One Damned Fine Day...

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Dave Cook
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Nov 11, 2006 2:52 pm
Location: Sagamore Hills Ohio

One Damned Fine Day...

Post by Dave Cook »

we went to the bar, the C-Saw it was called, in its heyday boasting an assortment of scruffy and occasionally dangerous folks. hell, it was a sort of united nations of the warped ill and criminal element, we went there to see if anyone had any grass or something going on, what the hell, there was always good old beer if we could find anybody with money, things were as usual not going particularly well, our cup wasn't overflowing with love or anything and hungry a person can handle but sobe r is a cruel mistress indeed.
no sense in asking for credit, annie knew we were poor credit risks and we were lucky to be in the place at all, you can only nurse a beer for so long and then that was all she wrote, breadwise....down and out we go...another day in fucking paradise....the air had that cold brittle chill that whispered little intimacies through your hair, winter was closing in and then all the little girls would be back in school, lonely days indeed, the street buttons itself up like an old bag lady, and icy sidewalks are filled with people going places, no fun, no hangers on and nobody to play with save the few hard cases with no place to go and all the time in the world to get there....crummy and harsh, the wind whistles a mocking tune into my ear, straight up from the lake and across the cemetery, leaves scuttling like tight brown crabs across the streets and sidewalks, your collar turned up against the chill and gray the sky a sullen dark and the mocking wind promising more and worse and all too soon...suddenly moving south with the geese seems like a good idea but like all good ideas inertia stomps them flat and is a restraining hand on your chest and heart and you know you're not gonna go anywhere but right here, shit, ya might die here, and that doesn't sound too bad, not really, but just about then, here comes my pal scott, a true friend and one who still liked me for myself, i never could understand why i just guess it was due to some major character flaw he had but this particular angel could have a harelip and three eyes, he also liked me and also always had money. things are looking up....packing into his car glorious music and warmth simply overwhelming like a mother's caress and a grateful tug at his bottle of jack another and better warmth filling me and eyeburning relief, tonight things will be okay.
Do something FUN every day, without fail. Laugh a lot, the world loves a happy drunk!

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