
Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Post by oettinger »

Me and a good friend visited this woman and her husband.
She is from Turkey and he is from Israel.
Was nice to hear the other side of the story of bombing innocent people. Well, he had no point and we got drunk.
Shit, he didn`t get drunk because he told us in his mid-twenties he had his fare share of drink. (I was in my early 20s back then and he talked to us like an elderly know it all grandpa). Well then I thought, more for me. (Btw just imagine drinking till you are 26 all the stuff you would consume until you are 75, doesnt make that much sense, does it?)
Did I mention that with people like him that mess in the middle east will never end? Drink for peace! One bomb equals 300 cases of free beer by mere cost only...

When it was time to go my buddy was already gone and I had to run to get the last train. In the process I lost a shoe, but damnit I wasn`t going to spent a night or even less a well hungover morning in that hypocryte`s house.
When I hit the train I must have immediately fell asleep as I was woken up by some dude telling me that ambulances are near.
"WHAT" I thought.
For whom?
I looked outside the window and people were escaping the train.
Did another lost soul jump in front of the damn train? At four a.m., really?
I got out myself and saw some cops and the ambulance about to enter the train.
I asked the officer what the hell happened and he told me that there was a drunk corpse people tried to revive to no avail and called 911 then.
That was the moment the guy waking me up jumped in again and told everyone: "That`s him!"
Shit I thought, your`re in deep trouble just because some asshole felt the need to "help you" being a PASSED OUT CITIZEN!
But as I was standing on my own I luckily had not to pay for their services. Tax payer was in for a huge bill though.
I told the officer that it was late and I really wanted to go to bed, it was a 30 minute train ride still, so "could we please hurry up".

Tale of the story kids: Let drunken gaints sleep!

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mistah willies
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Re: Trainstopping

Post by mistah willies »


Fucking epic!

As we say around here, "Let sleeping big dogs sleep."

Don't fuck with the big dogs. Good that you did not have to pay for the expensive taxi ride.
Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
I'll buy the first round if you promise to stop being a cunt. --- Dear Booze

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Juicing Like Jackie
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Re: Trainstopping

Post by oettinger »

mistah willies wrote:HA!

Fucking epic!

As we say around here, "Let sleeping big dogs sleep."

Don't fuck with the big dogs. Good that you did not have to pay for the expensive taxi ride.
I tried, gun to his head, smooth landing ordered, watch out a skyscraper!!!!! Booom. His retarded brother followed

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Re: Trainstopping

Post by oldsmartskunk »

In search of true oettinger: defining the undefinable!
Good story,but what else would you expect of long haired aryan?

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