
This is where you let you can let it all hang out.

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Palinka (RIP)
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Post by Palinka (RIP) »

A proposal has been put forward by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (a UK Government-funded 'watchdog') to ban all alcohol on trains, thoughout the UK; and is under serious consideration (with a possible extension to cover aeroplanes that fly in British Airspace) by the Government. This is due to 18 deaths, over the last five years, which have been recorded with those fork-tongued words, "Alcohol Related" (see many posts passim, by many Board members, railling against those weasel words, down the years). A fact to consider is that using the same system of recording deaths, far many more deaths than that can be put down to being "Trouser Related"!
Given that the UK's rail infrastructure has, through years of mismanagement, mercurial policy changes, downright theft etc., the average train passenger will almost inevitably spent up to an hour (or longer) waiting for an overcrowded train, where the only way of absolutely guaranteeing a seat, is to buy a ticket to travel First Class (which is eye-wateringly expensive - imagine being kicked in the genitals for three days by a very angry, steel toe-capped boot wearing, Hell's Angel and then dragging your broken body over one hundred miles of broken glass, rusty nails and live rats; and you are getting close to the pain). In fact it is cheaper to fly Business Class, return, from London to New York than it is to get a First Class, one-way, from London to Manchester!
Sheer godsdamned fucking madness...
"If I had all the money that I've spent on drink, I'd spend it on drink!"
"The trouble with internet quotes is that one can never be sure if they are genuine." - Abraham Lincoln
Kindly listen to this, please.

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Mr. Viking
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Re: WTF?!?

Post by Mr. Viking »

well that's my last reason to take the train gone.
"I spent all of my money on cars, women and booze, the rest of it I squandered" G. Best

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mistah willies
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Re: WTF?!?

Post by mistah willies »

It should be the train engineer who is not allowed to drink, until he gets off of work. He should not get off until after work. Then he can engineer his own proper derailment, which is a French term for "Having A Really Good Time"

Unless, ya know, it causes harm to others.

After work, he should fly. Hey, he has a lot of work to do during his session. One session calls for another.

People on a train who cannot control themselves and then perish...

Maybe they aren't supposed to be here? two wee drams

Palinka (RIP)
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Re: WTF?!?

Post by Palinka (RIP) »

mistah willies wrote:It should be the train engineer who is not allowed to drink, until he gets off of work...
True story:
In the city in which I live, there was a recent scandal over precisely this (and the cheapness of the Rail Company involved).
It has long been a tradition amongst both Rail Engineers and Rail Drivers, that on their last day of work (before retirement or moving on to pastures new) they would spend the morning completing their paperwork and then, after lunch, they'd be sent home early, after a speech (and, in the case of retirement, a gold watch).
Well, this particular Driver was up for retirement and he was a popular fellow. So at lunch he was taken, by the office staff, the porters, the off-duty Drivers and Engineers etc. At lunch, the retiring Driver had precisely one half pint of beer.
When he returned to get his handshake and gold watch, one of the high heidyins (aka Senior Management) was there for a random look - around. This high heidyin smelled alcohol of the breath of the retiring Driver and cited the ruling that there was a 0% tolerance for Drivers and Engineers on shift. So the high heidyin had the retiring Driver fired; on the spot dismissal. No excuses and no pension.
Thanks both to the strength of the Union and the good denizens of this part of the country (who have long hated this particular Rail Company; whom, since privatisation, have raised fares 1,000s of %) boycotting the Rail Company, the Driver, in question, eventually (and grudgingly) had his pension reinstated.
Some Companies will do anything to save a penny. The fucking bastards.
"If I had all the money that I've spent on drink, I'd spend it on drink!"
"The trouble with internet quotes is that one can never be sure if they are genuine." - Abraham Lincoln
Kindly listen to this, please.

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Re: WTF?!?

Post by TheDrunkardAnglo »

I'm not too worried, I still drink on the underground. Never have I had a problem.
Major Strasser: What is your nationality?
Rick: I'm a drunkard.
Captain Renault: That makes Rick a citizen of the world.

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