age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

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age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by SuperStar »

In my last day of undrunkenness (today) of an 8 day or so stint purely enforced due to a lack of nescesary cash I found myself browsing modern drunkard magazine. The section for low and undrunk seemed apt which is where I came across the following pearl of wisdom...
Dear Concerned Cad:

I am 28 years old. I own a successful business, have a wonderful wife and make my mortgage payments on time. But here’s the thing: I still like to drink like I did in college. I like to go to parties (even keggers) and get blasted. I like bar hopping, I like inviting friends over for drinks, I even go on the occasional road trip to Las Vegas or NOLA. Lately, however, my wife, family and some of my friends (the ones I would never think of inviting on a road trip) have been dropping broad hints that I should start “settling down” and “growing up.” What’s the deal? Do I have a Peter Pan complex or are they just being dicks?

—Not Ready To Cool Out Just Yet

Dear Not Ready:

They’re being dicks. I get a slew of mail in the same vein and it always riles me up. Where did people get the idea that at some point in our lives we should measure ourselves for our burial shroud then hunker down and wait for Grim Death to come rapping on our door?

It’s an outrage. In America they tell us we’re too immature to drink until we’re 21, then have the gall to tell us few years later that we’re immature if we continue drinking.

Here’s my opinion: we’re down here for a short amount of time, and it’s our prerogative—and pleasure—to cram in as many kicks as possible while we’re still drawing breath. And there is nothing like alcohol to facilitate getting kicks.

Peter Pan complex? Sure. Who the hell wants to grow up (which really means grow old)? Once you decide to “be responsible” and “act your age” you might as well go lay down in the dirt, because your life is essentially over.

See you at the kegger
Now being in my early 30s I find this advice nicely reassuring, as a single guy with no children I've always thought my love for solo bar hopping random conversations and meetings and that general sense of adventure... The type that you only really get going out into unknown bars with cash in your pocket, was my choice, and mine alone to make but you can't help but feel the societal norms bearing down on you and telling you that its time to tame it down. Only recently when I mentioned I was going to a night club someone remarked aren't you a bit old for that!

Well I'm pleased to say no I'm not, and I'm proud I still have some party in me.

I have had some of the most traumatic experiences in my life because of alcohol, but I have also had some of the best without doubt.

I want to do only one thing as I 'mature' and that's try to ensure the best times are always increasing and the traumatic times are decreasing - with that said bring on the good times tomorrow when I'm back in funds.

I'm off to scope out a few bars online for tomorrow will be feel good Thursday and for once as I'm twiddling my thumbs today, I'm going to semi plan my bar stops :-)

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by mistah willies »

Scintillating, titillating, and tipplating.

Make a memory for us all.

Welcome aboard young DRINKer!

Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by SuperStar »

Thank you fellow imbiber!

May your weekend also be alive to magic and everything you want it to be!
*Pours two of your choice, slides one to you and lifts the other*


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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by mistah willies »


I'll join ya with Kraken, because it is an aperitif like Jägermeister, or Schnapps. But with more burn. It's black, you know. That makes it even better.

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by SuperStar »

Well that night ranks amongst the best in my life. Went clubbing spent a lot. Got into some company and after some guy in our company says he had ran out of money I proceed to buy him two of his choice. Needless to say my better nature had the better of me as I had a mere twelve pounds left at that time and so couldn't buy myself another. Long story short this fellow drinker learns of the reality and proceeds to tell me he's really rather well to do and because he can tell I am such a nice person he'd like to buy me a drink back. By now the bar was closing but this was no obstacle as we headed out and he hailed a taxi. Take us to a club that is still open was the words uttered and so at 2.30am we arrived at a very busy and sexy club with alcohol flowing in plentiful supply. He proceeded to tell me how his father is rich and he gets 100,000 a year from him. Well would you believe it. We drank in between dancing with the girls and meeting more fellow drinkers for much frivolity (including arm wrestling which was my idea) and I found myself at 8.30am with many happy memories and a long way home.

Somehow I traversed the numerous forms of public transport to get home with no cash. Another amazing experience thanks to alcohol.

I'm in my kitchen now once again without funds, but thankfully I have some 9% lager someone bought me so I am imbibing once again.

Cheers for the beers, and I hope you all have a nicely smashed and enjoyable Saturday night.

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by SuperStar »

I bought these from a girl who n wgftbwwgladt watedfuck stupid forum won't klet me delete but worevet

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by JimLahey »

SuperStar wrote:Well that night ranks amongst the best in my life. Went clubbing spent a lot. Got into some company and after some guy in our company says he had ran out of money I proceed to buy him two of his choice. Needless to say my better nature had the better of me as I had a mere twelve pounds left at that time and so couldn't buy myself another. Long story short this fellow drinker learns of the reality and proceeds to tell me he's really rather well to do and because he can tell I am such a nice person he'd like to buy me a drink back. By now the bar was closing but this was no obstacle as we headed out and he hailed a taxi. Take us to a club that is still open was the words uttered and so at 2.30am we arrived at a very busy and sexy club with alcohol flowing in plentiful supply. He proceeded to tell me how his father is rich and he gets 100,000 a year from him. Well would you believe it. We drank in between dancing with the girls and meeting more fellow drinkers for much frivolity (including arm wrestling which was my idea) and I found myself at 8.30am with many happy memories and a long way home.

Somehow I traversed the numerous forms of public transport to get home with no cash. Another amazing experience thanks to alcohol.

I'm in my kitchen now once again without funds, but thankfully I have some 9% lager someone bought me so I am imbibing once again.

Cheers for the beers, and I hope you all have a nicely smashed and enjoyable Saturday night.

Damn, sounds like a pretty epic night, good for you!

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by SuperStar »

Thanks mate. Jeeeeez gotta stay off that 9% sludge only had it twice in me life. Funny enough I have no memory of last entry I made before this one at 5pm. When i read drunk posts on these most brilliant boards before I'd assumed they were written in jest... Now I know! In space of 2 hours I seem to have lost all control of my mind lol.

Back in funds tomorrow but genna go for the less smashed option (i.e try to remember everything) also I've decided to change me ways and pace me spending, doing all your dish in , in 2 days just don't allow for the extendded enjoyable buzz your more advanced drinkers can get from your more consistent drinking.

Well that's the plan, probly go completely out the window tomorrow. Cheers you great people :)

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by oettinger »

Reading this thread atleast the second time now myself. Brain tells me "you have seen this before" like a memory from way back when you were a child, or it`s just some sort of deja-vu.
But I like it, just like a good joke told to you at the bar at four a.m. you can always laugh about it like a fresh one never heard before

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by SuperStar »

Gearing up for a club tonight and I saved enough funds when I was out last night to buy this is beaut

Sorry for u seasoned drinkers but could never take it neat!



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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by mistah willies »



spiced rum

Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by Mr. Viking »

I've been thinking this quite a lot recently: the day you act your age is the day you become it
"I spent all of my money on cars, women and booze, the rest of it I squandered" G. Best

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Re: age is a state of mind : feel free to get hammered

Post by booznik »

Mr. Viking wrote:I've been thinking this quite a lot recently: the day you act your age is the day you become it
With experience comes the ability to act your age only when it's required to succeed in society.

The rest of the time you can drink a lot and skype too much.
"Booznik. Smooth, classy and manatee-like." --Bur

"Oh, you've been reading your Sir Kenelm Digby, haven't you? Stick to the mead recipes, especially that of the Mayor of Moscovy. That shizz is SACK!!!" --Badfellow

"Now stop and DRINK! bastards." --mistah willies

"A stand alone place for booze is as essential for a home, as is a bed to sleep on." --Miklo


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