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Jiggers McCoy
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Re: smoking

Post by Jiggers McCoy »

I never really had a taste for it. I will occasionally light up a cigar, but I find them to be something to endure rather than enjoy. I've done a few hookahs with the extra fruity smoke, and they can be fun, but I could take it or leave it. Most of my drunkard friends don't care for tobacco. Funnily enough, the only people I know that smoke are dilletantes that don't regularly drink, but once they have more than one beer, they're out bumming smokes.
• "Avoiding the darker alcohols like bourbon, red wine and dark rum might lessen [a hangover] and you might also dance better if you wear a tutu instead of trousers." - FKR

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Re: smoking

Post by l... »

I still smoke. and since I'm home and I CAN..i'm going to light one right now. also, there is a certain camaraderie when all of you are standing outside of a bar. misery in the cold of Wisconsin loves company. I do hang out at a bar that has a smoking lounge in the basement if you are a regular. that's a nice bonus ;)
That's what I call Drunkard justice. I hate prisses like that. They're mincing their way through life when they should be marching. ~fkr.

I wish i could find me a woman who drinks!~ruiner..on lack of women drinkers.


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mistah willies
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Re: smoking

Post by mistah willies »

l... wrote:I still smoke. and since I'm home and I CAN..i'm going to light one right now. also, there is a certain camaraderie when all of you are standing outside of a bar. misery in the cold of Wisconsin loves company. I do hang out at a bar that has a smoking lounge in the basement if you are a regular. that's a nice bonus ;)

When I "officially" quit them things, i promised myself that i would never be the Dry to anyone who continued on with their own enjoyment of them, and i have kept my word.

That being said, whenever I drink, there remains the craving. As Jiggers McCoy eloquently stated and to which I refer, "dilletantes... once they have more than one beer, they're out bumming smokes."

That would be me, myself. Sorry about that. I'm still quit of them, as long as I don't purchase a pack.

They smell sooo inviting in the smoking area, any time of the day or night.

Alcohol lowers my resistance to their herald to me.

Am I cheap for bumming?


Do i pay more than they are worth when we all go back inside the bar?

You judge, but it's decent to reciprocate, (with a drink), isn't it?

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Re: smoking

Post by Patchez »

TDC all you have to do when the siren calls is buy a pack. Out drinking and need a few, grab a pack. Just remember to give them to a fellow smoker on the way out the pub at the end of the night. No dilitante you, and a benign saint of drunk smokers as you depart.
As for me I kicked the cigs but still enjoy my pipe and cigars when drinking. No inhalation with either so I'm down to just catching hoof and mouth disease or some such.Still scratches that nic itch I get when hooching.
Now you're ready for some anti-dry-otics!-BeerMakesMeSmarter

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Re: smoking

Post by Palmwine Drunkard »

I started when I was 33 years old hanging with Indonesian musicians.
The kretek smelled sooooo good.
Can I try a puff?
Can I have one?
Can I have another?

FUCK OFF AND BUY YOUR OWN DAMNED SMOKES!! (someone intimated to me)

Thus, I am now a smoker.
I know that many people revile my choice, but I like it so much still.
"Nature is beautiful at its most violent and chaotic. Embrace the wildness, in the storm and in yourself. And meditate heavily with aid of Johnny Walker. You've got it right. Let it all keep turning."
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mistah willies
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Re: smoking

Post by mistah willies »

Patchez wrote:TDC all you have to do when the siren calls is buy a pack. Out drinking and need a few, grab a pack. Just remember to give them to a fellow smoker on the way out the pub at the end of the night. No dilitante you, and a benign saint of drunk smokers as you depart.

Simply brilliant.

This round is on me, good man.

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Re: smoking

Post by steved2112 »

I used to enjoy smoking. I quite smoking at the bar first - that's where I enjoyed it most. A couple years later came the ban.

The only good thing about the ban is that people will leave their drinks on the bar, and gather together outdoors to smoke with the smokers. I think this facilitates camaraderie, and the act of trust in leaving your setup at the bar is a sign of a healthy society.

I think it should have been a moratorium. I have a friend who owns a cool bar, and was glad of the ban, because he hated that he needed to allow it or suffer loss of revenue. A moratorium with a three or four year sunset clause would have served both sides. Get everybody used to smoke-free bars, then allow it to come back in owner by owner - or not.

Rolling the cherry round the ashtray, watching threads of smoke drift upward, thinking of your next clever thing to say... these are good things. But I don't miss it.
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Re: smoking

Post by Palinka (RIP) »

Of course, the American posters, here, would get a huge kick out of the smoking camaraderie in the UK, where, thanks to our colloquiallisms, it isn't unusual for a friendly fellow smoker to approach another, with an outstretched packet of cigarettes, saying, "Fag?"
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Mr Boozificator
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Re: smoking

Post by Mr Boozificator »

I agreed with the law when it got implemented: after all who wants to get back home with clothes smelling like an ashtray. Now, every time I go to the pub I still feel like lighting my cigar while the barman is preparing my first pint and it's just frustrating.
"I never want to go to bed if there are still beers in the fridge, but then I am always hopeful that there are beers left in there when I wake up.". Thirstydrunk.

"We all look for happiness, but without knowing where to find it: like drunkards who look for their house, knowing dimly that they have one." Voltaire

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Re: smoking

Post by hossthomas »

i'm a smoker, although i have cut back. four or five years ago i was a 2, 2 and a half pack a day guy now i'm down to about a pack a day. i very rarely go to bars so the ban doesn't really affect me much, still against it just based on principle though.
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Re: smoking

Post by Realbundy »

smoking makes you look cool.

But it also makes your dick shrink.

They should put that as the warning on the pack, instead of the cartoonish gross out bollocks they put on the packs here....(Insert any result for GIS of "Singapore Cigarettes")

They got a new one that looks a bit "Clockwork Orange", that ive attached and probably messed up, that says "Smoking causes blindness" then has a close up of an eyeball being held open by calipers or some such.

This single image makes me smoke twice as much as usual, because then i can rip out 2 eyeballs (pics from the pack peeps, pics from the pack) and if anybody has the "smoking makes your teeth look dodgy" i can make myself a scary little "Pint Person" on the side of my drink.

alternatively i could take a picture with my modern technology and post it on the site or use it as my avatar, and subsequently save everyone from having to read this now obvious waste of time post...

fuck it, i'll build a reefer, i was only killing time till my Strongbow was cold enough anyway.
280718-roxon-with-cigarette-pack.jpg (33.96 KiB) Viewed 8686 times

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Re: smoking

Post by Mr. Viking »

I drink and smoke. I take risks. I find it's more fun that way. I'm already at risk of early death because I'm tall, because I live too far north, because I can be pessimistic, because I sleep too long. Fuck it. I'll do what I like. I don't like smoking lots, though. More than 5 or 10 a day and I start to feel shit
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Re: smoking

Post by mistah willies »

hossthomas wrote:i'm a smoker, although i have cut back. four or five years ago i was a 2, 2 and a half pack a day guy now i'm down to about a pack a day. i very rarely go to bars so the ban doesn't really affect me much, still against it just based on principle though.

Never got up to much beyond a pack a day. Never used a patch to quit, nor that gum (though it did help with lengthy public transport) or even that Chantix pharma stuff.

but i didn't quit like a man, either.

I weaned, like a baby from the teat.

Towards the end of it all, one cigarette a day, nub it out after a couple of hits. Pretty nasty at the third spark-up.

Nowadays, they smell really good, they are inviting, and they give one hell of a fifteen minute head rush when imbibing.

But I don't smoke.

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Mr. Viking
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Re: smoking

Post by Mr. Viking »

well I don't have to worry about that shite because I smoke when I want
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Re: smoking

Post by mistah willies »

Mr. Viking wrote:well I don't have to worry about that shite because I smoke when I want
Words to smoke by.

Can I bum one?

Kinda buzzed from the overtown bars now...

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