Drinking Games - Post them here!

A forum to post your thoughts about the art and beauty of getting loaded.

Moderators: Oggar, Badfellow, Mr Boozificator, Artful Drunktective, mistah willies, NYDingbat, oettinger, Judge

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Hooching Like Hemingway
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Post by Sixpack595 »


Last time I played this game I knocked a chick up. Go directly to the Friend of the Court. Ddo not pass go. Give the whore $200.
"Finally, this board was never meant to be a soap opera where people should funnel their emotions and social lives into, it was never meant to be a substitute for drinking and interacting with other drunks at bars." Modern Drunkard

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Post by treetop »

i'm still trying to make it through a single game of mr. wu.
i try but the office scene knocks me back on my heels every time.
it's all good in the woods, nobody hears me when i scream.

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Post by Linkster »

Just watch the Bob Newhart show, everytime they say "Bob" take a shot.

Expressway to the Island at its finest.
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Drinking Games

Post by Oggar »

I have aways eschewed the drinking game as a way of geting people who don't actually like drinking to do it. Hence, I have played few and know or remember the rules to none. I always say my favorite is a game I made up at a friends party. I called it Circle the Table. The table was filled with alcohol the goal was to go around the table taking one shot from each bottle. The person who made it around the farthest or moost times won. No one else was playing, I made it around 1 1/2 times until I stopped in the Tequila section.... I should have passed the Twquila stage but I was on a kick at the time and decided I had to finish that bottle of Jose...
I can't write like Papa, you know I just ain't able
But if he came in here tonight, I'd drink him under the table -Ronny Elliott

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Post by coqui_chris »

I used to be the same way. I was oft-quoted as saying that my favorite drinking game was "chug the beer." But anymore I seem to find them to be good social interaction. Shit, we're grown-ups now, we can sit indoors, and we can laugh and carry on. Beer-pong and flip-cup are always good catalysts for boasting and carrying on, and who's to say that any games that draw the ladies and encourage them to step up their intake are bad things? They've been known to foster a young drunkard or two.
"To avoid criticism: Do nothing, Say nothing, Be nothing" - Fred Shero

"You hear players, media people say it's tough to play in Philly in front of these fans. To those people, I say, you didn't have the guts to succeed here." - John Kruk

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Post by Crystal »

I love drinking games. I've always been a fan of games in general though. I've also always been a fan of drinking.
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Post by & »

back in the day, we used to play 'asshole', which is sometimes also known as 'president'. it was very confusing at first, but once we knew what was going on, it was a really fun game.

then there was the jenga drinking game, with different commands printed on each piece. that one was pretty rough.

I gotta say though, I've never drank more during a game than when I played euchre. not really a drinking game, but a game for when you're drinking. I miss the midwest. nobody knows what the hell euchre is around here.

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Post by scooter1979 »

I'm the fucking whip at euchre.

You come up around SE MI, you let me know. We'll work out table-talk before hand.
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Post by trinkard »

Movie, tv etc related is always splendid. Last time i did Commando, drink everytime when someone dies, works everytime!

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Re: Drinking Games

Post by MethFront »

I too look down my nose at drinking games, however I have known some world-class drunkards who seem to enjoy them a great deal. Chris is probably right about such contests being good social interaction, I'm not exactly wired for sociability. I am enheartened to see that I am not the only person who sees these activities as crutches for those who do not drink for its own sake.
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Re: Drinking Games

Post by trinkard »

Games usually suck...

but... games are really about team spirit!

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Post by ThirstyDrunk »

Yeah, I played alot of drinking games in my late teens- early twenties.
I got really good at quarters. We even played the t.v./movie games (Hi Bob was a favorite). It was fun as it usually did get the light/casual drinkers smashed along with everyone else.
As time went by it got less fun because it seemed that the game couldn't keep up with my normal consumption. When most of the crowd was babbling, slobbering, stumbling, and puking I was just kicking into high gear, so a buddy or two and myself would end up killing all the beer/booze left at the party.
Now it seems that if we do actually need something more we play card games or darts, or foosball, or whatever while we're drinking. Normally though it's just sitting around shooting the bull and proceeding to get beached on our own terms.

p.s. - Amp I would trump your ass at euchre
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Post by coqui_chris »

You know what's a good game, The Name Game.

A good memory of this for me was when I went to Vermont last March. We had a cabin maybe 20 minutes from Killington with an outdoors hottub. We left the cases right next to the outside of the tub and sat inside of it, sipping the beers and enjoying the serenity of the woods at nighttime playing this game. I became so engrossed in the act of trying to get the names with the double-initials.
"To avoid criticism: Do nothing, Say nothing, Be nothing" - Fred Shero

"You hear players, media people say it's tough to play in Philly in front of these fans. To those people, I say, you didn't have the guts to succeed here." - John Kruk

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Post by Badfellow »

Deadwood. Cocksucker. 'Nuff said.

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Mallory Knox
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Post by Mallory Knox »

Edward Forty-Hands...
What a hoot.
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