Pitcher o' Jager

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Pitcher o' Jager

Post by Linchpin »

As most of us know, Jagermeister can be quite majestic through slow sipping or the occasional shot...if you request it with Red Bull, please move on.

Normal Wednesday to meet with some friends to play pool but all I had was $20. My friends keep asking on why I'm not drinking and I respond with "I only have $20." After a while I get bored with pool and I want a drink and as I am walking to the bar, the night manager (aka D) stops me to say HELLO. We talk for a bit and he asks why I'm not drinking so I tell him why and he pats me on the back and says something like ENJOY YOUR NIGHT or HAVE A GOODn.

I grab a cheap beer and pay when D says, "You only have $20?" I responded saying something witty like "Yeah," then he said...

...wait for it

..."I'll give you $20 worth of Jagermeister if you got cash and you drink it from a pitcher."

I had the cash, he was hooking me up and I was with friends...what could go wrong?

After finishing off my $20 pitcher of Jagz, 45min later I can feel my window slowly closing...for those whom don't know that means you have a set amount of time to make it home SUCCESSFULLY. Otherwise you have to hope you get a ride home later, or just end up outside of the bar because they don't want to deal with your BS.

I speak to my boy W and tell him my situation and to make sure I'm paid up because nothing else screams DOUCHEBAG than an unpaid bar tab. My boy W says "I got you man, you head home safely and if you can't then let me know and I'll drive you there."

Made it home safe, W called to check on me and was pleased I was ok, and to this day it is the first and only time D ever served a $20 pitcher of Jager and someone drank it successfully.

Whatever happens happens and always happens for the worst, so if the worst has yet to happen I hope it happens to you FIRST! - Jimmy Pop

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Re: Pitcher o' Jager

Post by oettinger »

The thought alone makes me throw up.

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Re: Pitcher o' Jager

Post by oettinger »


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