The Drunk and/or Drinking at Work Thread

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Rye and Coke
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The Art of On-the-Job Drinking (to be continued...)

Post by Rye and Coke »

Or: National Lampoons Christmas Drunkard!

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019, a week before Christmas
The holidays are in the rear view, as is the around-the-clock, drunken delirium that can go along with it. One of the speed bumps in our annual trip through wide-eyed and opened mouth ecstasy is, unfortunately, employment.

"Goddamnit, what a bummer."

If you're lucky enough to be a teacher, a cop, an ad guy, or -- as in my case -- a journalist, alcohol will not only be readily available to you, but often times present at your work place. When you're in the business of stress, it is what it is.

At every desk, in every office, in every classroom, when you reach your fuck-it level, there's a button you smash with a closed fist, and booze shoots out at you with the force of a Birmingham, Alabama fire hose. Cheers motherfucker.

This was the case with me.

Four Five, Alexandria, Va. Coffee shop - Tito's vodka & soda
There's this weird coffee spot that built out a space in my building. It's all hipster, vegan and yech. They have super strong coffee and breakfast sandwiches that I'm dying to try for hangover reasons, but what most intrigued me was their Open Houses where they invited the entire building down for freebees.

My office, four individuals strong, showed up before everyone else. I was hungover and my coworker, Stella, was high on everything and looking to take the edge off. Everyone else went for the free coffee and food, I zeroed in what I spied as Tito's Vodka behind the bar. "Are...are those free for drinks?" I asked. They looked at me like, "yeah, of course," but their body language led me to believe they were hoping no one noticed. I got a Tito's and soda and Stella (Who's a goddamn professional!) got a double straight, because we're not children.

At 9 in the morning, this was how we started our day.

It was at lunch that we played Secret Santa. It's a game that I hate, but a game that always lands me a couple of bottles of whiskey because my coworkers know me. There something to say about being honest about yourself. Sure, I could've presented myself as a square; someone who wakes up early, goes to work, takes my children to the park and goes to church every Sunday. I could've said I enjoy the company of the socially buoyant, bland and bourgeoisie. I could've said that. But no, I chose instead to be honest and tell them that I enjoy going to dark bars and hanging with degenerates because, at my core, I know I am one. I tell them about the times I went to happy hour and awoke the next day, on a bus bench, in a different state.

I tell them this in all honesty and, above all, with full-chested fearlessness. So for Secret Santa this year, I got a fifth of Bulleit Bourbon.

Lunch time, Office - 2 Bulleit Bourbons

Soooo, it's going to be a no-work workday is it? Fortunately for me, I got this. (I'm a goddamn professional!)

Everything that I needed to get done for the day had already been folded up and put away, crossed off my To-Do List so that no manager or stool pigeon could say "boo." I cracked that bottle open within a second of it touching my hand. The first drink was for the release from responsibility. It is the exhalation that comes from holding one's breath over the course of a mind numbing trudge through the Swamp of Sadness that is the 5-day workweek. The second Bourbon was the 'fuck you' to anyone who thinks any human should be happy to live in such a way.

Stella, who is also one of us, received 3 six-packs of very fine craft beers, one of which was Troegs Mad Elf Ale. I begged her to crack her's open. She refused. I looked at her and shook my head in disgust. Apparently, Stella wasn't one of us after all.

Off to Happy Hour!!

Joe Theismann's Restaurant - 3 Bulleit Rye Manhattans

We cut out early and headed to the bar that is directly under our office. It's called Joe Theismann's and is named after the famed Washington Redskin quarterback who led our area to a Super Bowl XVII championship win in 1982. I'm not sure if he owns the restaurant or has ever owned it, all we know is that it has a great bar.

Of course, we frequent it a lot and at this point they, along with the Tequila bar across the street, should know us each by our name.

We find a table and begin ordering drinks. I keep the Bulleit train going and down three Bulleit Rye Manhattans over the course of the evening. I told everyone something extremely personal and sexual about myself and Stella was approached by an 80-year-old Sugar Daddy, who had become smitten by her and began to buy her drinks.

We get back the office, this point, fuck it. Just fuck it. It's Christmas, I'm pissed, you're pissed, WE'RE ALL PISSED!!! Let's keep drinking.

Office, After Happy Hour - 1 Bulleit Bourbon, 1 Shiner Bock beer and whatever we could find...

The rest of the night is pretty much a blur, I know I got home -- BY TRAIN, I DID NOT DRIVE -- and I know I made it safe. The following week was Christmas, and I'm sure you all know what happened then... most of you were a part of it by way of Skype (right?). All I know is this day sparked a 2 week bender that saw me drunkenly offend my sister-in-law, pass out at my in-laws house while everyone else ate Christmas dinner, totally forget my own parents for their Christmas party and head into New Year's, riding the wave of Rye Whiskey on "nothing but bare feet and faith."

2019, what a year....
"They told me to see the glass half full cause some see it as half empty
I chose to see the glass twice the size it needed to be" - Pharoahe Monch, 'Broken Again'

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Re: The Art of On-the-Job Drinking (to be continued...)

Post by oettinger »

Rye and Coke wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:10 pm
Or: National Lampoons Christmas Drunkard!

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019, a week before Christmas
The holidays are in the rear view, as is the around-the-clock, drunken delirium that can go along with it. One of the speed bumps in our annual trip through wide-eyed and opened mouth ecstasy is, unfortunately, employment.

"Goddamnit, what a bummer."

If you're lucky enough to be a teacher, a cop, an ad guy, or -- as in my case -- a journalist, alcohol will not only be readily available to you, but often times present at your work place. When you're in the business of stress, it is what it is.

At every desk, in every office, in every classroom, when you reach your fuck-it level, there's a button you smash with a closed fist, and booze shoots out at you with the force of a Birmingham, Alabama fire hose. Cheers motherfucker.

This was the case with me.

Four Five, Alexandria, Va. Coffee shop - Tito's vodka & soda
There's this weird coffee spot that built out a space in my building. It's all hipster, vegan and yech. They have super strong coffee and breakfast sandwiches that I'm dying to try for hangover reasons, but what most intrigued me was their Open Houses where they invited the entire building down for freebees.

My office, four individuals strong, showed up before everyone else. I was hungover and my coworker, Stella, was high on everything and looking to take the edge off. Everyone else went for the free coffee and food, I zeroed in what I spied as Tito's Vodka behind the bar. "Are...are those free for drinks?" I asked. They looked at me like, "yeah, of course," but their body language led me to believe they were hoping no one noticed. I got a Tito's and soda and Stella (Who's a goddamn professional!) got a double straight, because we're not children.

At 9 in the morning, this was how we started our day.

It was at lunch that we played Secret Santa. It's a game that I hate, but a game that always lands me a couple of bottles of whiskey because my coworkers know me. There something to say about being honest about yourself. Sure, I could've presented myself as a square; someone who wakes up early, goes to work, takes my children to the park and goes to church every Sunday. I could've said I enjoy the company of the socially buoyant, bland and bourgeoisie. I could've said that. But no, I chose instead to be honest and tell them that I enjoy going to dark bars and hanging with degenerates because, at my core, I know I am one. I tell them about the times I went to happy hour and awoke the next day, on a bus bench, in a different state.

I tell them this in all honesty and, above all, with full-chested fearlessness. So for Secret Santa this year, I got a fifth of Bulleit Bourbon.

Lunch time, Office - 2 Bulleit Bourbons

Soooo, it's going to be a no-work workday is it? Fortunately for me, I got this. (I'm a goddamn professional!)

Everything that I needed to get done for the day had already been folded up and put away, crossed off my To-Do List so that no manager or stool pigeon could say "boo." I cracked that bottle open within a second of it touching my hand. The first drink was for the release from responsibility. It is the exhalation that comes from holding one's breath over the course of a mind numbing trudge through the Swamp of Sadness that is the 5-day workweek. The second Bourbon was the 'fuck you' to anyone who thinks any human should be happy to live in such a way.

Stella, who is also one of us, received 3 six-packs of very fine craft beers, one of which was Troegs Mad Elf Ale. I begged her to crack her's open. She refused. I looked at her and shook my head in disgust. Apparently, Stella wasn't one of us after all.

Off to Happy Hour!!

Joe Theismann's Restaurant - 3 Bulleit Rye Manhattans

We cut out early and headed to the bar that is directly under our office. It's called Joe Theismann's and is named after the famed Washington Redskin quarterback who led our area to a Super Bowl XVII championship win in 1982. I'm not sure if he owns the restaurant or has ever owned it, all we know is that it has a great bar.

Of course, we frequent it a lot and at this point they, along with the Tequila bar across the street, should know us each by our name.

We find a table and begin ordering drinks. I keep the Bulleit train going and down three Bulleit Rye Manhattans over the course of the evening. I told everyone something extremely personal and sexual about myself and Stella was approached by an 80-year-old Sugar Daddy, who had become smitten by her and began to buy her drinks.

We get back the office, this point, fuck it. Just fuck it. It's Christmas, I'm pissed, you're pissed, WE'RE ALL PISSED!!! Let's keep drinking.

Office, After Happy Hour - 1 Bulleit Bourbon, 1 Shiner Bock beer and whatever we could find...

The rest of the night is pretty much a blur, I know I got home -- BY TRAIN, I DID NOT DRIVE -- and I know I made it safe. The following week was Christmas, and I'm sure you all know what happened then... most of you were a part of it by way of Skype (right?). All I know is this day sparked a 2 week bender that saw me drunkenly offend my sister-in-law, pass out at my in-laws house while everyone else ate Christmas dinner, totally forget my own parents for their Christmas party and head into New Year's, riding the wave of Rye Whiskey on "nothing but bare feet and faith."

2019, what a year....
Just wow, so many quotables. Here`s some fine ones:
"Swamp of Sadness that is the 5-day workweek" yikes so true
"I begged her to crack her's open" yes, it`s a sportsbra, they pop
" I told everyone something extremely personal and sexual" ehhhh why but why
"me drunkenly offend my sister-in-law" if you ever need someone to step in, I`m free on christmas

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Rye and Coke
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Re: The Art of On-the-Job Drinking (to be continued...)

Post by Rye and Coke »

I am both ashamed and proud that I wrote all this tldr horseshit....

My only hope is that someone else adds to this with their own stories of drinking on the job
"They told me to see the glass half full cause some see it as half empty
I chose to see the glass twice the size it needed to be" - Pharoahe Monch, 'Broken Again'

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Artful Drunktective
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Re: The Art of On-the-Job Drinking (to be continued...)

Post by Artful Drunktective »

Rye and Coke wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:10 pm
I told everyone something extremely personal and sexual about myself
oettinger wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:52 pm
" I told everyone something extremely personal and sexual" ehhhh why but why
Yeah really! Especially when you could have told US all these sordid things!

Marvelous BTW. Really enjoyed reading this. I could envision it all in my mind as it played out. The Good, the Bad, AND the Ugly.
Okole maluna!


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Re: The Art of On-the-Job Drinking (to be continued...)

Post by Artful Drunktective »

Rye and Coke wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 6:10 pm
All I know is this day sparked a 2 week bender that saw me drunkenly offend my sister-in-law,
oettinger wrote:
Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:52 pm
"me drunkenly offend my sister-in-law" if you ever need someone to step in", I`m free on christmas
Yes oettinger can be rented for holiday parties, funerals, work functions, weddings, first communions, baby showers...wherever you need an "offense". Pretty much anything but bar mitzvahs. You really don't want that.
Okole maluna!


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Re: The Art of On-the-Job Drinking (to be continued...)

Post by Badfellow »

First and foremost, fine article.

Secondly (and this is toward Oettinger, as an editor and moderator of sorts)...


There was not a third point, beyond the fine sands of the Blackout Beach Resort... where the grains of time slip through the hour glass like the days of our lives... and the days of our lives are measured by the nights we narily, warily forget.

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Malibu Laurie
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Re: Drinking at work

Post by Malibu Laurie »

Could these pass as giant Capri Suns if I put them in my lunch box? Or better yet, I could just pour them directly in my empty Gatorade bottle and it would look even more legit.


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Re: Drinking at work

Post by scream ale »

^^^ Adult capri sun. That's funny. I could see that working in a gatorade bottle.

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Re: Drinking at work

Post by Artful Drunktective »

Malibu Laurie wrote:
Thu Mar 12, 2020 5:11 am
Could these pass as giant Capri Suns if I put them in my lunch box?
Yeah and just drink it straight from the spout. Anybody who knows you wouldn't think it's strange.
Okole maluna!


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Re: Drinking at work

Post by Nausea »

Capri Suns were the bomb. I remember how all the cool kids penetrated the pouch from the bottom rather than the intended way.
Don't worry. We're in no hurry.

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Re: Drinking at work

Post by Malibu Laurie »

In my Seagrams soda that everyone thought was alcohol, I shoulda just put alcohol. A decoy for a decoy.

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Re: Drinking at work

Post by Patchez »

Aren't adult Capri Suns just a straw jammed into a bag from the box wine?
Now you're ready for some anti-dry-otics!-BeerMakesMeSmarter

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Re: Drinking at work

Post by benitobeast69 »

back in my old job it was easy as pie and fucking brilliant, I was a supervisor in a shitty little subway store and would always work the evening shift either alone or with a fellow drunkard co-worker...we used to hid a litre of rum in the freezer out of the cameras and just top up our complimentary fountain drinks all night. doing the banking at the end of the shift was sometimes a bit hazy.

in my current job I work for the tax office, this used to be a big drinking job and years ago they even had a civil service bar on site, unfortunately those days are no more. The only time I've really done it since was when they wouldn't let me book the last hour of my shift off. I could book all afternoon but they insisted I had to work the last hour. I drank all day and came back in for my final our, hunkered down at my desk for an hour still drinking. In hindsight I probably only got away with it cause my office space at the time was away from most of the managers.
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Re: Drinking at work

Post by oettinger »

benitobeast69 wrote:
Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:52 am

in my current job I work for the devil
Someone has to do it...

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Re: Drinking at work

Post by benitobeast69 »

oettinger wrote:
Sat Mar 14, 2020 4:59 pm
benitobeast69 wrote:
Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:52 am

in my current job I work for the devil
Someone has to do it...
hail satan
Hangover cure: Rigorous sex, hydration, hot bath, then "go up for half an hour in an open aeroplane." - Kinglsey Amis

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