Clear Spirits vs. Central Markets.

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Clear Spirits vs. Central Markets.

Post by TheSaturatedMan »

My Local has made a grevious error.
A bottle of Gin, 700 ml. $27.99
The larger version of the same, 1000 ml, $27.99!
Jugs are in order and have been. Jugs and Jugs.
My Local is nestled in the Cetral Markets of my City.

500ml of gin (feel free to push the Organ-stop to your liking on this one)
300-400 ml of cheap juice (orage, pear juice in a can? The investment has been the Gin--)
2-3 of the most exotic fruit you can find in your Markets, chopped into bite sized pieces, in the jug.
Drink before dinner, eat the drunken fruit for Dessert.
Sleep the sleep of the Righteous.

The Cross Section includes: Mango, Tamarillo, Nashi Pear, Strawberry, Kiwi Fruit, Mulberry.
Current God Tier - Guava.

The variations are endless. The problem with Gin is you get to a certain level in the jug and say: "This combination is THE ONE!"
You wake up in the morning and have look in the top of your bin to remember it via the subtle art of Forensics.

Q: anyone have a twist on a solid recipe? I'm experimenting with a teaspoon of jam (my Doctor points at my pancreas at this point, 31kms away)

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