Best Nudie Run Ever

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Booze Head
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Best Nudie Run Ever

Post by GoonTrooper »

maybe not, lol but i found it funny.

i was staying at the beach (wilsons prom) for a week, and on the 3rd, we were drinking on the beach and my mate, a lightweight who i got plastered on goon, had a pretty big night.

he walked up to a random girl and yelled out 'SLUT! YOU'RE A SLUT!" at her. her friends jumped on him and ripped his underpants. he then asked how he could make it up to this girl, and she told him to get naked, run around the beach, and go swimming. being as drunk as he was, he thought this was quite reasonable and did exactly as he was told. the girl then had one of her (male) friends take his clothes and run off. now this mate of mine is running in the world youth olympics, and he is fuckin fast, and he runs pretty hard. he tripped over a girl who was lying down. more landed on, than tripped over. everyone else thought he had punched her until i arrived, a bit more undrunk, and sorted things out. imagine you are walking on a beach and the following conversations occur:

randomgirl: "hey, some guy just punched my friend"
me: "that's pretty bad, lets get him"
randomgirl: "and he was naked!"

randomguy: "some guys running around the beach naked!"
me: "hahahahaha"
randomguy: "i think his names eddy"
me: "OH FUCK!"

when i found him wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. the conversation went:

me: "why are you in nothing but boxers"
eddy: "cos ryan gave them to me"
me: "whyd he give you his boxers?"
eddy: "because i was naked"
me: "why were you naked?"
eddy: (sad voice) "i dont know"

it was hilarious if you were there, just imagine the scene

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