothes off? Not really sure.

I know it all started with something called Golden Grain - a freaking killer grain alcohol that you would be better to put on a bleading wound than in your mouth. What made me take 4 shots of it I will never know. The rest of the details of the night are about as clear as the OJ Simpson murder trial combined with Michael Jackson’s trial mixed in with the question “Who is buried in Grants tomb.”

I know there were four hours where I was alledgely dancing like a fool, grabbing girls butts, and hitting on everything from the fat jewish girl with buck teeth to the hottest girl in the room (at my college the hot girl is the fat jewish buck tooth one).

Four hours of my life I will never really be able to recall. Time wasted I can never take back - like every Monday night when I watch “24.”

I guess blacking out isn’t all that bad, after all I use the classic alcoholic defense, “If you can’t remember it, it didn’t happen.”


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Re: Remembering my first blackout - or at least trying too

Post by thirsty4beer »

Bone wrote: Time wasted I can never take back...
"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time"
mine's a pint

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Post by Saltandgin »

I was drunk your honour seems to be a clever mantra to take through life.
--ED: You know what we should do tomorrow? Keep drinkin’. We’ll have a Bloody Mary first thing, have a bite at the King’s Head, a couple at the Little Princess, we’ll stagger back here--Bang! We’re back at the bar for shots. How’s that for a slice of fried gold?


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Post by bella »

cool story

i cant remember my last one.. forget my first one

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Post by daphne »

I would take that defense, then I look at my hair cut. It's a reminder that I did indeed black out.

By the way, did you happen to go to Case Western Reserve? We weren't called Case girls for nothing............seriously.
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You deserve all the puffery you can get
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Post by Gwynn »

Welcome to the club dude :wink:
Can't keep a good Bunnie down!

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Post by vat69 »

is it that you dont remember? or that you dont want to remember? so what eventuated with the fat jewish bucktooth girl? repressing memories isnt healthy, but then neither is drinking till you start thinking that the previously mentioned woman is hot. by no means does that imply you should drink less.

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