which spirits taste better when you filter them?

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which spirits taste better when you filter them?

Post by Drednik »

What tje fuck does bouban taste like filtered. The stuff I can afford has brown sludge at the bottom Im sure thats a part of the reaon i stick to scotch.

I have been told vodka gets better filtered and also wine... not sure about the wine thing tho.

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Re: which spirits taste better when you filter them?

Post by Chimneyfish »

Is this a joke?

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Re: which spirits taste better when you filter them?

Post by Negromancer »

I've head cheap vodka can taste smoother if filtered.

I've used coffee filters when I infused moonshine. The clear and original moonshine before infusion tasted medicinal, I got rid of it with the herbs, but it got much smoother with a few rounds in the filter. If you got all sorts of gush and oils floating around in it, then it might do the trick.
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Re: which spirits taste better when you filter them?

Post by cloud8 »

There was a discussion on filtering a few years ago.
http://www.drunkard.com/bbs/viewtopic.p ... lit=filter

The filter of choice seems to be

Word is that the Gray Kangaroo does filter out traces of methanol and other impurites, thus improving cheap vodka.
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Re: which spirits taste better when you filter them?

Post by Resident Asshole »

My friend bought one of those Kangaroo filters and we did a taste-test. We compared 5 o clock vodka to Grey Goose and compared Ten High before and after filtering.

We did several comparisons, I believe at 1x filtering, 3x and 5x. Both the Ten High and the 5 o clock got smoother with filtering. The Ten High also lost some of its color, leading me to believe that it has food coloring in it because it's not true whiskey, but a blend of whiskey and grain alcohol. I don't know if the filter can take out sulfites but if it can it would make wine better also.
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