Takin a lady friend to a bar.

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Hooch Hound
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Takin a lady friend to a bar.

Post by LordNeuf »

A few days ago I took a lady friend to a bar, it was a casual date, nothing serious, just a few drinks between friends.

She is an aspiring drunkard, but doesn't quite know the bar lingo as well as I do.

For example this was our conversation

"So what do you want?"

"A martini"

"You want gin?"

"No a martini"


so I went to the bar and ordered her a vodka martini, extra dry, and a perfect CC manhattan for myself.

the drinks come, and she looks confused at the martini, wondering what the hell it was.

I explained it was 3 ounces of ice cold vodka, and a breath of dry vermouth.

she tried it and said "boy that's strong"

I said "what did you expect, it's a martini"

"I was thinking it would be fruity and sweet"

I looked at her and said "but... you asked for a martini"

"than what's the fruity drink?"

"A cosmo?"

"Yeah, why didn't you get me one of those?"


so yeah, need pointers to give to someone who has yet to get herself comfortable with the bar scene, not to mention she doesn't have a picture ID, so if they card her, she's sunk, even though she's legal. So I have to walk to the bar and order the drinks.

Help me develop this blank canvas into a true drunkards palate.
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Post by Bluto »

Experience is the key here. the more time she spends at the bar the more she will learn. It will also be helpful if she can engage the bartender in converstaion as that is where she will really learn the lingo as well as develop an idea of what her tastes are. She needs to get an ID. This shouldn't be tough. Even is she doesn't want driver's license she can get a state ID card. They're not expensive and well worth it if keeps her from getting shown out the door.

Also I would offer her this bit of wisdon taken from http://www.cocltailtime.com before it went belly up:

Mixed Drinks versus Cocktails
Mixed drinks are often mistaken for cocktails. We blame liquor marketers for this faux pas, though admit that the definition of a classic cocktail also adds to the confusion.

A mixed drink is usually a single spirit combined with fruit juice served over ice in a tumbler. Mixed drinks usually try to hide the alcohol taste behind a mixer and are often served with a straw or swizzle stick. The screwdriver is a mixed drink.

The cocktail, by contrast, is more refined, contains more ingredients, and requires higher levels of preparation and presentation. (Which is why on airplanes you can order mixed drinks but not cocktails.)

A cocktail usually calls for fresh fruit, bitters, and a sweetener, as opposed to a mixed drink, which simply requires juice. A cocktail is usually flash-chilled [665k .mov] and should be sipped briskly. It is small, clean, and compact.

The term "mixed drink" hails from the '70s and, much like that decade, it's gauche - occasionally in a good way. Mixed drinks referencing any sexual act are always best avoided. These mixed drinks are crass, often acting as props that you carry around with you in a bar as a conversation starter. A cocktail, by comparison, sits with you at your table and speaks volumes about your taste and the company you keep.

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