Where's my sweater, and my money?

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Resident Asshole
Drinking God's Good Scotch
Drinking God's Good Scotch
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Where's my sweater, and my money?

Post by Resident Asshole »

Last Saturday I went to work on the boozing early (prolly 3 in the afternoon), getting a prime seat at the bar because of my arrival time. The day regulars bought me many a drink because they so rarely see me in the day.

They were looking forward to ogling my girl and of course demanded to know at what point she would be coming to the bar. She did not get off work until 8:30, so I had time.

The day tender asked me to stock beer and wash glasses, which I happily did in exchange for free drinks, although the beer stocking was a dangerous undertaking as I was made to carry 3 cases while 3 sheets to the wind.

Upon my girl's arrival I was drunk and horny, ogling her just as much as the elderly Viagra spokesmen surrounding me. Shortly thereafter a new guy seemed to be hitting on her right in front of me and I politely introduced myself and privately asked her where she knew him from. Upon learning that he had previously wanted to date her, I kindly told him that she still didn't want to date him and that he should get the fuck out of my bar. He gave me a rather impolite look and went to confer with his huge friend, who gave me a dirty look whilst I returned a drunken sneer. My friends advanced to my side and violence was thus averted.

After signing my $50 tab I was returned home and did not remember any of this until I was reminded of it whilst watching the Super Bowl the next day. All in all, a good Saturday.

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