Another Solo Mission - Drinking alone? Post here!

A forum to post your thoughts about the art and beauty of getting loaded.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Day 8 of my solo bender. Tonight I'm switching it up to Budweiser - 12 oz cans. Just picked up a 12 pack at the liquor store, plus one can already in my fridge. Today is the first day of my bender that I haven't had to run my air conditioner. Still cleaning dry blood out of my ears almost two weeks after the surgery. Tomorrow I should be getting the stitches out, if they were able to clean up their office after a pipe burst somewhere in the building in an upper floor. (I was supposed to get them out today.)

Bukowski would sometimes hit the whiskey bottle as he drank beer after beer, but I don't like doing that. At the end of the night if I've run out of beer, I take a couple of nips of whiskey, but I don't like lacing them together.

Bukowski has a poem in "You Get So Alone..." where he took a prostitute to his hotel room, poured himself a drink and just stared out the window. She asked if he was some kind of fag, but he just sat there drinking until she told him to take her home. He did, and then went back to finish getting drunk.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

Ha, yeah, that`s our Charlie.
Always mix drinks man with new face! It`s cool and fun and the girls like it

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Saturday night solo crew checking in. Tonight is the last night of a ten day bender. I don't feel the least bit worn down, I don't feel the least bit sick of drinking. Even Bukowksi never indicated (in anything I've ever read of him - letters or poems) that he ever went more than about four days before getting the blahs.

79 years ago today Virginia Woolf wrote in her diary that she had spent much of the day reading the last year's worth of diary entries. She had been depressed, but after reading her own diary that day, she said she felt "composed." As to why it made her feel better, she said this: "I think it shows one a stretch, when one's grubbing in an inch." I think she means that as you are living life, you are too close to it. But when you look back over a year's worth of your life via your diary, you see it all at a stretch. I've found that to be true in my own case. I have diary entries going back to the early 1990s. And to put a quantitative measure on how a diary can help you, in 2007 I was dead broke, literally a net worth of zero. By 2012 I was worth a little over $42K. That was a direct result of daily journaling and getting my mind focused on the things I need to do and the things I shouldn't do. Nobody ever asks me for advice on anything, and that's with good reason. Why ask a loser for his advice on anything? But as I showed here with my own personal finances, a diary is invaluable. I think everybody should keep one, I don't think there is a problem in the world that can't be solved with journaling.

Okay, off my soapbox. Until next time.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

If you`d write less I`d almost consider reading it

Na, I enjoy every word

Edit: I need some advice now loser

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Artful Drunktective »

Hugh wrote:
Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:13 pm
Nobody ever asks me for advice on anything, and that's with good reason. Why ask a loser for his advice on anything? But as I showed here with my own personal finances, a diary is invaluable. I think everybody should keep one, I don't think there is a problem in the world that can't be solved with journaling.

Okay, off my soapbox. Until next time.

I would appreciate your advice, Hugh. I have been contemplating burning all my journals. I've been writing since I was about 10 years old. Yeah I wrote about the good, bad and ugly. But mostly it seems like a compilation of venting about shittastic times of my life. I always journaled as a stress reliever to clear my mind. Then I would read back on them to feel better about how far I've come etc. I always envisioned myself old someday re-reading them, looking back on my life appreciating my gardens and pets and relationships. But now before I am even an old lady, it seems when I read back on them, it is hardly ever reminiscent of the good times I've experienced. Really, it is a regurgitation of memories of which I'd rather just forget and move forward on by now. So I wonder... maybe it's time to burn them and be free of the baggage once and for all? A cleansing of sorts.
Okole maluna!


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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Artful Drunktective wrote:
Sat Jul 28, 2018 11:53 pm
Hugh wrote:
Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:13 pm
Nobody ever asks me for advice on anything, and that's with good reason. Why ask a loser for his advice on anything? But as I showed here with my own personal finances, a diary is invaluable. I think everybody should keep one, I don't think there is a problem in the world that can't be solved with journaling.

Okay, off my soapbox. Until next time.

I would appreciate your advice, Hugh. I have been contemplating burning all my journals. I've been writing since I was about 10 years old. Yeah I wrote about the good, bad and ugly. But mostly it seems like a compilation of venting about shittastic times of my life. I always journaled as a stress reliever to clear my mind. Then I would read back on them to feel better about how far I've come etc. I always envisioned myself old someday re-reading them, looking back on my life appreciating my gardens and pets and relationships. But now before I am even an old lady, it seems when I read back on them, it is hardly ever reminiscent of the good times I've experienced. Really, it is a regurgitation of memories of which I'd rather just forget and move forward on by now. So I wonder... maybe it's time to burn them and be free of the baggage once and for all? A cleansing of sorts.
NO NO NO! It is not baggage, even if it may seem it is right now. It's all part of what made you who you are today. It's not like a supporting board that you brace a wall before you nail the wall into place. you throw the supporting board away, but the wall remains as part of the finished product. That's your diary- one of the walls of who you are. It is not that supporting board that was taken away and tossed to the trash pile.

And let me tell you something - as I jab my finger in the air like I'm some sort of authority - there is no such thing as a memory you'd just rather forget. I say this as a person who has a half million memories I'd just rather forget. (How's that for hypocrisy?) Whether it's the cops that hauled you to jail from the side of the road for a DUI, or the person you trusted that hurt and humiliated you, it's part of who you are and part of what taught you how to live life. And also - all of your own bullshit too, your own lies and stupidity, that is what most people want to forget most of all because it is 100% your own fault. It's your lies and stupidity that teach you best of all because they tell you what not to do.

That stuff that you want to throw away? Wanna know what it really is? It was a letter to your future self. The shit that somebody did to you, the shit that you did to yourself, it equipped you with how to deal with life now. That's one of the things where we go wrong, thinking that the old should pass their wisdom down to the young. Flip that stale old trope on its head for a minute. What if the young gave advice to the old? That is what those old diary entries are. They're pure fucking gold.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Back to work tomorrow. Will they notice the surgery on my face? I hope so. but I'm so crazy and volatile they may be afraid to mention it.

I've been looking at my face in the mirror ever since the surgery. It is still swollen, so the pockmarks that were in the hollows of my cheeks are not visible. Neither are the hollows. But the thing with this type of surgery is that the fat that was transfered into my cheeks won't remain there, not all of it, only about 30% of it will. As the fat dissapates, the hollows and the pockmarks will reapear. right now, it appears as though the surgery was a success. And that's what I hope they will all see. But what if none of the fat sticks and I end up right back where I started from? At least I'll have these next couple of days to appear somewhat normal. I'm out $3900, but it will be worth it even if all I get is a couple of weeks of normalcy.

Time to eat a palmfull of hydrocodone and go to bed. I still haven't made up my mind what to say when someone asks me why I was off for two weeks. Maybe I'll just say I wanted to stay home for a while. I'm really hoping one of them will mention that I look different.

Oh - BTW - the surgeon gave me a free face lift with my surgery. He treated me six years ago with a little success. When I came back I said I wanted to try the fat transfer and a dermabrasion. I was quoted $3900 which is about what I expected. The day of the surgery, he walked into the prep room and said, "How about we tighten this up?" pulling the skin on my cheeks back. I said sure. I think he planned it all along and just didn't want to charge me for it.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by mistah willies »

Hugh wrote:
Sun Jul 29, 2018 12:16 am
What if the young gave advice to the old? That is what those old diary entries are. They're pure fucking gold.
That's some truth right there man.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

Q: So mum with did Grandma Artful OD drink so much?

A: Here have a read

Hugh you will be fine. Be upfront with it. If they have a problem with it just for fun let them know that you post with some shady guys on a drunk board (they won`t believe you something like that exists) and you really don`t know what they will do when they`re loaded and get those people´s addresses

That`ll shut them up

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by RIPT2.0 »


Although I have a gay Nephew, I've never been friends with a 50 something fugly gay ass transvestite. But if I could call you my friend, I will. It's your call. You're one cool Dude.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Saturday night solo crew checking in! I guess all you guys are in Las Vegas.

One person at work commented on my face last week. He asked if I had surgery or if I had gotten into a fight. I didn't directly answer him. Yesterday I hit up all my favorite bars and nobody said anything about it. It was the first time in more than two months that I'd been in a bar. I did not have a good time. Should I just give up on bars all together?

BTW, I have been noticing over the last year or so that there are less and less cabs on the street here in San Diego. Now they are pretty much gone. About five or six years ago, there was always two or three in front of the club on this block. And then there were so many at a cab stand a few blocks away that the drug store there had to put up signs in their parking lot that cabs could not stand there. Now, there rarely any cabs in front of the club, and I never see more than one anymore. Yesterday at the cab stand I had to wait about thirty minutes before one showed up, and it was some sort of indie cab, a Prius with a TAXI light on the roof. I guess I'll be forced to get the Uber app on my phone and steal free WiFi from wherever I'm at.

I'm fighting a flea infestation in my apartment. A couple of weeks ago I started sitting at the open back door of my apartment drinking and reading until dusk. I guess a bunch of fleas latched on to me back there. I think today's clean -n-treat went well, I'm wearing white socks and haven't seen any fleas jump on them yet.

Am I the only one here tonight? Why isn't anybody from Vegas posting here?

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Sammy wrote:
Sun Jul 29, 2018 7:17 pm

Although I have a gay Nephew, I've never been friends with a 50 something fugly gay ass transvestite. But if I could call you my friend, I will. It's your call. You're one cool Dude.
When I hit the bars up yesterday I didn't carry a purse, wear a bra, or wear pumps. I did have on girl jeans and low-heel boots, so I don't know if I really qualify as a transvestite anymore.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

I drink alone

... and like it

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Nausea »

oettinger wrote:
Sat Sep 29, 2018 10:11 am
I drink alone

... and like it
This video kicks ass. Makin me thirsty.
Don't worry. We're in no hurry.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Whew! I vowed to stay out of this thread until someone else posted in it. I was beginning to think everyone else here regarded it as more of a nuisance than a discussion thread.

Tonight will be the fifth and final night of a solo bender.

A few years ago the state of Washington got into a tussle with Franzia over the use of the word 'wine.' Apparently, there was reason for doubt that Franzia could call some of its products wine. ... ok-at.html

Is this still a matter under consideration?

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