Can we make it as species?

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Can we make it as species?

Post by oldsmartskunk »

We are very interesting critters, roaming this huge beautifull rock. We cut down trees to build golf courts, we pollute water we drink and air we breathe. We argue over which imaginary supreme being living in sky/earth/duck's tapeworm's urethra is a right deity to worship. And we're ready to kill over it. We are ready to kill for personal benefit or simple pleasure. 200people have more than the rest of the world. Dinosaurs had been living on earth for about 175 million years. Modern man - arguably around 80thousand years. How long will we/ can we last? Prognosis, thoughts?
P.S. i'm not a greenpeace member, nor do i particulary care or love human beings. It simply looks like an interesting topic to disscuss. While drunk.
Last edited by oldsmartskunk on Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by mistah willies »

It's the best kept secret that everyone knows: we aren't an invasive species form somewhere else, some other planet or any of that crazy shit.

Agreed. It is a marvelous place in which we find ourselves. Look at all the everything! Plus there's booze. Awful to think there might be a world out there among the gazillion stars that can't support the existence of the ethyl molecule. Poor dry bastards. Planet MADD. Talk about intolerant. Inhospitable. Angry.

As far as us humans shitting where we eat, well, someday the planet will tire of us and shrug us off its back.

There have been at least 5 previous planet-wide mass extinctions. Dinosaurs were simply the latest one. So far.

No matter how much damage we do, some other thing will come along after us and they will dominate the planet.

We are only fucking over ourselves and our offspring.

So let's fucking party it up!


Always drink.

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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by Artful Drunktective »

Agreed with all of the above, gentlemen. And when I am about to say "we", I am referring to some human beings so please no one take it offensively. If you are unsure of who I'm referring the newspaper or turn on the news. I don't have to tell you the world is a fricked up place and it seems to be escalating. Especially here in the States. So my opinion is just that, my humble observation and not to be taken personally.
We are rapists of our planet and each other. We do shat where we eat (not me personally). We continually deplete our resources...fossil fuels... aiding in the extinction of fellow human beings and endangered animals. We are tree-cutter-downers and polluters. We do not coexist nor respect each other whether it be our beliefs, our earth, animals, and nature."See paradise...put up a parking lot" mentality. And most don't care because they are too wrapped up in what they believe is media...the newest I phone, the pursuit of the almighty dollar, and the bane of the U.S. Hollywood B.S. Kim Kardashian type stuff. I would like to take her out back of S.T.B.&G. and smack her upside her stupid head. (Unless of course I see her at B.I.T.L. and I use Thirsty's newly sculpted Tiki Idol instead). We impose our beliefs on one another for dominance and control for manipulation and our own selfish gain and for what?! Yet we are nothing in scheme of life and the universe. Our egocentric mindsets believe we are the gift of this planet with our modern developments and technology when really we are the detriment. I'm not saying humanity hasn't done great things...but our self-absorption and lackadaisical attitudes reflects how we feel about this planet. For the record, I am not the naysayer. I am just basing off what humankind has already done.
Like Mistah said..."when the planet shrugs us off it's back" and it will...who gives a shite if we invented rocket science? It only matters to us, not the planet, not the universe. And the dinosaurs lived a hell of a lot longer than we ever will without that knowledge. Especially when we are supposedly a race that SHOULD have evolved by now but instead have de-volved. We are spoiled and entitled. We are still violent, inhumane, thieves, racist, bigots, sexist, homophobes, rapists, poachers, head-cutter-offers, slave-traffickers, child molesters, and all things wrong in the world and we should be smart enough by now to know better...IF we were indeed, evolved. Lucky us! Humans invented serial killers and last I checked, dinosaurs who outlived us weren't any of those things and still didn't make it. So next question is...even if we were to evolve, would it even matter and would it really be better?

From an old favorite movie "9 to 5"
Judi: You're a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot!
Mr. Hart: So I have a few faults; who doesn't? Is that any reason to kill me?

*WHEW* That was exhausting! Okay got that off the chest. Thanks for listening. A round of drinks for all! Cheers!
Okole maluna!


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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by mistah willies »

^ ^ ^


Damn fine.


Can we drink now? ---peetie44
At rock bottom, there is no down. ---The Oett
^ ^ ^ Yes his entire cutlery set and all utensils are made from assorted broken bottles.--- The Artful Detective
Just remember Hugh: a good cocktail in a shitty glass is better that a shitty cocktail in a pretty glass.---The Badfellow
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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by DivaBitch »

We can thakn outfits like Monsanto for makign our life more fukced than it was a gernration or two ago. fuck haliburton and cheney to. Alll these asshloes will be responsable for many painful deaths to humanty. Not to worry there will be a special place in hell for these fuckers. Sorry if that doesnt make sense I'm ttotally funckin out of it and a damn big headacke
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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by Badfellow »

Good topic, OSS.

In regarding extinction, you have to bear in mind that humans are almost endlessly cunning and adaptable as a species. Even in the event of a major pandemic or a global nuclear war, you'd still have a few leftover elitists living in bunkers with pockets of fringe dwelling populations in the geographic extremes. The more likely possibility is a mass culling event rather than outright extinction via war, pollution, disease, famine, etc.

If we were looking for some sort of root to the problem or a means of mitigating it, that would be in a steady trend of ignorant breeders having way too many fucking kids in a stable population. Until the issue is addressed, we'll keep piling morons and modern day serfs toward the ten billion mark.

Yes, I've seen the future. And yes, it's a lot like Idiocracy.

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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by Frankennietzsche »

William S Burroughs said that the Earth was designed to be a space station and that we are all here to go, into space.

He was the prophet. Peace be upon him.
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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by Badfellow »

Frankennietzsche wrote:William S Burroughs said that the Earth was designed to be a space station and that we are all here to go, into space.

He was the prophet. Peace be upon him.
Burroughs also said "never trust a junkie". Not that I believe him. He still owes me $40.

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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by Frankennietzsche »

“Süßen witwe Mutter-Hosen — kommst du hier mit mein knackenpfeife schnell, oder Ich zeige Ihnen mein Zuhälter Hand!”

"I am going to pistol-whip the next person who says 'shenanigans' "

"Rectum? It nearly killed him!"

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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by oettinger »

Nice rant Detective, I agree wholeheartedly.

The thing is, humans can`t comprehend future. Even if some might think so. We are a species of reaction, to things that immediately threaten us. Evolution left that mark in our genes.

Example: Tell some caveman "A Sabertooth will attack in three months if you don`t move from this place", he will note move.
After three months he will move in a hurry screaming "Why didn`t anybody say something?"


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Re: Can we make it as species?

Post by ThirstyDrunk »

nor should we.
Like a desperate thirst in a raging drought

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