The Drunk and/or Drinking at Work Thread

A place for general talk.

Moderators: Oggar, Badfellow, Mr Boozificator, Artful Drunktective, mistah willies, NYDingbat, oettinger, Judge

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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by Fbomb »

If everybody else would drink at work, that would help for sure. I would embrace it in a minute, because I'm a lush to begin with. But sadly, some office environments make it impossible. I attribute this sharp decline in our economic world standing to this fanatical demand for undrunkenness at any function... 1960s, top of the world, put man on the moon, everyone is shitty at work.... 2010s, everyone is undrunk, economy sucks, mexican gulf is destroyed by undrunk corporate a-holes, and undrunk regulators and elected officials are completely lame in facing it... FDR drank 3 martini lunches and he powered through a great depression and won a world war... just sayin

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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by Shmoo »

willerror wrote:A couple months ago I had a real meatgrinder of a morning, shit was coming at me from all sides, but I was able to sneak out for lunch. I live nearby my office, so at home after lunch I made myself a nice strong martini, sat down calmly for about 10 minutes, and drank it. I went back to work on top of the world. I couldn't believe how much it helped. I haven't done it since because I can see how it *could* become a bad habit, but every once in awhile, I say we all need to let our our inner MAD MEN and drink during work hours.
Makes me wonder what a weak martini would be/ Too much vermouth?
"next time i bust a load on the road, i'll try and save you a brick. " - Casino


Re: I get drunk at work

Post by JohnnyT »

Drinking at lunch used to be a specialty of mine. im learned the art of lunch drinking from shmoo.


Re: I get drunk at work

Post by JohnnyT »

Drinking at lunch used to be a specialty of mine. im learned the art of lunch drinking from shmoo.

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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

I used to ge tdrunk at work alot, or just be drunk while thereI was the king
now i say anyone who has to drink at work doesnt drink enough at home
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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by beerkegbilly »

I drink at work to to not hard I work at ranch but before I couldn't drink I was a roofer.So after a job we would go to the bar
and drink there no matter how early we got off work.Matter of fact I'm drunk right now it hard to type But speaking of
drinking at work when I was in the USMC as we where on ship we drank on it are friends and family use to send as booze
We get sodas mix it those little nip bottles of Captain Morgans.We had to keep are tolerance up so he can hit the port of call
And restock are hidden booze chest in between ports.THE GOOD TIMES it was for me
But now at work ever one drinks there just make sure you don't fall off a horse

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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by Jim »

Why waste an otherwise good drunk at work, unless of course it's part of the job description ?

My drinking usually follows it's own guidelines rather than move with someone elses. I guess this could be called a devotion of sorts.

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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by Booz Hound »

I have an office job and drink all the time, it is tough though, especally with all of the extreamly anal renteative dicks that work in my office. "Eric, are you drunk? Your slurring a bit?" Yea, Steve, i was drunk, fuck off.
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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by benitobeast69 »

I'm work at subway...the fucking sandwich shop!!! hah....fortunately i'm a supervisor so work the last 2 hours of the day by my and another drunkard supervisor call it spicy fanta....we keep a liter of rum in our joint locker and (as i disabled the cameras 2 years ago) drink rum and fanta in lidded subway cups for the last 2 hours when we work...while serving customers like normal gents. boom
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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by oettinger »

I love working drunk

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Re: I get drunk at work

Post by mistah willies »

Subway: I'll order a complete Thanksgiving meal form them each time.

Get my money's worth.

Nice shit in the toilet the next day.

Mmm. Fast food. Cheap when ya need it. Save your money for drinking. Drinking at work? Quality of life, right there.

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Drinking at work

Post by TheDrunkardAnglo »

I thought I'd start a thread to see if anyone drinks at work.
My questions are:

1. Do you drink at work?
2. What do you drink at work?
3. Does your work influence your usual drink choice?
4. Does your boss know?
5. If not how do you conceal it?
6. How awesome is it?
Major Strasser: What is your nationality?
Rick: I'm a drunkard.
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Re: Drinking at work

Post by Smatter Noguts »

This is a profound question, well stated.

Is the Modern Drunkard Lifestyle a 24-7 , .08+ objective?

Buk was, by God, and many of you all-stars, but I have trouble going all-in for a couple of years yet.

9 hours of un-drunkeness per day is all I can afford. Except weekends. Weekends I'm toast before breakfast.

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Re: Drinking at work

Post by hossthomas »

I used to, on occasion at my last job, though only once to the point of a decent buzz and that was sort of an accident. Normally, it was a nip from the flask here and there to keep actual undrunkenness at bay. This was wildly irresponsible considering what the job entailed, but everything turned out alright so I'd be lying if I said I felt guilty about it.

Fun fact though, there were metal detectors at the door as you exited the facility which meant I had to bring my medicine in a plastic flask.
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Re: Drinking at work

Post by mistah willies »

Hell yes.

There's always the morning shower beer, but that doesn't count. That's just waking up. Every once in a while I'll have a nip of black rum from this small flask. Black coffee to wake up the brain cells, adds to my amazing black breath.

Lunch is great. I think I was born in the wrong era.

Then, get right into the shit I got to do until the whistle blows. That's the best sound in the world, isn't it?

Yabba fuckin dabba dooo

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