kidnapping and naked on the tarzan rope

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kidnapping and naked on the tarzan rope

Post by Fins_to_the_LEFT »

LOCATION: Rural Pennsylvania (Indiana area) I'll spare you the first few hours of the night. We decide to go into a local dance bar (NOT our usual choice of hang-out). I ask a randon red-headed mullet boy (was not halucinating) what the place was like inside. Before he could answer, my not-so-undrunk friend grabs him by the arm and drags him inside. We could not stomach the place for too long so the Random Red-Haired Mullet Boy (for future use RRHMB) says that he knows a place for us (me, drunk friend and other drunk friend - OK, we're all drunk) all to go. We rush off with him and he takes us to a creek in the middle of nowhere where there was a rope way up in a tree (calling to us all). My drunk friend who nevers wears underpants decides that she cannot wear her Victoria Secrets bra into the water, climbs the tree. I was following close behind, but decided I should back down a little (for obvious reasons). After swinging from this rope naked, jumping into the water, she tries to climb it. With no arm strength left what-so-ever she thought that throwing her legs up over her head and wrapping them around the rope would be a good idea. This was not. I had to tell her to drop into the water. Needless to say RRHMB was having the night of his life, being dragged by strangers to watch a naked girl swing from a rope. Months later our friend runs into RRHMB and he says to our friend "Hey, you're that guy that was with those 2 girls and I took you to that creek.......that was the funnest day of my life!!!" We tell my previously-naked friend about it...and here all along she thought that RRHMB was a friend of ours...had no clue that she grabbed him by the arm and forced him into the car to take us "someplace fun"

This is one of many. Soon I'll post our encounter with the nuclear engineer at a friendly bonfire and his comment of "Well, as long as she doesn't stick the shovel up her ass...."

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