Either the best father or the worst

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Either the best father or the worst

Post by Resident Asshole »

So we have about 12" snowfall today, I think that's 34cm for those opposite the pond but don't feel like pulling out the calc. Wife was sick so played with kid while she slept then buddy came to plow driveway, left for a few to help him, got back and whilst having a couple bevs the child (Piper) managed to grab my drink and almost took a sip. Not sure if I should be proud papa or not, she's not quite 2. No harm, no foul I say. Mayor declared state of emergency no work tomorrow and I have mucho bourbon so Slainte!
Bourbon is my blood.

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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by Bluto »

Everyone still has all of their digits and is still alive with no permanent damage? You're not the worst father ever. Not by a long shot.
I've got two in that age range and there are days I thank the Lord we all go to bed in physical, if not always mental, piece.
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by GSG »

I was 18 months old at my christening and apparently at the party afterwards I happily tottered around sneaking drinks off the tables that people hadn't finished. My Dad also used to let me have a little bit of the beer or wine he was having and my Mum was fine with it despite her being teetotal. I wouldn't worry about it, my parents are great and I'm sure you're doing just fine.
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by Palinka (RIP) »

When children are very young (under 48 to 54 months, or so - obviously, development varies), their tastebuds haven't fully formed and, as a result, they tend to like yeasty and slightly acid flavours more than sweet or umami. This is why is much easier to get toddlers to eat vegetable mush than when they reach their mid to late 2 year's of age. Hence their propensity for thieving unattended beers.
I was somewhat more fortunate in that, as a very poor sleeper (which I still am), my folks would often add brandy to my formula (and when I was teething, they would rub whisky onto my gums (it really does work but these days would probably get you a visit from Child Protection) which gave me a taste for the hard stuff, early on in life - indeed, I am told that at around three or four, I would gulp down any unwatched spirits or drink the drips left in the glasses when the guests were departing - and the child is the father, or mother, of the man, or woman).
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by Miklo »

The Best! Of my three, the oldest is 9 and the youngest is 5. I always let the two of them have a sip of what ever i am drinking. The middle one dosnt even like the smell. However if i am drinking whiskey neat i will only let the little one dip her finger in because the last time she mistakenly took a hudge swig of EW, her face was pricelsess. when i am drinking shell run back to me ever 10 min or so to get a little sip. My rational is that i am taking away the lure of alcohol. drinking is normal, not something you have to sneak around with your friends to be cool. my only question is when is the right age for my oldest to have his own beer. I am thinking when hes 10, or mabey next christmas. any thoughts?
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by Jiggers McCoy »

My folks used to give me sips of their roadies IN THE CAR. Different times, man.
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by beerkegbilly »

I used to take sip from my great uncle shots I miss early times

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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by Savage »

My mom and grandmom used to make iceream grasshoppers. They let me drink them. Also, Tom and Jerrys. Yum good stuff.
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by Savage »

also, whiskey was rubbed on my teething gums. I think it was advice from Dr. Spock. I did the same thing to my little ones.
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Re: Either the best father or the worst

Post by oettinger »

I was always offered the foam from the top of the beer. Then I was allowed to take a sip of white wine mixed with sparkling water. It was just to sour for my taste at the time. I drank fruit stuff back then (my parents wouldn`t allow coke (Ha! Bastarsds) or any other sodas becaus that stuff is REALLY unhealthy!)
But boy can I remember coming downstairs when the parents had a party. The smell of whine, crackers and cigarettes was in the air and I loved it!
Worst thing you can find you ask?
Father passed out in his underwear, lying around in the house, reaking of the bottle of cognac he just finished, while you try to get up for school at 6:30 a.m. At least that fucker was his own boss...

Yeah, this will be me one day!

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