Icy Chihuahua Bomb

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300 Proof
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2006 3:06 pm

Icy Chihuahua Bomb

Post by 300 Proof »

Tequila Related, if you are interested.

Ole fellow Buze-heads. My first post. Eventually I will go on and on about the art of the marguerita, but here's a really yummy and fun past-time.


This first part isn't mandatory, but it's mandatory for me. Get some good tequila. Whatever your favorite is is fine. But... if you typically drink tequila that takes like ass (if you do you probably don't know it, ahhh ignorance can be bliss, albeit a barely acceptable sort of bliss), borrow some good stuff. Sipping tequila. Not tequila that tastes so shitty you have to shoot it. I currently have a bottle of Cabo Wabo silver in the freezer, but geeze, there are a lot of nice tequilas. This recipe works fine with silver, repo or anejo, but just like for margs, I tend to prefer silver for this. It dances better with the citrus. Having said that... no liquor snob I!

So you got the juice. Get a swell little glass. Pour some.

Then get a Dreyers 100% Pure Juice Fruitbar--- the LEMON one (the LEMON one!), from the pack you bought to do this fun thing.

Cut it off the stick into 1" chunks, onto a plate.

Sit in your favorite spot.

Now pay attention.

Put a chunk of frozeny lemon goodness in your mouth and just let it sit on your tongue for a few seconds. As it starts to disintegrate, slowly swallow it. As it just enters your throat, take a (not too small, not too big) sip of that fabulous tequila. Let the tequila gently follow that Lemon ice down your throat. Ahhh- Icy Chihuahua Bomb! First the ice, then the heat, first the citrus then the alkarhawl. Luverly.

I'm just starting to play with this... (the Icy Chihuahua Bomb, that is!), if any of you have other takes on it, or other cool ideas for it... lemme know!

Mike in Seattle

Palinka (RIP)
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Post by Palinka (RIP) »

Welcome aboard, 300 Proof. Glad to meet you.

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See you around.

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