A Pirates Life

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Booze Head
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A Pirates Life

Post by louhan »

It was home coming night in a small mountain town in the back waters of the world that I am from. My friend had a rather large party ( I always go to his house after dances or any school function for that matter to get nice and sauced.) So anyways me and another college of mine decided to dress up as pirates being that it was the weekend before halloween. So to step up our act even more we get my cannue (pardon my bad spelling) and strap it to the top of my SUV and drive to the school and put it in the river. 30 minute of floating down stream and freezing our balls off we arrive rather sauced at seths river bank in royal order singing "A pirates life for me." As the night roles on I continue my role as captin morgan and my friend plays my first mate. After a fifth of parrot bay, a 12 pack, 2 keg stands, a couple bowls of mean kentucky green, and funnelign more beer then I care to remember I went and had a little fun with a laidy friend of mine and passed out in the host's sisters bed. 2 and half hours pass peacefully to me atleast. Everyone else apparenty were frantic trying to escape the police sure enough a fire man manages to wake me up finally after slapping me and gouging me in the eye. So I take of running shouting pirate slurs as I go jump out of a second story window and role down the hill. i jumped into my cannue before anyone could get out of the house and made my get away to my mothers house only a 1/4 mile down the river. She thought the whole fair was hillarious and I found I was the talk of the school the following monday.

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Post by Rowdydrunk79 »

Piracy seems to be common among drunkards. I myself have attempted to seize Coast Guard cutters in Savannah many times. Just last month a friend of mine informed me that while blacked out one night in January, 2003 I tried to enlist a Marine scout platoon into helping me storm the battle USS North Carolina and raise the jolly roger. Every time less intoxicated friends have stopped me - I guess that's a good thing.

Welcome aboard, newbies buy so I'll have a double Dewar's neat.
Post Drunk, Post Often
"Preacher! Go on down and get me some bourbon. J. T. S. Brown. No ice, no glass."
- Paul Newman, The Hustler
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Inebriate Savant
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Post by mountainmanMao »

Welcome aboard. Went out trick or treating with my youngest son with a big cup of grog in hand. Trick or treating was fun.

I have a Capt and Coke.
Three cups open the grand door to bliss;
Take a jugful, the universe is yours.
Such is the rapture of the wine,
That the undrunk shall never inherit.
-Li Po

Drinking Like W.C.
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Post by bluebottle »

shot of beam,m stella back. it's only 9 i have bourbon and coffee - am i still drunk from salt night?

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