Fdoosey wins the contest! And the answers.

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Fdoosey wins the contest! And the answers.

Post by Modern Drunkard »

Congratulations to fdoosey for his lightening quick response.

1.) Which hard core prohibitionist is featured on U.S. currency?
Susan B. Anthony was not only a sufrragette, but also a hatchet wielding barrel buster. That’s why the bartender squinches up his face when you pay for a drink with her ugly mug.

2.) Why is there a bat on bottles of Bacardi?
Bats would get drunk and pass in the rum vats. And drown. They lived in the rafters of the distillery and apparently developed a taste for the stuff. I feel fairly confident in saying half this board would suffer the same fate, given simular circumstances.

3.) According to the 2002 survey by Bartender Magazine, which group are the worse tippers?
Senior citizens. After keeping a death grip on the number one and two spots for years, doctors and lawyers were dethroned this year by novices, old folks and foreigners. Rounding out the top ten of tightwads: 2) 21-24 year olds 3) Canadians/Europeans 4) Teachers 5) Lawyers 6) Women 7) Doctors 8.) Computer Geeks 9) Bankers 10) Pipe Smokers.

4.) Who was not once a bartender:
A. Chevy Chase
B. Bill Cosby
C. Kris Kristofferson
D. Sandra Bullock
E. Helen Hunt
E. Helen Hunt. Hah! Would you want her mixing your Rob Roy?

5.) When your Sambuca is served con la mosca, what is put in your glass?
Coffee beans. Now, that’s how you make java.

Thanks for playing, we'll do this again next month.

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Post by thirsty4beer »

nice one, fdoosey.

be sure to let us know what you got in that mystery flask :wink:

Mmmmmmmmm.......mystery liquid
mine's a pint

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Post by fdoosey »

To quote Kodos from the Simpsons, "Holy flurking schnitt!"

Or Stewie from Family Guy, "Victory is mine!"

:D :D

I just emailed MDM my address...I neglected to do so earlier. Hopefully that doesn't mean I have to fly to Denver to pick it all up. Heh.

Of course, I will give a report on the contents of said "mystery flask" provided it's not liquid VX nerve agent. I should be able to survive anything else.

methfront: the man who wanted to steal a shopping cart of bowling balls and drop them from the back of a car down route 36 doesn't want to sow bitterness
fdoosey: No, he just wanted to have fun with a shopping cart of bowling balls.

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Post by zin »

Congratulations fdoosey!

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Post by Palinka (RIP) »

Well done, my man. Much kudos to you. Wear your new accoutrements with pride.
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Post by fdoosey »

I shall, as long as it fits. If not, I will lose weight for the sole purpose of fitting in them. Although I expect my head isn't that fat. It's everything below the head that's big.

methfront: the man who wanted to steal a shopping cart of bowling balls and drop them from the back of a car down route 36 doesn't want to sow bitterness
fdoosey: No, he just wanted to have fun with a shopping cart of bowling balls.

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Post by WmBurroughs »

Nothing wrong with being a big fellow. Someof our finest historical figures were. Congratulations. good to be a winner.
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I have since 1975

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Post by Combat Rock »

Yeah, congrats!! I was hoping it was one of the "regulars" here!!!
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"I drank one and it turned to four. On the floor and I drank more. Now I'm never seeing you again!"

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FUCKIN SMART ARSE :wink: Congrats my friend, wear them with pride. If you have any probs identifing, the mystery liquid, send it ot me. I will give it a damn good shot :twisted:
beer, wine,voddie it don't get any better.

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Post by UnkleLemmy »

I got 4 outa 5 right. I actually put Abraham Lincoln for number 1. I think that should count. Try this authentic Lincoln quote on for size:

"Whether or not the world would be vastly benefited by a total banishment from it of all intoxicating drinks seems not now an open question. Three-fourths of mankind confess the affirmative with their tongues, and I believe all the rest acknowledge it in their hearts"

They don't teach you that one in school, do they?
Savage: "Unkle Lemmy looks just like his avatar, and that is hawt. Also, he sends me a crate of bourbon every month and for this, when I die, he will inherit my castle in Savagonia, and my 72 virgins. (They are all good boys, and very hard workers.)"

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Post by fdoosey »

Lemmy, I think that wins you some Cynar! ;)

methfront: the man who wanted to steal a shopping cart of bowling balls and drop them from the back of a car down route 36 doesn't want to sow bitterness
fdoosey: No, he just wanted to have fun with a shopping cart of bowling balls.

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One for the Frog
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Post by One for the Frog »

I would like to raise an objection to the survey regarding Q3, folks at the Bartender Magazine definately did not get lost in the details of different kinds of Europeans (placed as the third worse tippers on this Earth). There ARE incredible differences. But, anyway, the question was not about that.

Congratulations, Your Second Ten Feet Tall Majesty!
May the liquor be with You.

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Post by bella »

me loves the voddie

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Post by Chelsea40oz »

Three cheers for fdoosy!
Hah ha. The question that stumped me was the worst tippers... :x I've encountered more than my fair share of those shady characters. From just about every walk of life, but most particularly those that ranked in the poll. Yes.

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Post by fdoosey »

Well, if I may be so honest...it's not that I had all this information locked inside my melon, although it is a veritable goldmine of useless information (save for the beer knowledge and stuff required for work and a happy married life). I just knew where to dig.

Even though MDM never specifically stated it, I won't attempt any more contests for a year. I'm not saying I'd win every month, or even again. But I won once, and now it's someone else's turn.

Unless they're giving away some rare single malt. Then to hell with honor.


methfront: the man who wanted to steal a shopping cart of bowling balls and drop them from the back of a car down route 36 doesn't want to sow bitterness
fdoosey: No, he just wanted to have fun with a shopping cart of bowling balls.

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