Kitty Kiernan's - Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Where you like to get loaded, and why.

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Kitty Kiernan's - Bay Ridge, Brooklyn

Post by BelligerentDrunk »

Not sure if there are any Brooklynites here, but I'll fill you in on one of my favorite bars. Kitty Kiernan's is a great bar in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn NY. The drinks are a little on the pricey side, but man oh man, the atmosphere is great and the beer selection is excellent. While it's not the best in terms of its selection, I have to say that it's the best as a WELL ROUNDED bar. Many bars, nowadays, lack one or the other, but the combo of good people and good drinks is hard to pass up. To top it off, the Yanks are always playing, so that makes me a happy camper. :)

The only flaw Kitty's has is that they don't have a food menu. However, everything else makes up for that. Smith's bar and grill would have been a clear favorite if they hadn't changed their menu and altered the bar's image. It used to be VERY Irish and now it's gotten very preppy. :(
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