Gentlemen, a confession

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RP Owens
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Gentlemen, a confession

Post by RP Owens »

The port which I've drunk half of now is oxidized. It tastes awful. But I shall persist -- because what is a man if he cannot accomplish the task he has set out to achieve? I guess this is less a confession and more of a whatever this is. Anyway, as you were as I persist.
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Palinka (RIP)
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Re: Gentlemen, a confession

Post by Palinka (RIP) »

And what about the ladies? Should they not care?
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Kindly listen to this, please.

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Rev. Dead Corpse
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Re: Gentlemen, a confession

Post by Rev. Dead Corpse »

I know how you feel. I have a gallon of Joe's Ancient Orange mead in a secondary fermenter in my basement as we sit here.

Not sure what I did wrong, but it has completely failed to clarify and the color has me somewhat afraid to remove the vapor lock. No sign of anything green, or possibly sentient, growing in it.. So that is a bit of a relief.

Specific gravity coming out of the primary puts ABV around 16%...

That ought do the trick, regardless of any treat value.
<insert something profound here>

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mistah willies
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Re: Gentlemen, a confession

Post by mistah willies »

Spilling it on the floor, knocking over a drink, vomiting, and/or pouring it down a drain is abuse of alcohol.

Unless it is no longer alcohol. Don't give your liver more work than it has to do already.

Just hiccuping, ya know...

Can we drink now? ---peetie44
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