What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by elcajon64 »

The second four years of college found me working in a large booze emporium (San Diego's Liquorland). I'd find myself working there hung-over pretty often. Most of the time I could sit in the giant walk-in cooler and nurse a few Club cocktails. If I were not so lucky, I could at least lean on a register and just ring up the happy people all morning. It was in this position that bad luck would strike once or twice a month. The volume of the store was such that breakage was a daily occurrence. A near miss with the hand truck on a stack of beer would result in a hot spray of Oly into your socks followed by a lightning round of un-stacking and restacking the cases before too much of a mess ensued. Worse yet was the customer who dropped a four box of jug wine when you were hung badly and closest to the mop. And God forbid someone busted a bottle of the exact thing you got sick on the night before. I was hit with this just one time during my tenure, and am still haunted by that 1.75 jug of Jose shattering across the counter and splashing me up to the elbows a few sleepless hours after returning from Tijuana.
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by noirly »

pwwing blood
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by willerror »

Raucous night out but have to work at 9 am, which hits like a ton of bricks. Get to work which is only half a mile away. Puke in the parking lot. Get to my desk and start pretending to work. Suddenly realize major intestinal distress that nearly matches the pressure in my skull. Also realize that the office bathroom has no, shall we say, buffers, so everyone will have to suffer along with me. Decide to do a quick "I gotta run home for a minute!" at my boss, which works b/c it was a fairly laid-back office... but not so laid back I could destroy the only bathroom the building had. Rush home... then hope to a non-existent god that the woman I'd brought home with me the night prior is not, as she was when I left, still there. Sweating bullets, I rush into my house...

And thank that non-existent god, she's gone. Whew.

That's just *one* story.

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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by Judge »

Can I get back to you tomorrow?
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by captain gonzo »

I once stayed up late drinking absinthe...then realised it was time for work....i started to undrunk up within like an hour and by the time i was at work i felt awful. I was violently sick in the street (bottle of 75% abv absinthe, no sleep and I was only 18) in front of bunch of construction workers (and I was the apprentice)...needless to say I got some flack that day.
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by Bur »

Combat training in 35+ celcius while hungover as shit comes to mind. At least I wasn't the only one - people were fainting left and right as well as being generally most misereable looking bunch of fuckers I've seen. You really felt like your soul was being ripped from your body while crawling around in sand and so forth.

Edit: not to mention the pee and puke all over the barracks we had to clean up in the morning before breakfast. I wound up covering toilet from floor to walls with puke after eating just one piece of bread and drinking a mug of milk during breakfast.

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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by zynnhoj »

okay, well, i second John Barleycorn..

started a new job...1 week in my buddy got married, on a sunday because he's a cheap fucker or something. anyway, open bar. so the next day i wake up still drunk, go into work and pretend to do stuff for a few hours. i go outside, puke under a bridge a few times. hey, i feel a little bit better. yes, this hangover is mine. fuck you! time for some lunch.

i found a deli and ordered some soup. the waitress said "thats it?" in such a tone that i doubted myself. i'm just having soup? soothing chicken soup that will make me feel better, so i can continue my day at my brand new job? no, mrs waitress lady, i'll have the reuben.

wait, what the FUCK did i just say? sauerkraut? meat, cheese, thousand island dressing? a large part of me regrets that decision. but the asshole in me blames the waitress for not just saying "uhm, i can tell from your blood shot eyes, the sweat on your forehead, and general pale-ness that you do NOT need a reuben."

also, why the fuck did i eat the whole thing? terrible decisions. just... terrible.

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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by Frankennietzsche »

C'mon! Reubens make everything better.
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by Resident Asshole »

I'm not sure if this is considered a hangover but I was getting a ride with my girlfriend's dad to Chicago (about a 4 hour drive) and he wanted to arrive there at 8am for a sailboat race he was coaching. So, we left about 4am. Since I was good friends with my local bartender and we often stayed up late I just decided to drink all night until 4am and ride to Chicago.

I was drunk as hell, brushing my teeth and popping a mint to hopefully disguise it from him, falling asleep every few minutes during the ride, arriving there to freezing cold weather and I had to hang out around the sailboat race for a few hours before I could take a nap.

At least there were some hot chicks wearing wetsuits.
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by Milspec »

the 30 second after i wake up and start drinking again are always brutal
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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by HappyLittleBoozer »

Stumbling into bed that had glass for frames I was doing the day before, and without realising waking up in the morning to find my hands all cut-up and the contents of a sarnie spewn across the bedsheets.

Good times.

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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by reedbomber10 »

1) Waking up on my couch to the knock on the door, opening up, two cops there saying "you're under arrest for criminal mischief over 5 grand". (didnt have any recollection of the various households I terrorized - apparently i pulled out a lightpost out of the ground - im guessing a car ran it over, nonetheless it was included in my charges)

2) Waking up in a hobo tent farm in the middle of downtown Ottawa, about an hour away from my house, having no idea what happened - decided to take advantage of the situation, played a few of the hobo all stars in chess - beat their ass - then ran to the quickest lcbo and grabbed a 26 to share with the old bum who decided to let me rest in his tent.

3) Waking up in a bed in Cancun with 2 naked guys and 2 girls - no idea who the guys were - Girl A - was 4/10, looked like she dabbled in a lil too much crack, Girl B - was 1.3/10, thought she was a man at first, but eventually realized she was just an asian broad prolly missing a chromosome somewhere or other.

...i could really go all day, #4-#30 are probably all interchangeable, but the ones above i deeply wish jesus wouldn't have decided to swipe from my memory those nights - but to every one of you, keep the drink alive!


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Re: What have been your most cringeworthy hangover moments ?

Post by Lush30 »

I know this thread i s old but I'm new and drunk (lol) so if something gets my interest i'm gonna have to hit reply....sorry

Anyways most cringeworthy hangover moment for me was a first date - thank god my date was a drinker too but it was the 2nd date he was staying over we sat up all night watching gory horror movies and drinking - he didn't want much more to drink but I had 4 more strong beers (to go with all the drinks i'd downed at the pub prior to that) anyhow about 5am I got up off the bed to use the bathroom and went arse over tit - ended up with a massive brusie on my back which i didn't feel til hours later and him being all concerned for me. Thank god I'd already rode him earlier in the evening cos by that time I was so fucked. Amazingly he did want to see me again lol
I'm not an alcoholic, I'm just passionate about alcohol ; )

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