Weekend of Triumph Pt 2: Saturday

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Drinking God's Good Scotch
Drinking God's Good Scotch
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Weekend of Triumph Pt 2: Saturday

Post by liquor&poker »

I woke up early Saturday morning and I was seriously pickled from Friday night. I had a bad headache and knew I wasn't going to be able to eat breakfast.

My uncle was getting married in the afternoon and my wife and I were going with my mom and dad. We got dressed and went over there. Dad was watching AVP cuz he got this new reciever that made his surround sound really sweet. So we watched that until the girls were ready.

He was talking about how if my uncle got married again (this one was number 4), we'd have to make "Wedding Tour" shirts with the dates on em. I thought that was awesome. We decided that the big picture on the front of the shirt would be a hand with the thumb sticking out and there'd be a ring on each of the fingers and the caption would say "And one for the Thumb"

So we went and got some breakfast...I was able to choke down a couple slices of bacon and some eggs and hashbrowns and a cup of coffee. We get to the wedding and make the rounds and then take the table closest to the bar. Dad said he was buying the drinks and I couldn't say no. So we had a 7&7. Then another. Then the wedding started and it was nice. The bride's tatoos looked very pretty in her dress. We had another cocktail and then they started bringing bottles of champagne to the tables. So we drank our bottle of champagne.

I'll take this moment to say that the DJ at this gig was AWFUL. You know those stereotypical wedding DJ's you see on the movies that are super annoying and corny and play bullshit music? That's him. This motherfucker played the Macerana because no one was dancing. He thought the Macerana would get things started. And he kept ragging on me and dad cuz we wouldn't dance. But we had more important things to do. So we had another cocktail.

Then a relative of the bride came by and asked if we wanted more champagne. Apparently they ordered way too many bottles. So we were like, "Yeah sure" And we drank another bottle.

I remember dad looking around and he asked, "Should we go round up the wounded soldiers?" But I said that'd be waaaay too tacky for us. We got more class than that. It would be hilarious though if we went around the tables getting the half drank bottles and stuck em all at our table.

Anyway, then the DJ is at our table talkin to us. Telling us how this party sucks. I wanted to tell him that he was a jackass but I took a different approach because he had obviously been drinking. I asked him about his job and he was talking about how he'd never been to a good party in Florida and how it sucks. I said, "I bet they always blame the DJ too, don't they?" He was like, "YEAH!" rofl so I high fived dad cuz that was cool.

Then the guy goes back and plays "Woderful Tonight" for the SECOND TIME! ARRRRRGH!!!! My wife yelled at him, "You already played this!" And he was like, "Really? Did I?" And I yelled "FREEBIRD!!!!" And then he put on Freebird and came back to our table. I think he had a crush on us cuz we were so cool. He was a real geeky looking fucker. I don't remember what we talked about cuz I was busy wise-cracking with dad and drinking another bottle of champagne and a cocktail. I also smoked a cigarette.

Anyway, they had too much champagne so they put a case on the bar. We grabbed 4 bottles on the way out.

The something awesome happened. When we got home we realized if we had a table high enough, we could sit in the pool and drink champagne when the Russians came. So we test drove the idea and filled a tea pitcher with ice and put a bottle in it and grabbed some flutes. We used a ladder for a table...we'll come up with something classier before they get here. Anyway, great success! We laid there against the edge and drank the bottle and smoked a cigarette.

Then we ordered some pizza and ate that and had a couple more cocktails while we watched "Payback" with Mel Gibson. Then my wife and I went home.

So in summary, we drank a lot of Whiskey, 4 bottles of free champagne, and we have 3 more in storage for the Russians.

I'm super pumped about my brother and his wife's family coming. This will be fantastic.

Drinking Like W.C.
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Post by bluebottle »

way to hang in there l&p - when the russians come, give an update, btw, good idea with the ladder for the table. how will you come up w9th anything classier? in two days have you only smoken 2 cigs? why didn't you grab the 3whole case of cham;pagne. nice work. don't you think people from russia will .ike fla?

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