Cops and drinking

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Cops and drinking

Post by Gooooon »

Its never any fun for me or any of my mates when you get caught by police when drinking. most of you are over the legal age to drink, but we arent and we like it so we continue to drink.
this story is pretty stupid but anyways.

me and two other mates were at the shopping centre, and we decided to get a random to get us some alcohol. we ended up gettin some 18yo's to get us a cask of goon, ($10 bargain!) and we got three bottles of soft drink, later on we went ouside and mixed the goon into the soft drinks. we drank a bit, then started to walk along the path. we stopped and were looking into a little valley thing, when a car pulled up, and what do you know..its the cops..

the two cops were pretty cool though, we didnt get a fine, just our details taken and a warning. they were paying my friend out for having a pink condom in his wallet, and my other mate for having his pants around his balls. but if anything, it was a good experience with cops.

and yes we realise how stupid and suspicious it is to walk around with bottles of red soft drink :D

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Post by ReactionaryRob »

Yeah, man...ive been there a buncha times. One time I was at this bar/club that we know the owners to so they let us drink there. I was dancing with girls generally and was making out with this one girl and my friend comes over and says "put your beer down" so I did...turned around, there were the cops. I just kept making out with the girl and they looked at me and were like "lets get outta here".

Posts: 13
Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2006 12:01 am

Post by Gooooon »

yeah, we usually go to park parties and stuff, so if cops come, the only thing we can do is run.

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