Calgary is cold

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Calgary is cold

Post by Resident Asshole »

So, with passing of 9/11 it reminded me of a story from that terrible event. I met a girl that year who had come here to Michigan for a wedding. We hit it off immediately and so when my friends planned a houseboating trip in Canada (where Jen was from) I of course went along.

After hours and hours of talk she said she wasn't interested in dating me. However shortly after the trip 9/11 happened and apparently she's very bad at geography because she said she was worried about me and realized that she loved me. So, I planned a trip over my 4 day Thanksgiving weekend to go see her in Calgary.

For reasons not pertinent we broke up just before my trip there. However, I had already bought the tickets so I decided to go anyway, figuring maybe we would get back together if I put on a show of good faith...and if not I could go explore the drinking areas of Calgary by myself.

I arrived and my ex had just started a new job and was to be in training every day (being that Canada was not on holiday like the US). She made it clear that after work she would need to study and she was not used to getting up early so she needed good sleep. So basically what I took from that was that I should stay out all night each night so as not to disturb her. Her roommate was a decent looking girl who was nice to me and went shopping with me for wine and video games. Of course this infuriated my ex.

I explored the city on foot (which took a fucking while, Calgary is pretty big) and happened upon a nice Irish pub with a great selection of whiskey. It just happened that the roommate's younger sister also worked at the pub. YES!!! Also, did I mention that a snifter of 10 year whiskey cost about $5 American?!? YES!!!

I then decide to go to a local western bar because in my experience the cowgirls always like to party. End up going home with a couple of them, shag the girl, leave in the morning before they get up with almost no idea how to get back into town. I get to the sub-station and take the train back into downtown Calgary.

My ex was super pissed because I had not called and she claims she could not sleep all night and such (even though she had acted like she didn't want me there at all). So, she tells me I'm going to have to find another place to stay for the next couple of nights. They roommate is sympathetic with me which pisses off the ex even more.

I figure I will just sleep outside, I had seen a few bums. Even heavy boots, 3 layers under a leather motorcycle coat, gloves hat and scarf are not enough to keep the Calgary cold out. I got a hotel for the night.

My favorite part is when she dropped me off at the airport I told her I loved her and her response was that I had ruined her life. I'm not exactly sure how but I did fully enjoy drinking on the cheap up in Calgary.

Bourbon is my blood.

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Re: Calgary is cold

Post by mistah willies »

"...her response was that I had ruined her life. I'm not exactly sure how but I did fully enjoy drinking on the cheap up in Calgary."

That was a helluva tale, and also, well told. Them Knucks sure do have pretty ladies (is it the cold air that keeps their faces so unsweaty and pimple-free?)

But the final lines above from your tale reveals the substance of a true Drunkard.

But do ya ken:

"Drink and Pink go hand in hand,

but Drink will make the Pink be manned."

Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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