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Post by Bluespook »

9/11 happened in what is essentially NYD's back yard. Her father was a retired NYFD, she grew up with these guys, knew alot of them and went to alot of funerals for fallen firefighters. She has alot of friends in the NYPD, i've met many myself, good guys. I know you may think 9/11 is a knee jerk response for her, but it is perhaps more personal for her than the rest of us that watched it on tv.[/quote]

Being from NYC, it happened in my backyard too, and I lost friends that day and went to funerals as well. One thing we all need to realize, is that NY'ers don't have any more claim to 9/11 than any one else in the country, whether some kid living in living in Cali and someone woke 'em up at 5am tellin' 'em a planes crashed into the WTC, or whether you've got friends and neighbors who aren't coming home anymore. It wasn't just personal for us as New Yorkers, it was/is personal for all of us. We all got hit that day.[/quote]

We all got hit that day, no disagreement there. I didn't know anyone who died though. I felt it the same as anyone else, but i didn't know anyone personally. You did, as did NYD. That's all i'm saying. Smacked us all between the eyes, but nobody who died i went to high school with. Nobody who died was my neighbor i rode the bus with. Nobody i used to date or have dinner at their mother's home. It hit us all, some more than others.
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Post by Smatter Noguts »

coqui_chris wrote:
Chimneyfish wrote:
grippingthewheel wrote:Sidetracked, sorry. As NYDingbat stated in her first post, "9/11". Right then. Carry on.
To be fair though, shouting "racist!" has become to the left what "9/11!" was to the right.
It doesn't get too much more clear-cut racist then actually shouting the n-word at a black congressman.

Like, that IS racism. No ifs, ends or buts.

Andrew Breitbart has offered 100k to anyone that can come up with that on an audio clip, I'm betting his money is safe; no takers so far.

This is like the nooses sprouting up a few months ago; turns out the victims were the perps.

Crying about racism is a standard asshole leftist agitprop tactic, Mr. Registered Republican.

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Post by Chimneyfish »

TheBigCasino wrote:So you think they made it up out of the blue?
Yes, I think a politician lied. It probably wasn't completely out of the blue though. A couple guys had their camera phones recording the entire time like they were almost hoping for a YouTube incident. For some reason they didn't make the video they recorded public though. It'd seem to be a quick and easy way to prove they weren't lying about protesters "chanting the n-word."

I don't have any interest in defending the Tea Party. I'm not associated with them and they're irrelevant to my criticism of socialized health care. I'm just amazed at how low the media will stoop with some of these things. It's getting completely insane. For example, a couple days ago the New York Times printed:

"A woman (Nancy Pelosi) pushed the health care bill through the House. The bill’s most visible and vocal proponents included a gay man (Barney Frank) and a Jew (Anthony Weiner). And the black man in the White House signed the bill into law. It’s enough to make a good old boy go crazy. Hence their anger and frustration, which is playing out in ways large and small."

The reality is that conservatives and libertarians have always opposed social programs- forever. Everybody knows this. I don't know why any media source (who are supposed to keep a critical eye on our leaders) would want to perpetuate this far-fetched idea that, if you're opposed to any of Obama's policies or opposed to spending money we don't have, then you're probably just a racist. It's crazy. Just as crazy as when some conservatives were claiming that people who were opposed to the war in Iraq had "forgotten 9/11."

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Post by felinamojokitty »

in this day and age and all the media/cameras, etc. there would be some sort of documentation or proof

as far as spitting..i remember as a kid the taunt 'say it don't spray it' if that guy was close enough yelling at the top of his lungs maybe a bit o spittle.. if someone wants to 'spit' they will do a proper hock of the loogie.

politicians lie? say it ain';t so chimneyfish!!

*disclimer...a lie repeated enough will be thought of as the truth especially if befittng to ones' agenda/beliefs.

what ever happened to that female left wing nutjob professor who shot people and had a record of violence before?

oh yeah not extensively reported on..
nor the muslim(s?) who killed 2 army recruiters in AK

selective journalism prevails..critical thinking minds must going forward..

saul allinsky is not the way practical america thinks.

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Post by Chimneyfish »

Chimneyfish wrote:It's getting completely insane.
No sooner than I can post that, it gets more insane: House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn: Republican members of congress who opposed the health care bill are "aiding and abetting terrorism."

I mean come on. Where are Jon Stewart and SNL making fun of these people?

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Post by TheBigCasino »

felinamojokitty wrote:in this day and age and all the media/cameras, etc. there would be some sort of documentation or proof
How do you know? I mean, how do you actually know? So, if it's not on tape, it didn't happen?
what ever happened to that female left wing nutjob professor who shot people and had a record of violence before?
what does this have to do with health care? and what does her possible political affiliation have to do with anything? Are you implying the media isn't following her because she's possibly left wing? Gimme a break, they also aren't reporting anything on the possible right wing nut that killed eight people and shot down a police helicopter. I haven't heard anything on him in months. What's your point here?
BMMS is wrong.

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Post by TheBigCasino »

Chimneyfish wrote:
TheBigCasino wrote:So you think they made it up out of the blue?
Yes, I think a politician lied. It probably wasn't completely out of the blue though. A couple guys had their camera phones recording the entire time like they were almost hoping for a YouTube incident. For some reason they didn't make the video they recorded public though. It'd seem to be a quick and easy way to prove they weren't lying about protesters "chanting the n-word."

I don't have any interest in defending the Tea Party. I'm not associated with them and they're irrelevant to my criticism of socialized health care. I'm just amazed at how low the media will stoop with some of these things. It's getting completely insane. For example, a couple days ago the New York Times printed:

"A woman (Nancy Pelosi) pushed the health care bill through the House. The bill’s most visible and vocal proponents included a gay man (Barney Frank) and a Jew (Anthony Weiner). And the black man in the White House signed the bill into law. It’s enough to make a good old boy go crazy. Hence their anger and frustration, which is playing out in ways large and small."

The reality is that conservatives and libertarians have always opposed social programs- forever. Everybody knows this. I don't know why any media source (who are supposed to keep a critical eye on our leaders) would want to perpetuate this far-fetched idea that, if you're opposed to any of Obama's policies or opposed to spending money we don't have, then you're probably just a racist. It's crazy. Just as crazy as when some conservatives were claiming that people who were opposed to the war in Iraq had "forgotten 9/11."
That, I happen to agree with.
BMMS is wrong.

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Post by TheBigCasino »

I'm guessing that if the Representative had lied ( which I'm not sure he did ) about the whole thing, that would shoot holes in the other theory running around here that the knuckleheads yelling were plants by the Democratic party.
BMMS is wrong.

LoJ 917


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Post by felinamojokitty »

TheBigCasino wrote:
felinamojokitty wrote:in this day and age and all the media/cameras, etc. there would be some sort of documentation or proof
How do you know? I mean, how do you actually know? So, if it's not on tape, it didn't happen?
what ever happened to that female left wing nutjob professor who shot people and had a record of violence before?
what does this have to do with health care? and what does her possible political affiliation have to do with anything? Are you implying the media isn't following her because she's possibly left wing? Gimme a break, they also aren't reporting anything on the possible right wing nut that killed eight people and shot down a police helicopter. I haven't heard anything on him in months. What's your point here?
my dear casino no one will ever really know and the point about the female professor, etc. is that it was never extensively reported in MSM and she was an obsessive liberal supporter of the president. that is a fact.

pertaining to healthcare and the rash of threats etc. it does matter as there is clearly a slant on supposed 'right wing' tea-party organization.

the point pertains to the selective media coverage. and i have not heard of the 'possible' (?) right wing nut..possible does not mean probable..i would like to know more.
that is an assumption that the media and government seems to push. joe stack was a liberal upset with the government yet the media tried to tie him in with the 'right wing'
tea party group ..something is amiss.

bottom line there is a divisive pot brewing and i do believe it is being fueled by media sensation and propaganda. I pray people do not succumb to this civil anger/unrest and act out yet there will be fring whackos on all sides of the spectrum.

I am really interested in your opinion input Casino as a law enforcer..i know the county sheriff has many powers and can exert them over government mandates.
please correct me if that is not right.

you are out there everyday and see the reality and take risks and hear the rumblings on the street.
Last edited by felinamojokitty on Mon Mar 29, 2010 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by TheBigCasino »

felinamojokitty wrote: my dear casino no one will ever know..and the point about the female professor, etc. is that it is never extensively reported in MSM and she was an obsessive liberal supporter of the president. that is a fact.
her being a nutcase has absolutely nothing to do with her political affiliation, yet, you brought it up - as if she received some kind of selective treatment by the media.
pertaining to healthcare and the rash of threats etc. it does matter as there is clearly a slant on supposed 'right wing' tea-party organization.
Wouldn't that depend on what news you're watching, I mean, we all know Fox news is completely absent of bias, right?
the point pertains to the selective media coverage. and i have not heard of the 'possible' (?) right wing nut..possible does not mean probable..i would like to know more. ... sted_a.php

Weapons all over the place, expert marksman, a range on his property, body armor, you tell me, left wing or right wing? whatever you think - in the end, it doesn't matter, he's fucking nuts. That's all that matters.
I am really interested in your opinion input Casino as a law enforcer..local issues and i know the county sheriff has many powers and can exert them over government mandates.
please correct me if that is not right.
That is correct, to a degree. If he/she abuses their power, they can still be investigated at the federal level whether they like it or not. In that instance, it's pretty much out of the Sheriff's hands.
BMMS is wrong.

LoJ 917


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Post by felinamojokitty »

TheBigCasino wrote:
felinamojokitty wrote: my dear casino no one will ever know..and the point about the female professor, etc. is that it is never extensively reported in MSM and she was an obsessive liberal supporter of the president. that is a fact.
her being a nutcase has absolutely nothing to do with her political affiliation, yet, you brought it up - as if she received some kind of selective treatment by the media.
nuts is was mentioned in small print media..(she was obsessed) if only a blurb..some get more attention than others is all i am saying

pertaining to healthcare and the rash of threats etc. it does matter as there is clearly a slant on supposed 'right wing' tea-party organization.Wouldn't that depend on what news you're watching, I mean, we all know Fox news is completely absent of bias, right?
no, fox news is not the end all in media for conservatives..there is bias and shilling on all networks fox just tempers it a bit to make it appear as it is 'fair and balanced'
alternative news abounds if one chooses to look and decide for themselves and be open to look at sources of information.

the point pertains to the selective media coverage. and i have not heard of the 'possible' (?) right wing nut..possible does not mean probable..i would like to know more. ... sted_a.php

Weapons all over the place, expert marksman, a range on his property, body armor, you tell me, left wing or right wing? whatever you think - in the end, it doesn't matter, he's fucking nuts. That's all that matters.
agreed he was nuts..mentally unstable. building a bomb shelter was probably the reason he was thought as a fringe nut.
I am really interested in your opinion input Casino as a law enforcer..local issues and i know the county sheriff has many powers and can exert them over government mandates.
please correct me if that is not right.

That is correct, to a degree. If he/she abuses their power, they can still be investigated at the federal level whether they like it or not. In that instance, it's pretty much out of the Sheriff's hands.
thanks, that's what i thought.

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Post by coqui_chris »

TheBigCasino wrote:
Chimneyfish wrote:
TheBigCasino wrote:So you think they made it up out of the blue?
Yes, I think a politician lied. It probably wasn't completely out of the blue though. A couple guys had their camera phones recording the entire time like they were almost hoping for a YouTube incident. For some reason they didn't make the video they recorded public though. It'd seem to be a quick and easy way to prove they weren't lying about protesters "chanting the n-word."

I don't have any interest in defending the Tea Party. I'm not associated with them and they're irrelevant to my criticism of socialized health care. I'm just amazed at how low the media will stoop with some of these things. It's getting completely insane. For example, a couple days ago the New York Times printed:

"A woman (Nancy Pelosi) pushed the health care bill through the House. The bill’s most visible and vocal proponents included a gay man (Barney Frank) and a Jew (Anthony Weiner). And the black man in the White House signed the bill into law. It’s enough to make a good old boy go crazy. Hence their anger and frustration, which is playing out in ways large and small."

The reality is that conservatives and libertarians have always opposed social programs- forever. Everybody knows this. I don't know why any media source (who are supposed to keep a critical eye on our leaders) would want to perpetuate this far-fetched idea that, if you're opposed to any of Obama's policies or opposed to spending money we don't have, then you're probably just a racist. It's crazy. Just as crazy as when some conservatives were claiming that people who were opposed to the war in Iraq had "forgotten 9/11."
That, I happen to agree with.
I agree with that, too.

And I don't think they're racist because they oppose health care. Again, I have friends who oppose health care. I have racist friends who oppose health care and it has nothing to do with their racism.

I'm calling them racist because they yelled the N-word.
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Post by Bluespook »

Obama called me a cracka ass cracka once.... it's true, room full of people, press conference actually. Cameras rolling everywhere, hundreds of media, private citizens with cell phones, microphones everywhere to catch his every word. Shit part is, nobody heard it but me and my friends around me, nothing caught on tape, nothing on video. Of course, why would i ever make up something like that, it's true... really it is.... It's not like i have some sort of agenda... some motive for making him look bad... nope, just the honest truth, i made the accusation and i'm sticking to it and if you don't believe me without a shred of evidence... well, i guess you must be a racist.
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Post by Judge »

I can't tell if this is FoxNation or Huffington Post.
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