Greetings from RI!!!!

A place for general talk.

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Lord of Benders
Lord of Benders
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Location: Bender, Swallowrado

Greetings from RI!!!!

Post by George_Pourwell »

Hallo all you stinkin' drunks!!

Hopping on to wish you all a Marry Holiday and shite. I'd have posted sooner but have not had the chance.
Having fun on the vaca back home so far. Spent the first part of it with the fam so this is the first chance I have had to really tie one on during my trip and had easy access to the internet (am at an old roomie's house atm). You gotta love friends that greet you at the door with a 14yr old bottle of scotch.
I hope everyone had a good time during their holiday and got good and tight.

I would still love to hook up with some of the East coast drunkards while I'm here. PM me if you're interested. Would be nice to put some faces with long as I can remember them that is. lol

Cheers all! >;D
"I like my drinks like I like my women...transparent and alcoholic." - Me

"Sometimes you just gotta dump a Guinness on a bitch..." - Beerminx's pal

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