Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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The Urbane Spaceman
Super Drunkard
Super Drunkard
Posts: 192
Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:18 pm


Post by The Urbane Spaceman »

The punk rock gig at the broken church ended with a bang, but right here, this is the bang for your buck.

You see, we would continue on. This is the end of a three day party that started between me and Joey, and now, it would include many, many more damned punk bastards. It would end in the destruction of a lovely home, as the morning light whispered its ugly intention to blast our world with clarity.

Such a comedown, isn’t it always? Them birds start chirping…

One thing about that new intoxication, it made for a hell of a party. It made us feel like gold. I was intoxicated with it. We drove in the pitch black of the dark night, light only by the solitary eye above. She was angry. For what, I had no idea. We would find out, in a little while.

Here is a smooth tune with a video showing lovely young ladies on roller skates.
Gold by Chet Faker.

But do ya ken, this is a true tale.

A long, black vehicle with skulls spray-painted on the front doors and the hood of the engine compartment rumbled down the side street to home port. Good people nestled in their beds, watching David Letterman or PBS when it showed HGTTG, or other things that are good to view with your loved one.

We were not good. We didn’t love anyone. We only loved our intoxication.

We would go on.

Jerry heaved himself out of the shotgun seat and finished his bottle. He raised his arm up to chuck it at the dumpster at the end of the parking lot, but Joey shouted. He said, “Don’t fucking do that! You’ll wake folks up!”

And then a light flicked on in an apartment across the way. Jerry shouted. He said, “Go back to bed!”

Yeah, that would help.

Sean walked to the fenced in area of our shitty apartment, out back, where the broken BBQ grill sagged and the broken furniture rotted. He reached his arm over and unclicked the catch. We followed in there and Joey tested the sliding glass door. Yup. We had left it unlocked.

I think no one around this place would fuck with our apartment, but then again, Fuckno was a place where many thieves piled their skills and their desperation. It’s probably a better place these days.

Inside, it was safe harbor. A fridge full of ice cold beer beckoned us. Sounds like I should chug this one here and now.

Will you join me?

3… 2… 1… DRINK!

Mmmmm. *urrrp*


We sat at a table, yet again, fully armed with cans of beer and lit cigarettes.

Sean said, “So, I got this place we can go, if you guys want to party some more. He’s not weird like you guys, but his parents are out of town.”

Jerry smiled. He finished his beer got up to grab another one. He bought out four, and passed them around. He said, “So, you mean, we gonna go visit some loser who don’t know how to have some real fun?”

Sean got riled up. I could see it in his eyes.

Joey shouted. He said, “HEY! Don’t be breaking up my fucking place you asshole bastards!”

Yeah, he was the keeper of the guard. Folk listened to him.

Them two big bastards settled down and Joey continued on. He said, “Now listen. The only reason I will be leaving this place is to sell. Other than that, you can go fuck yourselves. It was a fucking mess back at that place, and I don’t wanna do that again.”

Sean said, “Nah, it’s all good. There will be a lot of folks there. Most are looking for a good time.” He eyed Jerry because he knew that Jerry liked to ski.

Jerry looked down and shrugged his shoulders. He looked back up at Joey.

Joey said, “Huh. You guys can do that. I’m done. Me and the Urb got some shit to do in the morning.” He looked over at me.

I considered it. What the hell? Isn’t work meant for headaches from the night before? How hard was it to clean chimneys in the Califuckya sun?

We could do it. We were young.

We were ten feet tall and invincible. How much longer could we have such opportunities?

One day, we would be sitting at a table, writing about the things we had done when we were young.

I said, “I’m in. Let’s have us some fun.”

Joey scowled at his beer. He was thinking as well, I could tell, because his foot started thumping on the floor. He looked back up at me and he smiled his most evil grin ever. He said, “Yeah, fuck it.”

Sean laughed and Jerry said, “Where the hell is this party, anyway?”

Sean told him the address and said, “You got that powder?”

Jerry nodded.

Sean looked over at me and Joey and said, “You gonna bring some more of those foil packs?”

We nodded. Fuck hell.

Jerry said, “I gotta check out what happened to my brothers at the punk gig. I hope they are OK.”

You see, there were no cell phones back then, unless you were very rich and also enjoyed carrying around a twenty pound briefcase for its battery pack.

We had land-lines. Joey nodded at the phone in the living room, by the couch. Jerry said, “Thanks.” He hefted himself up and went to use it.

Sean headed off to the bathroom. Joey got up and walked over to the refrigerator. He opened up the freezer door on the top and looked at the foil packs. He said, “Urb. How many do you think we should bring?”

I said, “Ya know what? Maybe we can move them all. But leave some for us to do. I like that stuff.”

Joey nodded. He pulled out a box of baggies that we used for weed and stuffed two of them with foil packs. He rolled them up and was about to lick them to seal them.

I said, “Ya know what? That’s gross. Spit and all.”

He shrugged and tossed me one rolled up bag and pocketed the other in his leather. Always mind your leather. It has many purposes.

Sean came out of the bathroom and said, “Man, you guys have to clean up your shit hole. It’s fucking nasty in there. Puke everywhere.”

Joey snickered. He said, “You gonna need a new bathroom yourself there, big guy. All afraid of spiders and shit.”

Sean’s face turned white because he remembered how fucked his apartment was.

Jerry hung up and went to the fridge and grabbed out four more beers. He said, “The police called some ambulances and they nabbed a few folks. But the band is cool. They had no idea what the hell happened.”

I took my fresh beer form him and said, “Well, that’s good. You play there a lot. Anything about us?”

Jerry shook his head. He said, “Not a thing. But to make amends, I invited the band to come to that party that fucktwat here was talking about.”

Sean’s face turned even whiter. Then it got red. He said, “You told them the address?!”

Jerry chugged his beer and burped loud. It echoed in the whole place. It reverberated outside, across the carport, through the sidewalks, down into the heart of the ugly city of Fuckno.

He smiled. He said, “Yeah, I did. And guess what. They gonna set up and play there! Lotta folks coming, too. Cheers!”




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