The ZID Chapters, Part II

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

Moderators: Oggar, Badfellow, Mr Boozificator, Artful Drunktective, mistah willies, NYDingbat, oettinger, Judge

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by booznik »

The Urban Spaceman wrote:...ignite a messy traffic accident.
I like this turn of phrase.

A proper, Hollywood-style traffic accident is not caused. It does not "happen". One does not simply walk into a messy traffic accident.

It is ignited.

Here's to the 4 hours I once spent on the 5 freeway in LA, as they cleaned up an overturned fuel tanker that was blocking every lane. Thankfully, nothing ignited.
"Booznik. Smooth, classy and manatee-like." --Bur

"Oh, you've been reading your Sir Kenelm Digby, haven't you? Stick to the mead recipes, especially that of the Mayor of Moscovy. That shizz is SACK!!!" --Badfellow

"Now stop and DRINK! bastards." --mistah willies

"A stand alone place for booze is as essential for a home, as is a bed to sleep on." --Miklo


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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by mistah willies »

So what happened next?


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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by mistah willies »

Spacey dude

Yerr killin me here

I'll call you Kevin now

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by booznik »

mistah willies wrote: I'll call you Kevin now
You can call me Al.
"Booznik. Smooth, classy and manatee-like." --Bur

"Oh, you've been reading your Sir Kenelm Digby, haven't you? Stick to the mead recipes, especially that of the Mayor of Moscovy. That shizz is SACK!!!" --Badfellow

"Now stop and DRINK! bastards." --mistah willies

"A stand alone place for booze is as essential for a home, as is a bed to sleep on." --Miklo


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Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

The Urban Spaceman wrote:...You should know that I'd given the key to the store owner along with my cash money, unintended, of course.

But that is the next chapter:

ZID: B&E into your own home.

Now for another Martini.

And here we go:

The traffic snakes screamed their siren song behind us as we left the non-intersection. We had crossed the paths of howling comets and returned to the other side unscathed.

My heart raced. My pulse pounded in my neck and I felt all trembly and shaken and stirred.

What would help me calm my mind? Of course, it was the nectar of the gods.

Only thing was: where the hell had I hidden that brown paper bag of beers?

Six hand grenades awaited, and it would most certainly be a salve for the burning brain, all alit from the ZID oddity that coursed through my veins. Yes, a paper bag the color of the desert silt. At one time, the desert had been the bottom of a mighty ocean, but now it was all dried out.

Fuck being Dry.

Joey ran ahead of me as I staggered about, reaching beneath various spiny plants with sharp teeth.

He returned with a small hip flask and opened it up. He guzzled and burped.

“Here” he said, and my eyes grew wide.


He nodded. He said, “this be rum.”

Rum indeed. It tasted like the kiss of a dark-skinned mistress from an island in the tropics. It tasted like I should visit this island, and put up a hut. I would live there forever, counting the stars each night as she soothed my racing mind.

With fortitude and renewed strength I remembered the location of the paper bag of cans. It was back near the intercourse. I was fucked. I did not want to venture back there. Too much going on there for a dizzy mind.

But do you witness, to leave a solder or six behind is abuse of alcohol.

I took another deep chug form the flask and coughed from its strength. I said to Joey, “Now don’t run off again!”

I ran back to the end of the sand trail that subsided with the mountain water canal and saw the plant that hid my treasure. Yes, it was under an agave plant, one that held court with arms a full three feet in length from its widening reach to the stars above.

Once again fully armed, I rejoined Joey and exclaimed, “Dude!”

He laughed and then he whispered, “Dude!”

I understood. I was hollering at ungodly hours. I recompensed. I said, “Dude.”

We staggered back with a beer in each hand and his hip flask and two more grenades in the bag under my arm.

Heaven under the starlit sky.

Home again, home again, jiggety jig.

We mad eit back in what seemed like a week, of giggling form the effects of the booze and the beers and the ZID, but do ya ken, it did not last for veyr long once we arrived.

I set the emtpies down and reached for my apartment key, but it was not there. It was not in any of my pockets, no matter how many times I rechecked. Joey scrambled through his own jeans pockets, and he had no key either.

A bird chirped in a tree off by the front of the apartment so I looked up. The sky held an interesting tint of purple off beyond the edge of the Sierra mountains to the east.

Oh no.

The sun was stretching his angry arms up, ready to claw his way out of his bed and scream at us for not getting our homework done.

I said, “Joseph, we will be caught by the neighbors in a little bit.”

He said, “Fuck them neighbors.” He twisted the door knob so hard that it broke off in his hand. I think that ZID can have that effect on your strength. THis did not help us. He chuckled. He said, “Guess I don’t know my own strength!”

Well, he was a rocky bullmoose there I tell you.

I gently pulled him aside and then I kicked that door with my boot.

The whole apartment complex echoed down the sidewalks as the door splintered but did not open.

I fell back on the ground and smacked my head. I saw stars.

Joey yarded me back up with brute strength for a little man, and then he kicked at the door.

It cascaded inward, and he pulled me in there alongside him.

Someone shouted from the bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


This was not our apartment.

This would be the last time we ever made such a mistake.


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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by oettinger »

Hey Zidman, haven`t I seen you at the store yesterday? I was the drunk guy

Braking in a door is much harder than hollywood is telling you. Some years ago the cops wanted to enter my next door neighbours flat with a ram. They managed to get some bruises themselfes and crush the wall around it but other than that nothing happened. Then they called a locksmith who drilled the lock in. Voila!
To this day I don`t know what crime that old guy exactly commited, but days later there was a nice note stucked between his brand new door and it`s casing that read: "You can pick up the keys to your new door at the main policestation." Never saw him again.

I might have told you that I live in a very cool place!

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

Such a good place to live indeed. Very smart of the Police to hold the keys at the station.

Two things to consider, which are these, ole chap:

1. This moniker (monkier? monkey?) exists for a single thing, and therein lies the truth. (Lies Truth, see what I did there?)


There is no reason to write with such freedom from prosecution and persecution except to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth. Otherwise, it's a waste of everybody's time, true?

2. The door did indeed break open. We have many more bad things to talk about in this true tale, and these involve further deterioration into madness and drug use, with Ethyl being the savior from such activities and pursuits. Let us not get thwarted by doors, cool? We will kick them cheap, waterlogged particle board facades in with our powerful Docs, and then escape from the instant danger we have created, or face the challenge with gusto.

Thank you for your truth seeking. well met, and good to have you along for the ride.


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Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

Alrighty then. In honor of the DARE thread, let us continue in that spirit, shall we?

Calls for a shot. Takes liquid courage for this damned bastard. It connects something for you.

Please, if you would be so kind, read this, from a while ago. It involves a tawdry assortment of apartments in the asshole of Califormica.

There is a hint of a hit dropped under the fridge.


The next chapter is the start of this thread.

How odd, to wait so long to be daring.


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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by mistah willies »

Fucking thief
Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by oettinger »

I got it

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

Indeed you do.

You know what is going on during these small chapters. Main reason for this continuation.

Also, your calling out against falsity is encouraged. If someone can't answer a question, then what business do they have saying anything at all? Scrutiny is not mutiny.

Now for a shot of straight gin.


Let us go forward.


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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by mistah willies »

Get on with it already

Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

The Urban Spaceman wrote:
Joey yarded me back up with brute strength for a little man, and then he kicked at the door.

It cascaded inward, and he pulled me in there alongside him.

Someone shouted from the bedroom. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"


This was not our apartment.


Time for another installment.

Now let me get my Martini ready, and let's do this.

Damned Drunkards making me stay up

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by The Urbane Spaceman »



Much better. Now, I'll be writing this next part from me head, so don't mind the log-on length of time. Not lurking.

Gonna plow though.

Plow through.

Plow True. Yes, that's it.

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Re: The Zid Chapters

Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

The frightened scream from the rear of the shitty apartment scared us as well.

(Wait, don't just tell; show)


I crashed into Joey as he halted. The shout from the rear of the apartment rang in my ears, but I was so full of new-found adrenaline that I could not stop. His boots skidded over the surface of the cheap door and when they met carpet, he fell forward.

I fell on top of him.

The door was busted in half. The top part hung from a hinge, flat against the interior wall, and the bottom part (also still attached to its own hing) lent itself to a slippery slide at a low angle.

A light from down the hall to the left flicked on, and I about shit my pants, I yell you. Joey scrambled to get up, but the heft of my own body held him to the ground.

Just before I got a clue, I was eye-level with the carpet. I looked across the splay of light blasting from the rear bedroom and saw that them carpets were alive.

Swear to Baphomet, it was not the drugs.

You see, there were cockroaches, in various sizes. Tiny babies on each frond of plush, and mommies scurrying underneath, heading towards us. I think, looking back , that them bugs did not like the light.

I pressed down on Joey's back to get up, when I finally arose, he jumped up and began swatting at his face, his leather, and his pants, and going like this,

"Bleccch! Arrrgh! Blooohaw!"

Indeed. It made me get all shivery and itchy under my clothes as well.

Mine were imaginary, of course,

but his were real.

He scrambled out the door and ran off into the darkness, to the pool I would find out when I finally found him.


I looked back at the shadow coming down the hall (what the fuck was I doing just standing there, looking at Joey and his new dance?) and I gulped.

BRB, time for a fresh drink


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