The Blackout Thread

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

Moderators: Oggar, Badfellow, Mr Boozificator, Artful Drunktective, mistah willies, NYDingbat, oettinger, Judge

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Re: Blackout

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

Two Hearted wrote:
ukdrinker wrote:Im close to blackout here - any blackout stories?
Nope. As far as I know, I was having a wonderful time on the Island...
I'm a permanent guest there.
Cheers TwoHearted
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Re: Blackout

Post by GSG »

Apparently I offered to fight some blokes at a house party who were about to piss all over a friend of mine. He'd passed out in the garden under a climbing frame. I'm told I stood on top of the climbing frame brandishing a hose and calling everyone a cunt.

I also once woke up in a field. Still have no idea why.
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Re: Blackout

Post by Mr. Viking »

GinSoakedGirl wrote:I also once woke up in a field. Still have no idea why.
I've fallen asleep in a few fields before, but I never seem to wake up in them. Some form of diwine[sic] intervention I reckon
"I spent all of my money on cars, women and booze, the rest of it I squandered" G. Best

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Re: Blackout

Post by mistah willies »

Mr. Viking wrote:
GinSoakedGirl wrote:I also once woke up in a field. Still have no idea why.
I've fallen asleep in a few fields before, but I never seem to wake up in them. Some form of diwine[sic] intervention I reckon

"Diwine" HA! Excellent

GinSoakedGirl wrote:Wow, missed that.
Palinka wrote:You were probably asleep (in a field; in Kansas).
GinSoakedGirl wrote:That would be a fucking spectacular blackout.

! ! !

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Re: Blackout

Post by Mr. Viking »

I have just about zero memory of yesterday. Saw shane-o-matic, lost shane-o-matic, went to the pub. pretended to be Douglas Denholm and was apparently found in the close by friends of a neighbour. I woke up in my best jimjams, but with the curtains open. I also have copious bruising
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Re: Blackouts

Post by Palinka (RIP) »

This thread needs to be recalled.
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Re: Blackouts

Post by Username »

I like the moments of undrunkenness that can occur during a blackout. Last weekend I had one apparently in the middle of a conversation with some strangers. I remember looking around thinking 'who the fuck are these people and how do they know my name?'
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Re: Blackouts

Post by ADHD »

A review of last night's internet history is often revealing when on a solitary quest....

When folks are over, it's more of a discovery based on veiled jokes and comments referring to the previous drinking session. I'm a fan of this, until I see the pictures (sometimes videos)

Theres a reason for the blackout, and some things are best left discovered in alternate reality...

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Re: Blackouts

Post by Mr. Viking »

it's always funnier when you can't remember it
"I spent all of my money on cars, women and booze, the rest of it I squandered" G. Best

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Re: Blackouts

Post by Oggar »

I had a few recent blackouts. I had gone to my old stomping grounds in Mankato for a friends funeral (39 is way too fucking young to die). I had worked at a bar with Ray for a few years and known him since I was old enough to hang out at the bar, as had Prof. Roomie. So immediately after the funeral we went to the bar he currently worked at for drinks with almost everyone else who had been at the funeral. By happenstance I ended up sitting next to Ray's girlfriend at the bar. We had been talking for awhile, last thing I remember was her crying and a lot of shots and glasses of Bourbon. I came to because there were thumbs in my eyes. I reached out and got a hold of someone I still couldn't see who it was. I got some separation and saw that it was Roomie attempting to gouge my eyes out for some reason. Roomie remembers even less about it than I do. A couple of guys grabbed him and dragged him outside I was inside for a few more minutes trying to figure out what happened and figure out where my coat was. I was told I had to go as well which was fine by me as I explained to the bar staff, "He's my brother, if he has to go I do too." I retrieved the case of beer from the trunk of the car I had come in and we walked the few blocks back to Roomies new pad. I don't remember much of the walk but I remember swearing into a phone outside the front door while he tried to find the keys.
I can't write like Papa, you know I just ain't able
But if he came in here tonight, I'd drink him under the table -Ronny Elliott

RIP Mayhem, as long as I have a heart you are in it.

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Re: Blackouts

Post by Oggar »

Subsequent to that last on I stayed in Mankato a few days after Ray's funeral, his 40th Birthday party had already been planned. It was to be held at the Oleander, Mankato's premier dive bar. Which had also been the scene of Roomie and I's little dust up. He stopped in for one with me but he had to work early the next day, I may have talked him into a second but he left early. About six weeks before he died I had spent the night drinking with Ray and his best friend Hippy. Of course he was there and he and I shared our foggy memories of that evening and I'm going to guess conservatively 10 shots. Hippy then fell in with another group who it seemed would be carrying him home that night and I fell in with group of bartenders. Two, also good friends, were from the Ole (where Ray had last worked) and another from a bar downtown. We ended up going to the strip club I had worked at for many years. After a few drinks and commiserating with the staff and dancers for awhile we moved on to the downtown bars. We stopped in at South Street and for a few more then Chopp's where Ray and I had worked together. I don't remember anything from that point on. I came to at Roomie's apartment because he was yelling, I got up and took a blackened pizza out of the oven and he stormed back to his bedroom. I grabbed a beer and slumped back onto the couch. I had set an alarm before I went drinking because I had a doctors appointment in Minneapolis in the morning (about a 2hr drive). I bolted awake it seemed like my alarm should have gone off by now. I found my phone which I had gotten maybe 2 weeks prior. The glass was shattered and the case was scuffed up pretty bad, I wondered how that happened. But I also found I had awakened about an hour after I should have. I threw all of my stuff together and booked out the door.
I can't write like Papa, you know I just ain't able
But if he came in here tonight, I'd drink him under the table -Ronny Elliott

RIP Mayhem, as long as I have a heart you are in it.

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Re: Blackouts

Post by oettinger »

I once woke up falling down a ditch. Apparently fell asleep while walking.
Woke up on a curb in an unknown town without my wallet when is was 18 (Minus the wallet thing this happened way too much).
Was woken many times by the cops. Mostly laying, sitting or unoriented staying around somewhere, someplace. One time even twice on the same day by the same pissed of cops in totally different places. Their faces were too funny, surely not amused though
Once woke up stading at a trainstation far from my place facing two cops screaming at some minors in the middle of the night. First word I got out was: "officer, these four minors belong to me. I am their legal guardian". To which the inexplicably agitated cop replied: "Mr Oettinger, as if you haven`t done enough damage this night already. You better shut up and go home!" Never learned what he was alluding to...
Waking up in the ER is always fun, especially when you have to explain to the lady from your health-insurance company what accident exatcly happened to you last night and who found you exactly where and in which condition. I was always an experienced liar though (from calling in sick to work as you people probably know). That poor woman never stood a chance!
Should I go on now, or better yet pass out and forget that I ever typed this?

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Re: Blackouts

Post by oettinger »

Oggar wrote:I found my phone which I had gotten maybe 2 weeks prior
Brand new stuff is the first thing to suffer from my drunken ramblings.
At least you haven`t had a long going relationship with it and shared some good memories. When the old familiar things get broken it can really hurt. Like a jug you had for so many benders versus the one that you just got gifted on your birthday party and can`t remember even using before it being spread out in pieces on your floor the next morning.

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Re: Blackouts

Post by oldsmartskunk »

We must keep this thread alive! It is way too entertaining! So here's a little story that happened to me about 5 years ago. We went to my friends place to record some
stuff (punk rock mostly). As our tradition states - we must be drunk to do that. One thing led to another and the next thing i can remember is myself standing and pissing
on a cop car. With cops inside of course. It turns out i was on my way home with autopilot on, when suddenly my bladder demanded to be emptied. No better place to do it, right?
Cops there too amused to arrest me and my house was like 2min away, so they just let me go. Good guys. Protect and serve.
I have another. A good one, but my brain actively tries to block it. I'll get to it next time.

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Re: Blackouts

Post by oldsmartskunk »

It's time for a grand slam. It happened right after new year. January 1st or 2nd. Can't really remember too much, and the only witness of this eventful evening
was my friends girlfriend. We decided to continue our new year celebration, since we bought way too much alcohol. I'd like think our souls were too thirsty to
be satisfied by amounts of alcohol human body can actually consume. We had a bottle of tequila and 5 bottles of vodka. Good stuff, goes nicely together. To get in
a mood me and my friend had some tequila shots. Listened to some tunes (i remember listening to ramones). Soon afterwards friend's girlfriend came. She finished a tequila bottle
with us and went to sleep. Or at least she tried. We drank some vodka shots and tuned in to one o the greatest alcoholics of our time and possibly worst role model a person can have -
GG Allin. Ah i do love his dirty, rough and nasty tunes. Soon shots weren't enough. We started sipping "devil's juice" straight from the bottle. We put one song on repeat (it was unpredictable by GG Allin). It was playing the whole night. Next events are coming from an eye-witness as i can't remember a thing. My friend vaguely remembers a bit of it. WE drank so fast, we vomited a lot of time. Through the balcony of course. There was so much puke you couldn't even see the ground. In between those heart warming moments we were dancing. And drinking. Completely naked. With some chick's gloves on our cocks. I even attempted to jerk off into one. Don't know if i succeeded to inseminate a glove, but the owner
eventually turned up and took her gloves . I think her palms must've gotten really smooth. And if rumors are true - quite hairy. When i came to, i had a hangover so bad i didn't know where i am. Nor did i care. I just had that feeling that something great happened. Who would've though it would be like this? We only drawback was that irritating broad screaming, complaining that we didn't let her sleep with our glove defiling rituals. Roarrrrrrrr.

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