Drunk By Noon

A forum to post your thoughts about the art and beauty of getting loaded.

Moderators: Oggar, Badfellow, Mr Boozificator, Artful Drunktective, mistah willies, NYDingbat, oettinger, Judge

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Casual Binger
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Re: Drunk By Noon

Post by Casual Binger »

Miklo wrote:Rules, Rules, Rules....Most rules about manliness, and being a gentleman I agree with. However, not having a drink till noon I cannot condone, unless, you dont get out of bed till 11:55am. As posted above, having a champainge breakfest everyday does not take away its specialness. That statement is like saying that getting laid everyday takes away from how good it feels. See, the difference is that all of here are a rare breed. To consume the amount of alcohol we do on a daily basis is truly mans works, and quite frankly not everyone is cut out for it, hence the rule. It makes being manly or a gentleman easier for the faint of heart. Personally, alcohol in the mornings is just as importient as brushing your teeth. Leaving for work with a slight buzzzzz is a simple joy in life, along side with a few nips throuout the day to keep that subtle buzzz alive, but completely undercontrol at all times. You dont want to slur infront of the man. So yes, have your drinks before noon, just dont give the rest of us who can keep it under control a bad name. If however you dont have to go to work, there is nothing wrong with stumbling your drunken self to the taco truck down the street at 11am.
Hey, I wasn't trying to lay any rules on rare breeds. Just saying what works for me. I used to enjoy a breakfast beer every morning before I got married, but my wife doesn't approve, so now I don't. If desiring my wife's approval makes me unmanly, I'm cool with that. I'm not claiming to be some kind of tough guy.

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mistah willies
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Re: Drunk By Noon

Post by mistah willies »

Miklo wrote:... Personally, alcohol in the mornings is just as importient as brushing your teeth. Leaving for work with a slight buzzzzz is a simple joy in life, along side with a few nips throuout the day to keep that subtle buzzz alive, but completely undercontrol at all times.

...If however you dont have to go to work, there is nothing wrong with stumbling your drunken self to the taco truck down the street at 11am.

Damn fine post, the whole of it.

But these gems, well, they are the language of the Modern Drunkard.

Fuck yes.

Ya know, if one is lucky enough to have found someone who will put up with the likes of a proepr Drunkard, then wipe them boots off after debarking from the boat and keep her happy.

Nothing wroing with that young sailor.

Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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King Cockeyed
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Re: Drunk By Noon

Post by booznik »

Miklo wrote:Rules, Rules, Rules...
Casual Binger wrote: Hey, I wasn't trying to lay any rules on rare breeds. Just saying what works for me...
Can we all just drink along?

(with apologies, CB, since I know you aren't drinking again yet. Soon...)
"Booznik. Smooth, classy and manatee-like." --Bur

"Oh, you've been reading your Sir Kenelm Digby, haven't you? Stick to the mead recipes, especially that of the Mayor of Moscovy. That shizz is SACK!!!" --Badfellow

"Now stop and DRINK! bastards." --mistah willies

"A stand alone place for booze is as essential for a home, as is a bed to sleep on." --Miklo


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King Cockeyed
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Re: Drunk By Noon

Post by booznik »

mistah willies wrote:Ya know, if one is lucky enough to have found someone who will put up with the likes of a proepr Drunkard, then wipe them boots off after debarking from the boat and keep her happy.
There you go again, making me wish for that quote bar of infinite height.

At least there's a quote bar. Never closes, but it only serves quotes.
"Booznik. Smooth, classy and manatee-like." --Bur

"Oh, you've been reading your Sir Kenelm Digby, haven't you? Stick to the mead recipes, especially that of the Mayor of Moscovy. That shizz is SACK!!!" --Badfellow

"Now stop and DRINK! bastards." --mistah willies

"A stand alone place for booze is as essential for a home, as is a bed to sleep on." --Miklo


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Re: Drunk By Noon

Post by DrunkenCatLady »

started drinking at 9am today because why not. Was in the mood for quick serious drunk and boy am I. Not even 11.30 yet. This is so lovely.

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