Bur's memory bank part 1/?

Remember what happened last night? Good. Now tell the world.

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Drinking God's Good Scotch
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Bur's memory bank part 1/?

Post by Bur »

Few things today reminded me of my good ol' crazy days of my earlier years. Oh how they feel eons past even though it's only been like 7-8 years.

Anyhow to the point! This was also brought to you by combo of rose-tinted glasses, Blade Runner 2049 and Glen Scanlan.

This glorious early autumn day started off by me and my girlfriend at the time waking up sitting on the sofa on friend's place. Naturally our first reaction at 6:40 am on Monday morning was to check on the booze supply, shortly followed by weed and speed inventory. After few quick lines and chugs to pick up the momentum again we set out. We packed up half a bottle of Jameson, bottle of wine and about sixer of beer. Figuring should any of the other guests there wake up they might need a drink to even out we left reasonable amount of beer behind.

Now outside we were met with bit of a breeze which was quickly subdued by healthy chugs of Jameson. Given shops wouldn't sell booze until 9 am, we figured out that we needed somewhere to chill out. Naturally the usual park in the city center was no option because we had grander visions than the bums holed in there every morning. And suddenly it came to us (can't remember whom of us came up with the idea originally) that there was a burned down sawmill just some half a mile away from our current location.

It was harder to get there than we had anticipated as the area was still surrounded by a fence and hadn't been really cleaned up all that well from all the wreckage. Nonetheless after about 15 mins of relentless attempts we got there. We made our way to the top of 2nd floor (there was no roof left on any of the buildings) and watched sun come up and reflect from the river just some 100 meters ahead of us. Good times. I don't have exact collection of the things we talked about while sitting there, but it dawned on me at one point that we probably had fuck ton of ash on our clothes. This would be a problem as the evil people in charge of monopoly on hard stuff in Finland - I believe instruct their workers to look for any reason not to sell booze to people.

This obviously was a problem, especially with slight paranoia from weekend of substance abuse and minimal sleep. Thus we retreated back to the mutual friend's place where everyone was still passed out. It was mere minutes to 9 o'clock and we had already drank all the wine and Jameson. However my gf had a stroke of brilliance. We counted our cash which was around 160 bucks and she figured we could ask her regular dealer to to bring us booze and few grams of that premium a-vitamin. After some a lengthy conversation on phone it was agreed upon. We figured that we'd prolly hit the town for a drink or two in the nearby bar today so we needed to clean up the clothes. Our mutual friend woke up to the old washing machine rumbling like all hell, only to find us doing lines on his living room table and drinking beer - in our underwear. It was little past 10 am at this point and that runt of a dealer hadn't shown up (to be fair he did have 40 mile drive to get there but I didn't know that at the time). I'm pretty sure we were watching some cooking show too, but at this point things start getting a little bit muddled...

To be continued. (Gotta run few errands, do a little translating on boring ass subject and get more whisky)

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Re: Bur's memory bank part 1/?

Post by oettinger »

Just asking, why wasn`t that burned down mill filled with bums also? Could serve as a nice place to crash

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Drinking God's Good Scotch
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Re: Bur's memory bank part 1/?

Post by Bur »

oettinger wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:50 am
Just asking, why wasn`t that burned down mill filled with bums also? Could serve as a nice place to crash
It may very well be these days, but it's really just a skeleton of the place left, next to the river with minimal cover from the elements. In central park chance of getting a free night in state hotel by the cops is very high and there are plenty of places nearby where you might find a warm sneaky indoors crashing place with some luck. Just a guess. Also the mill is on the opposite side of the river that splits the city.

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