I need to quit Smoking!

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I need to quit Smoking!

Post by Frankennietzsche »

I know I should probably quit a lot of things that are fun but unhealthy, but the only vice I want to quit is smoking.

I've cut down by half but it doesn't seem to help. Actually, I hack much less when I smoke more.

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Thee Totaller
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Post by Thee Totaller »

curious phenomenon, that; I guess it has to do with the shit coming out of your innards once the passageways begin to clear, but yeah it is really unbearably scratchy and cough-ee when you first set 'em down for an extended period. By the way, how are the NY brethren handling having to go outside--outside THE BAR, for crissakes-- for a smoke?

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Post by fourfingers »

The same as the California drunkards... it sucks ass, but what are we to do? Luckily, my favorite bar, Duffy's, has shunned the whole bar smoking ban and simply lets us smoke, then when the cops come in (I've seen it twice in as many years) the owner takes the blame, no patron gets a citation, the cops leave, we light up again and we all buy a ton of drinks and leave big tips in thanks.

That's one hell of a bar. I can't stand that I'm leaving in a week.

Anyway, as far as quitting smoking... sorry, no help here. I've tried a couple times and I just can't seem to get it to stick.
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Post by fdoosey »

The whole smoking ban has me ticked off, and I am not a regular smoker. I only occasionally have a cigar, never cigarettes, and as such in many places I am not allowed to smoke them.

What kills me is the blatant disregard the prohibitionists have for smokers' rights. We've only know for 40 years, in spite of the tobacco companies' insistence to the contrary, that smoking isn't good for you. Still, it's a legal substance, just like alcohol, and if a bar or restaurant owner wishes to allow smoking, he should. First there were non-smoking sections, but that wasn't enough, no sir. The smoke wafts around in space and it might give someone in East Jabip lung cancer. So now you can only smoke in your car and at home apparently in some places.

If someone doesn't like smoke, go someplace that CHOOSES not to allow it. It should not be forced on all bar owners. If someone wants to smoke, let them. Just becuase someone doesn't like it isn't supposed to mean nobody should do it...but that's what's becoming of America: piss off everyone so you won't offend one.

Maybe I'll start smoking cigars in health food stores just to show 'em!

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Post by Omar The Tentmaker »

fdoosey wrote:Maybe I'll start smoking cigars in health food stores just to show 'em!
right on man
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Post by UnkleLemmy »

This may sound disgusting but I found a easy way to quit smoking: snuff. Not American "dip" or chewing tobacco but the European shit that you snort. About a month ago a bought a container for $2.50 and I haven't bought a pack of smokes since. And I still have over half the tin left! Whenever I feel a cigarette jones coming I just take a little sniff. It looks weird but who cares, I get my nicotine fix. Plus I can do it anywhere I want. No more going outside in cold weather. I still do smoke a cig or two every once in awhile but no I'm down to 1 or 2 a day instead of a pack and a half.
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Post by Combat Rock »

Yeah, I smoke about 1.5 to 2 packs a day (depending on how much I drink) of non-filtered death. It is easy to quit, till I get a few drinks in me. I don't wanna quit drinking, I"d be a total straight-edger then. So, here I am, smoking.
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Post by Barca »

I love the snuff. There's a great cigar store here that has something like twenty different varieties, even different flavos.

Now, if I could only find it in white to fully cover my bad habits.

"No, officer, that's just snuff in my mustache."
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Post by Frankennietzsche »

We were drinking with this guy from the former East Germany and he had mentholated, rasberry snuff. There were four of us: me, two hoosiers and this kraut sitting around this table, passing around this huge litre+ stein and a tin of the snuff. Good times.


Post by Guest »

I like the kind of "snuff" available in Northern Europe. called "snus" here. It's a powder like snuff, only it's slightly damp so you can roll it into a ball and put it under your lip. Looks like sh*t (literally) but at least it doesn't give you lung cancer.


Post by Guest »

yea, snuff won't give you lung cancer, but it will give you mouth and or throat cancer REALLY easily since one dip worth of snuff has as much nicotine and other nasty chemicals as 8 or more cigs.

If you like smoke but don't want the cancer, I'd recommend a pipe or cigar. They can give you the mouth cancer as well, but as long as you only smoke on occasion they chances of it are nill... just don't inhale, or there will be good odds you'll puke from too much nicotine.

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Post by LuckyStrikes »

I dug this one up. I'm bored and I have to stay at work 15 more minutes. Anyway, Frank did you quit?

It was weird smoking outside bars in NY. I think the people that live above them hate it, at one bar they started throwing eggs at us!
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Post by Frankennietzsche »

Nope, not yet. I haven't cut back any, but at least I don't smoke more.


I know

Post by Anonymous »

I know what you mean. Everytime I think I have kicked the habit I end up smoking a pack when I am out on the town.
Drinkin' and smokin just go hand in hand.
They tried to pass a smoking ban down here in Austin. It was defeated somewhat. I cant imagine having to go outside in this blazing heat to enjoy a smoke.

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Post by massivedrunk »

there is one secret to quitting if you truly want to do it, stop smoking. i did it 4 years ago and havent had one since aside from about 10 cigars in that time. just stop if you were meant to quit you will
Still just figuring it all out. Still not really figuring it out.

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