DESERTED SONS CH 10: Débrouillage

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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The Urbane Spaceman
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DESERTED SONS CH 10: Débrouillage

Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

Well, it was just sad. The whole of it.

Me with a chicken bone on the back of my shirt and a cigarette butt in my hair, and Joey with his damned smirk. It is a smile that looks like the mouse that ate the pussy.

Joey’s silhouette blocked out the sun but I could see his teeth. Perhaps that image was symbolic for some reason, but it was lost on me. He said, “Urb. I met her.”

I growled at him and tried to bury myself into the crevices of the couch cushions, like digging my own grave among the dirty pennies and the tortilla chips in there. How dare he have fun when I was angry? How rude.

I said, “I thought you went to meet her already?”

He shrugged. He said, “Hah?”

I opened my eyes and stared at him. I said, “You were curled up in a ball under the table when the phone rang. Remember that? You left me alone to fight them thieves. Good thing that Jerry showed up before they did.”

Joey stepped back. He said, “Urb, I didn’t have anything to do with that!”

I nodded. I sat up, and the world slanted sideways, but I held myself steady with my hand on the arm rest. I said, “Of course not. You leave others to clean up after you, while you run off and create more havoc. Kinda getting old there dude.”

That wiped Joey’s damned smile form his face. He went to the kitchen and I dragged my leather up over my shoulders. Always mind your leather.

Joey sat down at the table and sparked up a cigarette. He smoke without speaking.

I felt the blades of his stare. His silent anger thickened the air between us.

Rrrrrrrrrgh. That was the sound I made when faced with something that I hated to do, but which must be done. I said, “Packing up my shit and heading out. I don’t need to be here anymore. You deal with it.”

Joey said, “Deal with what? What is there to deal with?”

I said, “You.”

Then Joey chuckled. He said, “Hey Urb, I got one for ya. What did the raven say to the crow?”

Fuck that, I didn’t respond.

Joey went on, “Raven says, ‘Hey, you got a problem with my kind?’”

Damned cheesy joke. I hated him for making light of this darkness I felt. I hated him for making me laugh. It came out with a SNORK sound and I kept trying to stifle it. Bastard. All was not good.

Stupid joke. That’s what we were.

So that is why I got up and used the wall to keep me steady, and I sat across from him at the kitchen table. My stomach turned at the smell of his cigarette smoke, but I reached for his pack on the table anyway. Time to man up. Own that hangover.

He reached into his suit coat and pulled out a tiny white envelope and a straw. He smiled at me.


Joey then proceeded to tell me how he fucked the hell out of that girl, and did many things to her with his face and his tongue, and after the third bump directly from the envelope, all I could think was this:

I had never seen Joey in fucking love. He was completely hammered by pussy. It was disgraceful.

This was how he sounded as he regaled me with tales of wetness. The song is cool, but seeing Joey this way made my skin feel as if cockroaches crawled toward my ear holes.

It was because of this that I decided to stay.

I made the decision to protect him.

I would wake him up, as any good friend would do.

It was my job to show him the errors of his way.

I would meet her, and I would fuck her, and I would save Joey.

Isn’t that what friends are for?


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Re: DESERTED SONS CH 10: Débrouillage

Post by oettinger »

The Urbane Spaceman wrote:
I would meet her, and I would fuck her, and I would save Joey.

Classic Urb!
Also Joey, give me your drugs n booze, it`s not good for your health and stuff you know

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Re: DESERTED SONS CH 10: Débrouillage

Post by mistah willies »

Friggin write about the fucking or GTFO

damn. It is too long for a good serail



It is too long for a a seal


Seals are tasty, so the Alalskans athabaskanen tell me this week.



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Re: DESERTED SONS CH 10: Débrouillage

Post by oettinger »

Damn cannibals! They ate a navy seal?

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