what was I thinking.......

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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what was I thinking.......

Post by ajd144 »

So, I suppose this was about a year and half ago. I was, at the time, a sophmore at WVU and it was the day before election day. I decided that since we had the next day off it would be a good idea to have a party. My roommates agreed and the next thing I knew we were on our way up to Pennsylvania to get a pony keg of Yuengling. We got back around 6 or 7 that evening and the drinking commenced. By about midnight I was blitzed. I figured it was my house and my keg and I had every right to get as beligerent as I damn well pleased........and so I did. It was about this time that I spotted a girl who I went to high school with and since I had known her previously, I was able to strike up a pretty good conversation with her. The next thing I knew we were making out in plain view of everyone. This continued for quite a while before I invited her up to my room, which at the time, was more of a hallway than a room. We started doing the usual things until she said, "we can't do this you don't have any doors on your room. What if someone walks up?" I told her to calm down at not worry but it was to no avail. I struck out. She ended up going home a short while later. I continued drinking because........well, I dunno.....felt like the right thing to do.
The next day was election day and the polling place was right next to our house. So I felt that it was my right as an American to get smashed, again.......and go vote...........and so I did. It was about 2 PM before I stumbled to the polling place, a mere 45 feet from our house, and after voting I stumbled back and drank a little more. I then turned to my buddy and said, "You know what? If that girl from last night walked in here right now I do her on the spot." He kinda laughed and said nothing. I swear that it was only five minutes later before she pulled up. I saw her get out of her car and walk up the sidewalk past our front door. Well, technically I saw the front of her come past the door and then about a minute or two later I saw the ass end of her come past.........cause SHE WAS HUGE. I don't mean that she was like 150 or something.......she was more like 250 and I'm not a big boy by any means.....more like 160 or 170 lb. I had forgotten how absolutely huge this girl was. I hadn't realized how drunk I truly was the night before. Suddenly, I was struck with a sort of fear. I looked at my buddy and go, "Oh shit...oh shit..........fuck......what am I going to DO?!?!?" He started laughing his ass. I didn't know what the fuck to do. I couldn't tell her that the night before was a fluke and risk upsetting her because she could've sat on me and killed me. So, I did the sensible thing and opened up the door when she knocked. She came in and sat down next to me and started rubbing my arms and legs, almost like she was petting me. Remember, I was still fairly wasted from my mission to get drunk and vote and so when she said, "Do you wanna come back to my place?" I looked straight at my buddy at said, "Yes I do"..........and the rest.....is history. I still look back at it and smile......In fact, I think it may have been the funniest thing I've ever done. And the sex was great, too.

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