Happy May Day!

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Happy May Day , Workers of the World

Post by Frankennietzsche »

Вставай проклятьем заклейменный,
Весь мир голодных и рабов!
Кипит наш разум возмущённый
И в смертный бой вести готов.
Весь мир насилья мы разрушим
До основанья, а затем
Мы наш мы новый мир построим,
Кто был никем тот станет всем!

Это есть наш последний
И решительный бой
С Интернационалом
Воспрянет род людской

Никто не даст нам избавленья:
Ни бог, ни царь и не герой
Добьёмся мы освобожденья
Своею собственной рукой.
Чтоб свергнуть гнёт рукой умелой,
Отвоевать своё добро,
Вздувайте горн и куйте смело,
Пока железо горячо!

Довольно кровь сосать вампиры,
Тюрьмой , налогом нищетой!
У вас - вся власть, все блага мира,
А наше право - звук пустой!
Мы жизнь построим по иному
И вот наш лозунг боевой:
Вся власть народу трудовому!
А дармоедов всех долой!

Презренны вы в своём богатстве,
Угля и стали короли!
Вы ваши троны тунеядцы,
На наших спинах возвели.
Заводы , фабрики, палаты -
Всё нашим создано трудом.
Пора! Мы требуем возврата
Того что взято грабежём.

Довольно, королям в угоду,
Дурманить нас в чаду войны!
Война тиранам! Мир Народу!
Бастуйте армии сыны!
Когда ж тираны нас заставят
В бою геройски пасть за них
Убийцы в вас тогда направим
Мы жерла пушек боевых!

Лишь мы, работники всемирной
Великой армии труда!
Владеть землёй имеем право,
Но паразиты - никогда!
И если гром великий грянет
Над сворой псов и палачей,
Для нас всё также солнце станет
Сиять огнём своих лучей.
“Süßen witwe Mutter-Hosen — kommst du hier mit mein knackenpfeife schnell, oder Ich zeige Ihnen mein Zuhälter Hand!”

"I am going to pistol-whip the next person who says 'shenanigans' "

"Rectum? It nearly killed him!"

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Re: Happy May Day , Workers of the World

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

Like a desperate thirst in a raging drought

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Re: Happy May Day , Workers of the World

Post by Badfellow »

That, sir, is a bunch of pinko commie hogwash.

You probably listen to Boris Grebenshikov too while you're driving to the tractor factory in your Lada.

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Re: Happy May Day , Workers of the World

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

cyka blyat
Like a desperate thirst in a raging drought

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Re: Happy May Day , Workers of the World

Post by Fabricsoftner »

Vive la Commune

’Tis the final conflict,
Let us unite and tomorrow,
The International
Will be the human race

Arise, the damned of the earth!
Arise, prisoners of hunger!
Reason thunders in its crater,
’Tis the eruption of the end.
Let’s make a clean slate of the past,
Enslaved mass, arise, arise!
The world’s foundation will change,
We are nothing, now let’s be all!

There are no supreme saviors,
Neither God, nor Caesar nor tribune;
Producers, let us save ourselves,
We decree common salvation!
So that the thief should offer us his throat
So that spirit be wrested from its cell,
Let us fan the forge’s flames ourselves
And strike while the iron is hot.

The state represses, the law cheats,
Taxes bleed the poor;
No duties are imposed on the rich,
The rights of the poor are empty words,
We have languished long enough under domination,
Equality wants other laws:
“No rights without duties,” it says
“Equals, there are no duties without rights.”

Hideous in their apotheosis,
The kings of mines and rails,
Have they ever done aught
But rob from labor?
In the safes of that gang
What is created is smelted,
By decreeing that they turn it over
The people only want what is their due.

Kings intoxicated us with smoke,
Peace among us, war on tyrants!
Let’s apply the strike to armies,
Rifle butts raised on high and breaking ranks.
And if they insist, those cannibals,
On making heroes of us,
They’ll soon learn that our bullets
Are for our own generals.

Workers, farmers, we are
The great party of the workers,
The earth belongs only to men,
Idlers can go someplace else.
How many on our flesh eat their fill?
But if the ravens, the vultures
One morning disappeared
The sun would shine still!

’Tis the final conflict
Let us unite and tomorrow,
The International
Will be the human race

— Paris, June 1871
<@Riddeford> lying on the ground laughing then going to get drunk on a pier. isn't what was fabric was born to do?

<apE> if theyd spend half as much time drinking as they do bitching, itd all be good

<@Fabric> Pint: why do I feel like shit?
<%pint> Fabric: people

<@fiyah> you're unemployed and drunk, you have no standards

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Re: Happy May Day , Workers of the World

Post by Fabricsoftner »

<@Riddeford> lying on the ground laughing then going to get drunk on a pier. isn't what was fabric was born to do?

<apE> if theyd spend half as much time drinking as they do bitching, itd all be good

<@Fabric> Pint: why do I feel like shit?
<%pint> Fabric: people

<@fiyah> you're unemployed and drunk, you have no standards

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May Day

Post by Hugh »

All my life I thought that it was on this day in 1945 that the Soviets hung the hammer and sickle in Berlin. But today I learned it was actually May 2. According to Wikipedia, it was actually hung on the night of April 30, but since it was night, no photo was taken. A German went up there and took the flag down before sunrise. They even give the name of the Russian soldier who sneaked up there that night and hung it. But it took another day before the iconic photo was taken. There are two versions of the photo you can see now, the original, and then the one that was doctored before it was published. They added in more smoke to make it look more dramatic, and they cut out what they thought was a second watch on the wrist of the Russian hanging the flag. They didn't want the people back home to see that he was wearing what looked like two watches, because they would think that he'd been looting. But what it really was was a wrist-worn compass. Oh, those Russians.

I've always wondered how terrifying it must have been in Berlin those last few days. If people were being prevented from leaving the city in the weeks leading up to the invasion, they must have felt like sitting ducks. I remember watching one documentary that said German women were committing mass suicide after the Soviets arrived because they were being brutally raped. Then there was a more recent documentary I watched about the bunker where Hitler and his people were hiding. They said they wanted the army to rescue them down there, but the army was busy up above looking for it's own soldiers who were trapped and wounded and basically told them to go fuck themselves.

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