First Time Loaded?

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The Scotsman
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Post by The Scotsman »

Are we talking drunk, or LOADED? The haze has removed all memory of the first time I was drunk. A few friends and myself used to pinch booze from various parents liquor cabinets when we were teens.I'm sure I was drunk for the first time during this period.

My first time being truely shitfaced was after I turned 21. Having the power of purchase I bought a twelver of Killians and a handle of Jack. Yeah, Jack, I didn't know any better at the time. Damn propaganda. Myself, my brother, and my best friend split the whole load. I chipped a tooth as I tried to couerce the last drops from the bottle. We were a bit over zealous and polished it off in about 2 hours. we spent th following hour taking turns puking. Ah sweet memories.

The Scotsman
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Post by The Scotsman »

[quote="GinSoakedGirl"]I wish I could remember the first time I got pissed, but I can't. I can however remember the first time I got drunk with my pal gin. I was 17 and I just remember thinking that it tasted and felt in every way superior to the Smirnoff Ices and very cheap White Lightning cider (or sometimes the even cheaper equivalent) I'd previously been using to get my drunk on. The beautiful thing about this gin was that I didn't feel as if I was using it at all. It wasn't even using me, unlike some manipulative and self-centred beverages that have experimented on me. It was almost as if we had an understanding straight away and we treated each other with respect. I appreciated her complexities, smoothness and attitude and in return she made sure that I got drunk in style. Happy, relaxed and quietly confident that Lady Gin would take good care of me. Sure, occasionally one of us will get cocky and we'll fall out for a bit but she's always there for me and I'll always be here for her. We work well together and I don't want to ruin such a great relationship.[/quote]

I nominate this as an All-Star post. Nice work GSG, a beautiful poem to you lover.

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Post by gthevinoslinger »

1993, labor day weekend

my friend's drunkard mom was out of town; he was a non-drinker, but my friend the frogman wasn't, and i was ready to not be anymore, so we stayed over for the weekend. after dry-guy goes to bed at 11 (wuss), frogman opens the cabinet, explaining the boozes therein. he takes a sip from each; i, being twice his size and new to this, take a guzzle of each afterwards. eventually, all the schnapps being put back into the cabinet, we settled on screwdrivers and tequilla shots. having no limes, we set out to find a suitable replacement. crystal light drink mix powder (lemon lime flavor) is no substitute for limes.

that's the bulk of what i remember. i kept my stomach contents both that night and the next day, so i've got that to be proud of.

on a side note, i hope that that dry-guy's mom is still knocking 'em back with the same wild abandon. it's always good to have role models.
Look at ME! I'm Shakespeare!

"...popped up, into foul territory and out of play. Oh, that ball landed right in a lady's Busch."
-Mike Shannon

I sell Mad Dog, yes I do.

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Post by swingbozo »

I don't remember all the details, but I remember the lowlights.

Koolaid and Black Velvet. It's actually not too bad.

Ziplock baggies filled with the top 1/2 inch of every bottle of booze in the folks liquor cabinet tucked neatly into your sock so you could sneak it into the roller skating rink. Coke and ziplock bag-o-booze.

Good times. Good times.

The "very first time" was when my older brother was having a big party at the house while the folks were gone. I drank four bottles of this stuff called "budweiser" and wondered how anyone could stomach this swill till the inevitable micro-buzz came alone. Luckily my tastes have improved dramatically since then.
Booze is the answer to life's questions.

Gin McGuinness
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Post by Gin McGuinness »

First time drunk? I was 2, yes, that's right 2 yrs-old. My father had his buddies around for a quick game of cards before my mother got home from work (they were supposed to be there to help him overhaul the engine on the car). The card table was too small for their long-neck Buds so they placed them on the floor, by the legs of the table. Guess who was under the table playing? By the time my mother got home, not only did she find 4 drunk out-of-work carpenters turned mechanics in her living room playing cards, but her 2 yr-old staggering around without a diaper, crying and carrying a long-neck under her arm. When they tried to free the bottle from my grasp, I screamed like someone was beating me. My father says that they have no idea how much I drank before it all decided to come back up. Beer was like water after that. Dad never asked me to get him a beer because he knew that I'd drink it before it reached the couch.
"Personally I prefer the buzz between 'all is good and well in the universe with this glass' drunk and 'IM A FUCKING VIKING!' drunk." Impish Boozehound

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Post by Tom »

I was 14 or 15 at my uncle's wedding. I started sneaking champagne and wine. I wish I could say it was a great time, but it really wasn't. I had a few, got pissed off at how bad the DJ was with his corny fuckin' music and decided to go sleep out in the car for a few hours.
Baby, your body is so beautiful I wish I was an artist so I could paint it. As it is, I'll have to settle for taking a picture with my digital camera and selling copies to middle school kids for 5 bucks a piece.

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Post by nicity »

i was 13 at the time me my brother and a 2 girls, we were bored one day and we snuck into the hall where the church would hold banquets and dances and stuff like that, we were there searching through the kitchen we found an onion some garlic and 3 bottles of wine, we didn't care much for the onion and garlic so we started looking for a corkscrew, sat there for a while drank the wine and after a couple of minutes we were caught, all of us got scolded by are parents but i could just remember all of us laughing at the time

good times

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Post by Bigfoot »

I didn't start drinking until a couple of weeks before I turned 21. I know, I should have been sneaking booze like everybody else but for some reason, it never appealed to me until then. It was still a couple of years later before I ever got drunk. I felt a buzz a few times but never drunk. It took quite a bit for me to reach a buzz even at my novice drinking status. I'm 6'5" and weigh about 335 pounds. Anyway back to the first drunk.

I had told my girlfriend at the time, now my wife, many times that I had never been drunk and that she'd never seen me drunk. She didn't believe me because she'd seen me put away quite a bit of booze up to this point. Well, I decide that it's time to get ripped. I start mixing up rum and cokes at about 5 pm from this big ass bottle of cheap rum that we'd had forever. I'm mixing probably 2 to 1 in favor of the rum. About the time I polish off the handle of rum, I'm feeling REALLY good. I've got a good liter plus in me now.

That's when I decide it's time to hit Taco Bell. My girlfriend drives because she has barely had any to drink. We get back home and I get half way through one of my 6 Tacos and I start feeling a rumble... I stand up... Oh FUCK! I run out the back door and into the back yard. I'm stumbling around and I start grasping at tree branches trying to hold myself up. Then here comes the half taco and what ever else I had in my stomach.

I finally get back inside and decide it's time to go to sleep. I lay on the couch and a few hours later I get up and stumble to bed. It was a good time but, it could have been much better.

My girlfriend informs me the next day of the approximate time of my passing out. Approx. 7:30 pm.

It seemed like it was a lot longer than that but my brother backed her up saying that he called at 8 and she told him I was already passed out.

To this day, it is still the only time I have ever not been able to hold my booze down.

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Post by bluebottle »

12 or 13 i think. i was forced to walk to church and one day on my way back home i stopped by a barn by the side of the road, right up against the rr tracks, and found a bottle of blue nun and and a bottle of cold duck. i mixed them together and thought it tasted like mt. dew. i laid around for awhile and then went on my way. thinking abt it now, i am sorry to have deprived the owner of those bottles a real good drunk.

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Post by knumbskull »

when i was 8 - had a few glasses of cider on a camping trip. saw double and my legs went funny. it was awesome. i remember thinking, 'this is it!'

when i was 12 - with my friend, went though his dad's liquor cabinet having a swig on everything. also awesome. this was the first moment of true drunkenness...falling about the place giggling. my friend puked everywhere and, when questioned by his parents about their recently redecorated carpet and walls, blamed a bad batch of Mars Milk (remember that stuff?). next day he was dragged into the supermarket and his mum had a screaming fit at the manager for selling bad chocolate milk and poisoning her baby boy, who was sporting what might have looked to the layman like a big fat hangover.

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Post by goofydoofus »

my first time getting drunk was not when i had my first taste for i have had sips here and there before my first time actually plowed. i was in the 9th grade at a friends house, we rented the jacky chan movie legend of the drunken master. we put the movie in and he got out the seagram's 7. we did shots of whiskey until we killed the bottle then he broke out the bacardi superior. i did one shot of rum and proceeded to puke in and all around the bathroom. after that i went to bed and woke up, surprisingly, without a hangover.
i work on a tug boat, though its not this exact one. garr!
I'm just an alliterating agnostic apathetic awesomely alcoholic arrogant awe-inspiring asshole. You have been warned.

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