Way to make an impression/first time in the States

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Way to make an impression/first time in the States

Post by Sinistrous »

First of all, I want to thank FKR for running this website, I've been lurking this website since... I dunno, 2005? 2006? About that long, yeah. I joined the forum couple of years ago, but this is my first post. So, hailed be my fellow drunkards, wherever you are. At first, I'd like to start with a story that happened just a week or so ago, during my first trip to the home of the free and the brave, the US of the A. This is not something that happens to me on a regular basis, which is why it makes for a funny story regarding the various effects that alcohol might have on people.

So uh, yeah. I was travelling with a friend and we we're crashing at this dude's place, a dude we met at Killtown Deathfest, a death metal event in Copenhagen (V., if you're reading this, I'm missing you already!). We arrived there on the 3rd and feeling jetlagged as fuck, we decided to cut it short for the day, leaving all the actual drinking and merrymaking for the days to come. After getting some killer burgers at Jules Mae's Saloon and getting a six-pack of Knock Out stout from a nearby beer store, we swiftly got to the apartment that our mate was sharing with three other cats. Nothing much happened here, some brief introductions etc and drinking those aforementioned brewskies. Fuck, were they good or what?

On the next day, we headed out to 5 Point Cafe to get some breakfast, hit some record stores, checked out the totally lame EMP museum (don't go there, there's better ways to spend those 20 buckaroonies), and started to, slowly but surely, get ourselves totally obliterated. Blitzed. Shitfaced. Whatever your chosen euphemism for getting totally and inappropriately inebriated, we did that in Julie's Tavern, where V. was working (I think, I might remember wrong here). Pitchers of various brews were consumed, along with tequilas, bourbons and what have you. After that, much jawjacking ensued, along with a sizable portion of merrymaking, bullshitting, storyswapping etc ad infinitum.

And now we're getting to the good part.

I totally blacked out while on a cab back to the basecamp. The next thing I remember is waking totally nude, on a sofa, having spewed my first load of puke on myself, with another load on the way. I swiftly turn over, making myself fall on the floor, and puking the last bit of all the lovely alcohol on the floor. My first instinct is to clean myself up, and for this I go down to the basement, to the shower, where my companions are still up, making all sorts of animal noises and giggling maniacally. After the shower, I come up the stairs, back to the sofa where there are two of V.:s roomies standing, slackjawed in wonder, of the mayhem they see. You see, aside from the puke, I, for the first time that I remember/know, I had at the same time shat myself, dropping these little nuggets to the floor. Still just barely conscious and unable to deal with this turn of events, I just grunt something in a reply and lie down at sofa.

Fast forward to the morning.

"...there's a nude guy in the living room, who shat the floor last night, I don't give a fuck, these guys need to leave."

What a way to start your trip, huh? :D

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Dear Booze
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Re: Way to make an impression/first time in the States

Post by Dear Booze »

You are an awesome houseguest!

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Re: Way to make an impression/first time in the States

Post by Patchez »

Sounds like an outstanding start. We'll need more tales of your Stateside exploits.
Now you're ready for some anti-dry-otics!-BeerMakesMeSmarter

If worms had daggers, birds wouldn't fuck with them-Todd Snider

Blackout and be extraordinary-Absinthe of Malice

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Re: Way to make an impression/first time in the States

Post by oettinger »

Always good to test out the pain threshold first and foremost. Saves you a lot of time later on

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