Those MADD crosses...

That's right. You can put them right here.

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Mister Priapus
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Those MADD crosses...

Post by Mister Priapus »

Y'all know the one's I'm talking about. Those two-foot high crosses at intersections put up as a memorial to so-and-so who was killed by a drunk driver. Notice how it's always some kid. They never put one up if the driver died, or even if it's just a regular 30-something guy who got killed....only somone's kids.

From ... i_62685558
Some area residents attribute the increasing appearance of such memorials in the city, however, to the erection of the first Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) memorial cross in south Austin in 1984. Jennifer Solter, a retired nurse originally from Manitoba, brought the handcrafted, white wooden cross to Austin three years after founding the Heart of Texas chapter of MADD in 1981 after her daughter, Sara, died in an alcohol-related auto accident earlier that year. Sara's cross established the pattern for all MADD crosses in the Austin area. Crosses erected through the Heart of Texas MADD chapter are white, two-foot high structures bearing a red plastic plaque at the crosspiece (Fig. 1). Each plaque bears the accident victim's name, and dates of birth and death in the following manner:


The Heart of Texas MADD chapter chose to use the cross as an official symbol, Jennifer said, because "the cross would call attention to a death." Indeed, in Texas, roadside crosses are so commonplace, and knowledge of MADD so widespread, that although not all North American MADD chapters sponsor a roadside cross memorialisation programme, passers-by often associate all such roadside memorials with drunk driving incidents.
I don't know about y'all but I think it's time we started ripping those fuckers out of the ground. Only the MADD one's are legally sanctioned and most of them are left alone by the various municipalities only because of unwritten, unnoficial policy.

So in case you are asking, "how can you be so cold as to dismantle a memorial?" I say all the more reason. If it were my child I wouldn't want my child used as a political symbol for some neoprohibitionist group to take away our rights. I think a greater good would be served.

Besides I'm tired of looking at the things. And I'm tired them being used to manipulate public opinion. like the quote says, most of them aren't even MADD crosses but everyone thinks they are, which furthers public misconceptions.

What law would anyone be breaking by removing them? People go around and remove political signs all the time. What the fuck can they do? They're not city property. They aren't usually the property of the owners of whatever land they are on (usually a gas station median).

And if there is some sort of minor law being broken, fuck it! I say it's time for a little mischief in order to fight MADD's influence. So if you see them, why not rip them up and put 'em in a ditch somewhere....or better yet replace them with crosses that say
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Post by Smatter Noguts »

It is illegal in most jurisdictions to erect a sign or memorial on public land.

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Post by ruiner »

man, i dont know if it was a drunk driving accident, in fact, judging by the time of day, i doubt it. but i saw something you only see once every 5 years or so. a real, real bad highway car accident, AND i got a full view of a real, uncovered, brutally honest and bloody, dead body.

it was awesome......and i buckled my seat belt.
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Post by MeanOldLady »

HA! a sincere thanks for the laugh. priap, that post goddamn cracked me up. just when i was somewhat pissed about work today, this had me giggling uncontrollably. or it may be the vodka, whatever. i'm still laughing.

haha, always somebody's kid... tear that shit down... i love it!
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Post by General E. Fubar »

Those damn things should be illegal, distractions I tell you... that and they piss me off. Even on federal highways (in texas). Everywhere down here I tell you everywhere.

A religious symbol on Federal and State property... hmmm...
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Post by Lifer »

I have to say, a MADD sanctioned cross memorial is a bit annoying, but if it's put up by an actual parent, I have no problem.

You have to make sure you're fighting the neoprohibitionists, and not the actual cause, that is, preventing alcohol related deaths in motorvehicle accidents.
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Post by Mayhem »

There is a memorial on a street sign pole across from the Toad, where a teacher got nailed by a drunk driver last year. The driver had a suspended license and it was his third offense. His students put up a memorial the next day where he died.
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Post by One for the Frog »

I can't believe some people use child deaths for any cause.
I tell you I don't like that people drive drunk, but MADD is a piece of scum.

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Post by buttthrax »

Matty O'Lifer wrote:I have to say, a MADD sanctioned cross memorial is a bit annoying, but if it's put up by an actual parent, I have no problem.
My thoughts exactly.

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Post by mr.dirty pants »

You never see a star of David on the side of the highway. Just saying.

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Post by greygoose »

I'm not going to get into the legality issue(s). I agree, as many of us do, that MADD has flown way off the sanity handle, but I'll dissent a little on this one.

1. It should be up to the parent(s) whether a memorial should be placed.
2. I think there are more constructive ways of dealing with MADD than desecrating a memorial. You'll brand yourself Asshole # 1 in the community if you're caught. Just sayin'.
3. See # 1. If the parent(s) give their permission, what's so wrong with a reminder that DRUNK DRIVING IS BAD?
4. Finally, it's very easy for us to sit in judgement without the benefit of actual experience in the arena of losing a child to a drunk driver.
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Post by Lushlife »

mr.dirty pants wrote:You never see a star of David on the side of the highway. Just saying.
EXCELLENT point! How disrespectful is THAT to parents/families of other faiths? But I'm is one to know if the cross is placed there by MADD or the family of deceased?

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Post by greygoose »

Lushbunny wrote:
mr.dirty pants wrote:You never see a star of David on the side of the highway. Just saying.
EXCELLENT point! How disrespectful is THAT to parents/families of other faiths? But I'm is one to know if the cross is placed there by MADD or the family of deceased?
I think mr.soiledtrousers was implying that Jews are much better at staying out of the way of drunk drivers.
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Post by Mister Priapus »

Once my indignations subsided a little bit I had some of the same second thoughts. Regardless of the cause, if a parent puts up a memorial, I don't want to disrepect that.

On the other hand I just can't stand seeing these people that died and their families being used for the MADD propaganda machine. It's obscene. It's like MADD is dancing on their graves.

Or a better comparison would be that guy Fred Phelps and his "church" picketing the funerals of dead GI's. Their argument is that the fallen soldier deserved what they got for joining Bush's "fag-infested army" (that's an exact quote). Well when I see those MADD crosses it's like MADD is saying, "this kid and their families deserved what they got for not following our neoprohibitionist agenda" although they are going about it less blatantly than Phelps and his crew. That just makes my blood boil.

So as far as I'm concerned the jury is still out on whether it was a good idea. But at the same time if these things just simply "dissapeared" it would make it harder for MADD to keep pushing their agenda of public perception.
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Post by Tom »

I think a better idea than destroying roadside memorials to the deceased would be starting some sort of legitimate campaign. Some sort of organization that specifically addressed the wrongdoing of MADD and attempted to show that their interests reach far further than opposition to drinking and driving. Protests could be organized around MADD headquarters. The possibilities are great.

I'm a far too lazy man for such a task. And I don't really give a shit. But maybe someone sharp could do something.
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