Thus far

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Merchant Seaman
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Thus far

Post by Merchant Seaman »

Yes, it's been a while, and being a daddy has cut into my drinking, but none the less.

last 9JUL I few from Augusta to Seattle, now hotels were wicked expensive at the time, so I flopped in a joint in Kent, that was supposed to have a bar, but it had closed, so I get into my hooch and punch up door dash, and get some munchies, a 12pck of High Life, a couple jugs of Clamato, some V-8 and a bottle of Jamison.

After a couple of beers and some Irish I ventured out, found a local bar and had a pretty good night, now many of you know that before moving to Georgia I lived in Seattle, so you may wonder why I didn't hit up any old haunts, the short answer is, the Lyft was a beni.

The next morning a made a D'mosa (read my other posts) and grabbed the Metro into the city, then down to Fishermen's Terminal and my Union Hall, threw in my card and pulled a berth on the Maunalei, went up The Hill, did my sign-on and COVID test, and promised to self quarantine in my motel. So I then hit up The Liberty Bar, for Whiskey, as they were the only ones on that block open at 1000.

That night was one for the books...

To be Cont...

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Re: Thus far

Post by oettinger »


Welcome back again

Merchant Seaman
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Re: Thus far

Post by Merchant Seaman »

After a few at The Liberty Bar, I headed over to Palermo Pizza, I ordered up a medium classico meat pie with anchovies, had a couple of Peronis while I waited, and three more with my meal, then a large glass of Chianti for desert, it was only 1300ish, so I walked a few blocks down to Broadway, i knew it would be a bengi or more to get back to my flop, so I knew I should pace myself.

The pie and walk had cleared my buzz somewhat, but I still hit up Vivace for some mud, pro tip, when oredering from a hipster coffee joint, ordering a cupa' mud doesn't fly well, so, after being treated rudely I wandered on down to Joe Bar. Now Joe Bar sells sammys, coffee, and beer, some weird beer on draft, some kind of weird fruity beer, so that combined with my buzz, meant I was ordering coffee Some of course when I got to the front of the line, I naturally said, "I'll take a draft."

With a worried look the Barista? Beertender? Barisbeer serving wench? I don't know, but with a worried look she set the beer in front of me, pro tip,when ordering a beer from a hipsterbeer/sammy joint don't slam the beer right at the counter

I did slam the beer it was better than I had thought it would be, so I ordered another, the serving wench looked off the her side nervously, and some hipster dude walked up to me and said "sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

I walked across the street the were a theater (that sold beer) used to be, I watched the great documentary Muscle Shoals there ( see this film!!)

it was barley 1430, so I hit up QFC for a twelve of Hi-Life and headed to Cal Anderson Park, were I sat with, and shared my beer with some gentlemen of leisure.

To be cont...

Merchant Seaman
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Re: Thus far

Post by Merchant Seaman »

After drinking with the guys, I sat back and dozed for a while, I woke up a couple of hours later, and headed back to QFC for some mouthwash a brush and toothpaste.

I then hit up the library to use the head, brush my teeth an use the mouthwash, then I washed my face and ventured out.

I then hit up La Cocina & Cantina for some chili colorado tortillas and salsa, washed down Modelo Negras. As it was just passed 1800 I decided a stop in Corvus & Co. was in order, after a Whiskey there, I moved on the The Eastlake Zoo, now the Zoo is a tavern, no liquor, just beer and wine, its cash only and located in a quonset hut, a long bar, a couple of pool tables, some other games and a few tables. I sipped some brews there hoping to run into an old friend, I didn't see my friend, but I did spend some time enjoying beer. at around 2023ish I decided to move on, after a bit of foggy thought I got a Lyft and headed for Ballard.

To be cont...

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Re: Thus far

Post by oettinger »

Midday drunk mouth hygiene. I`d say that`s not very common

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