Livermore Chapter 1 Book 2 - has drinking in it

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Livermore Chapter 1 Book 2 - has drinking in it

Post by ChazzKorvex »

Cheers enjoy ;)

Chapter I – The Plan
His face appears in the shadows. He whispers: “Now its my time to experiment”
Her face appears in the shadows. She whispers: “Now its my time to abuse someone”
They have been patiently waiting for this. This moment. This is their first time. These are their first Victims.
Preston & Della
Walker & Tammy
Fog Twirls around him and it seems to chant…….
The swarming swarmers stand, the swarming swarmers swarm The swarmers swarm till there’s nothing left to swarm…
Fog Twirls around her and it seems to chant
The swarming swarmers stand, the swarming swarmers swarm….The swarmers swarm till there’s nothing left to swarm…
This night is perfect
The Cabin is lit up. The darkness seems to cuddle with it. The creek behind the outhouse makes its soothing sound. Theres nothing like the sound of water over rocks in harmony with the crackle of wood burning in a fireplace. This would have been an otherwise peaceful night for the cabins occupants. If it wasn’t for the serial killer couple planning the deaths of their new victims.
The vacationers in the cabin have been saving up for the past year. It was time to let go and relax. To finally feel freedom away from their stressful jobs. This was supposed to be the best week of the year- This week was the week geared toward relaxing. All play and NO WORK!
The Following Morning
Boys will be boys. Preston is about to share his first official plan of the week with Walker. He has decided even though he loves his wife he wants to see Tammy and Ambers boobies. He has been thinking about this since he woke up with his erection. Hes not sure if its the clean fresh air that’s making him feel frisky or the way Amber seems to prance around and jiggle them boobies of hers.
Prestons morning wood has been thinking for him all day. He just cant get the boobies out of his head. He knows he just cant come out and say “HEY Can I see your boobies” he will be slapped. He needs a plan and he needs his buddy walker to help with this. Walker is married to Tammy BUT Amber on the other hand is single and she was a stripper to get through collage. She graduated to become a nurse. Not sure whats hotter – a hot stripper or a hot nurse. He continues with his fantasy and walks toward his friend Walker leaning against a tree beside the outhouse.
Walker has a plan of his own. Its more detailed and not as primitive as Prestons. He wants to invite Amber for a threesome. He has also been thinking with his morning woody. He brought his tent and his plan of the week is to sleep in the tent with his wife and somehow invite Amber in to play.
Hes not really sure how to do this. Would his wife get angry? Would Amber get angry? Is it worth the trouble? HELL YEA Its worth it – He laughs to himself. He knows drinking may help. What if – he thinks to himself – what if I run into town and get some beers and coolers. Ill tell Tammy I want to be romantic in the tent and we will set the tent up. Then we will party in the cabin then later we will climb into the tent. If the opportunity to ask about the threesome in the cabin doesn’t present itself. Ill go to plan B – Gotta have a plan B in these situations this is serious stuff- he laughs at himself again. OK plan B Ill take my wife to the tent and get her all horny and wait for Amber to come out – there’s no indoor bathrooms so she will have to use the outhouse. While Amber is in the out house ill ask my wife if we can invite Amber to play. If Tammy gets mad ill blame the beer. Ill also explain I mostly just want to watch – oh that would be soooo hot.
As Walker is leaning against a tree in fantasy land. smirking to himself. Preston comes up behind him. Preston practically scares the piss out of him – Walker came out to urinate but decided to lean against the tree to have some privacy and form his plan.
Hey Bro not to interrupt your zone-out time but I have a Plan Preston says noticing he scared the crap out of his buddy and Preston is the type to love seeing people startled by him – he after all is a football player.
What? Walker says with an attitude from getting snapped out of his wonderful fantasy.
Dude I have a plan and YOUR gonna love it Preston says and dude quit with the attitude we are camping and supposed to be enjoying ourselves
Preston is your typical Jock – works out all the time. Takes vitamins and has a big glass of milk after supper.
A plan bro? Walker says to his buddy like hes full of shit
Walker is the typical brainiac – Hes a collage grad – Preston is one of his best friends. They grew up together. Yes they are opposites and very competitive.
Preston says unloading his plan on Walker – Dude I gotta see Amber’s boobies I just gotta see them! Preston shakes his head and says you need to stop with the attitude bro I will make you look stupid this trip.
Walker changes his tune and says I seen her at the strip club back in the day he gets a big smile on his face Your right you gotta see them Preston. They are so firm and juicy and oh man You should have come with me instead of football practice dumb-ass – You better have a good plan because your going to piss your wife off and Amber.
Dude I know it bro – I gotta a plan preston says all excited – A good one. What do ya think of a little strip poker? The girls will be naked quicker then shit
That seems like a good idea but I really dont know how to play poker let alone strip poker Walker says a little nervous. His voice even cracks when he says it.
Dude me either Preston says and puts his hand on Walkers shoulder – but their chicks bro and ya know they dont know shit about poker.
Just then Amber comes out of the outhouse. The 2 guys look at each other. Thinking – Did she her us?
The outhouse door flings open – what are you two talkin about Amber says with sparkle in her eye.
Walker thinks to himself. I have to say something. If she heard then my wife will think I’m a perv and ill be in deep shit. That will really fuck up my threesome fantasy – I cant have that. All the planning -. If she didn’t hear – Ill look like a hero. Then my threesome fantasy might be easier. Is this a plan C – He almost laughs but instead he just blurts out.
Preston here the big jock perv that he is Walker says all cocky hes thinking with the wrong muscle this trip – I told him Amber- you work out everyday – your a health nut just fuckin chop some wood THAT’S what your built for…… He um thinks he can see your boobies by us playing strip poker. What a jerk off huh? I told him forget about it – Typical jock
Prestons’ face turns beat red – hes embarrassed and pissed at the sometime. He thinks to himself – why the fuck would my best bud squeal on me? I should punch him in the face – My chances of seeing boobies are zero now – there’s nothing to lose.
Little did they know Amber use to be the poker girl at the casino. She was the big Fishes good luck charm. She learned alot – She knows about the 5 main cheater rules to poker. She knows that with knowing these rules – The chances to win are VERY high. At the casino - guys have gotten their knees broken and their faces re-arranged with these tricks but no worries about that here.
Just before Preston cocks his arm back to re-arrange his buddy’s face. Amber says something shocking.
Forget about it Amber says while pushing her long hair over her shoulder mmmm WHY that’s soooo hot I bet Della and Tammy have nice boobies – Ill tell the girls and get this party started. Good idea Preston Amber says. Every once in a while I guess the Jock has better ideas then the computer geek.
The boys have the look of shock. Did she just say- Yes their minds cannot believe it so they just stand there with their blank stares while their minds are overloaded with dirty thoughts.
Amber jogs giggling toward the cabin making her boobies bounce – She makes sure to turn to wave so they can see her boobs bouncing. She turns and see’s their jaws drop and thinks she sees some drool come out of Walkers mouth.
She gets to the cabin giggling.
Hey Lady’s the boys have a big plan to see our boobies by playing strip poker Amber shouts to her girlfriends.
They both look at her VERY angry. Almost at once they start toward the door. They are about to rip their Hubby’s a new A-hole.
That motherfucker Preston ALWAYS thinking with his wrong muscle Della says in frustration.
That sounds like a Preston idea Tammy says with a snarl.
Oh DON’T you dare think your hubby Walkers such a goody goody Della says – You know while Preston was working hard at football practice Walker was at the strip club lookin’ at…..
WAIT! Amber shouts just in time I have a plan!
Amber cut that off just in time. Della must have forgot that Tammy didn’t know about her and walker and the strip club. She just needed the cash for next semesters text books- So she took it. She should have just asked Tammy and borrowed the money but after some drinking – well it seemed fun at the time. Even though Tammy didn’t know anything – Della didn’t know all the details – she didn’t want THAT can of worms opened on this trip.
The girls turn their angry gaze toward Amber – She is the new Target. She better say something good. Tammy has heard rumors about her hubby
They don’t know shit about poker do they Amber says with a ton of confidence?
Amber smartly changes the subject – She didn’t want to be involved in this kind of threesome – cat fights can be so violent.
No I don’t think Preston has played much poker Della says puzzled
I don’t think walker has either Tammy interjects
I know they don’t know much about the game Amber says They said so while I was listening to their boobie conversation while I was in the outhouse – Well Ladys I need to share something with you Amber says in a whisper - I was the good luck charm at the casino – I know the 5 cheater rules -Ill teach you these rules and then we will have the last laugh.
Little does everyone know. There is another couple in these woods.
Pure evil has a plan of its own. A plan that will go down in history as one of the most gruesome serial killer acts ever written.

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