Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

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Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by OtisCampbell »

I was just speaking to an old college buddy who reminded me of a funny story. I once got totally hammered in a semi-strip club packed with people. I gave my credit card to the bartender and told him I wanted to buy everyone a drink. There were a couple of hundred people there. Well, my credit card was declined in advance (whew!!!). As my friend tells it, I got angry and went outside to use the payphone (pre-cell phone days) to call AmEx to let them have it. I lost my equilibrium and began swinging back and forth holding the receiver. Some big cop grabbed a hold of me to keep me from falling to the pavement. He yelled, "Whose is he???" My friends said I was with them. He fireman carried me to their car and we went home. All of us drunk.

Anyway, have the cops ever been cool to you while you were drunk?
Pipe down, Otis!!!!

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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Frankennietzsche »

There was me and two punk rock chicks riding around in my 1981 Chevette. It was 1988 or 89 and we had just been to a show at Tewligin's, Volcano Suns, maybe. We had a bottle of Wild Irish Rose or Nighttrain and they had just smoked a joint. We got pulled over by the St Matthews police. I had forgotten to turn my lights on and had gotten pulled over. They questioned us, found the wine, poured it out and told us to go on our way.
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

Yeah cops were cooler back in the 70 - 80's when they could go on their own judgement. They let me off a few times.
One famous quote from my buddy as I explained to him how lucky we were to be driving away from the police: "They took our last four beers!"
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Bur »

Well despite falling over and cops checking on me several million times etc. I've never been drunk tanked and I think I've gotten a ride home once or twice as well. They were going to that direction anyhow but hey it's the thought that matters!

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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by TheBigCasino »

They're nice to me all the time.
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Jollyroger1210 »

I've never had a cop, uniformed or undercover, treat me with an ounce of respect at any point in my entire life drunk or not while they were on duty. Off-duty, however, I know a few cops who are actually >90% human. Shot my first gun with one of them. Taught that tin can who was at the top of the food chain...
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by BeerMakesMeSmart »

TheBigCasino wrote:They're nice to me all the time.
I bet! Are they monitoring all posts by black guys in Arizona?
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by WolfOfTheWest »

I pissed on a cop car once by accident, while the cops were still in it... They wanted my name. I gave them a fake one. Then I went home.

Still can't quite believe it. Guess I can be pretty intimidating!
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Rooster »

Casino is an asshole when he's drunk, and I'm drunk. He turned me out of bed at least once. He said something about a stop'n'frisk.

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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Jiggers McCoy »

In my stupider days (college) there were two instances where I probably should have been arrested but, for whatever reason, the peace officers on hand went about other business. I didn't interact with them directly, but they just chose to move along.

One was field party when I was underage. My bros had fed me most of a handle of Canadian Mist. I passed out on the ground for awhile and then they hefted me onto my feet when it was time to go home. On the way back to the car, we passed a cruiser heading the other way to bust up the party. My bros told me to be cool, but I guess I thought they meant "be funny" so I sprawled onto a car we were near and gave it a big hug. The cruiser stopped, but then mercifully continued on. Guess he saw that I had people with me and there were bigger fish to fry.

The other was after I had had several rounds at a local brewpub. I got into my car to drive home (again, stupid) and noticed a cop car following close behind and matching me turn for turn, even as I left the downtown area and got into the more residential parts. I could feel he was waiting for me to fuck up, so I pulled into a Blockbuster parking lot and perused DVDs for a bit. He didn't follow me and went on his merry way.
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Crystal »

TheBigCasino wrote:They're nice to me all the time.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Crystal »

Not necessarily nice, but not getting busted is pretty great. There were 5 of us drinking in my friend Hutch's car in a movie theatre parking lot at about 2am (no movies playing), and we were 18. Cops pull up right behind us, ask to see our IDs, and see we are too young to be drinking. They took our remaining beers, told us to pour them out in front of them, and then throw away the empties in the trash. Then they just left.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by stinie »

Casino was quite nice when mori and I hosted him at our apartment. That classy bastard even got me a glass of water (and insisted I drink it before passing out).

Other than that, I've been a DD before and found the cops who stopped me at the checkpoint to be quite friendly. My car was full of drunk people, but I was undrunk and in a very cleavage-friendly dress, so the stop went fairly smoothly.

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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by TheBigCasino »

That was one of the greatest drinking experiences of my life. I think of it often.

there are people who you may never meet, that know who you guys are, because I told them of that experience.
there are bars out here where your money is no good, because I told 'em about how great drinking out in MO was.

There are some days that are just perfect, thanks again.
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Re: Were any Cops ever Nice to You while You were Drunk?

Post by Judge »

I had a cop say to me one time in Rochester at 8 in the morning, "did you remember me making you drink water last night?" Apparently I needing tending to. He also brought me food in order to get my heart restarted.

Or was that a teacher from the Bronx? I can't (obviously) remember.
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