Another Solo Mission - Drinking alone? Post here!

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

I go to bars because they have stuff on stock my homebar does`t. And they serve you.

The worst guy I met in a bar was a regular in my dive. He considered me a friend. He would get drunk and bitch about his life, spitting in my face while drunk talking. One day he grabbed my cowboy hat and put it on. That was fucked up!
There were many fucks like that. One guy had that bad of mouth-breath you thought he just threw up. He claimed to own a restaurant. In fact he wasn`t even the chef, just a random cook. But he always wore a suit and drank into the wee hours

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Rye and Coke »

Hugh wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:51 pm
Willies! I once wrote upon a Post-It Note "Write your poems and stories as if they were Facebook posts." and I stuck it on the wall above my desk. Often my Facebook friends, especially those from work after they'd read a post of mine, would tell me what a good writer I am. I noticed it usually happened after some witty off-hand post I'd made. A post I'd made without caring if I impressed anyone.

I've always envied people who can sit and simply vomit words onto the page. My coworker is like that. She can write multiple stories in a day, sometimes an entire one during lunch break. Me, it can take days. I wrestle with ideas to the point that it almost feels physically painful; a weird psychological agony more akin to childbirth than any artistic endeavor. But i need to get back on that horse. You guys (especially you Hugh) have shook awake something long lost inside of me. At least I hope you have. It feels like you have. An art teacher I had in college once said, "you're only a painter when you paint." The same goes with writers too, I guess. I haven't been a write of worth in a very long time.

Hugh wrote:
Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:51 pm
A couple of weeks ago at my favorite dive bar I propositioned a man who was sitting alone at a table. It's always been my policy to NEVER proposition men in bars, and it was always easy to stick with it in my younger years because I was always the one being propositioned. Lately I've been breaking my own rule, but fortunately it hasn't caused me any trouble yet. I've seen this man there a couple of times since then, he's always by himself even though he knows a couple of people who drink there. He hasn't told them that I propositioned him, of that I'm pretty sure, but he is taking pains to avoid me, such as when he walked by last night and I tried to smile and say hi. I don't think I should apologize for doing it, it's probably better just to let it go. He didn't seem angry at the time, but maybe he is now. He's an older guy and a loner. I'm sure he's there to get laid, but I think he is also there just to be in company of people, like most bargoers are. I hope I haven't made it uncomfortable for him to be there. I really have a knack for doing and saying the wrong things when I go to bars. I don't want to ruin anybody else's good time. I hope I haven't ruined his.
Fuck that guy, you did nothing wrong. People proposition people in bars all the time. Don't even give him a second thought. When you see him, just give him the acknowledgement nod, but leave it at that. I once had a guy proposition me at a bar. He was INCREDIBLY drunk and really leaning in on how vulgar he could be. I think he thought he was rattling me, but I couldn't give less of a shit. I thought it was both hilarious and perversely flattering. Like, "LOL, he thinks I'm cute." What worried me were the two mucho macho guys to his left who didn't look like they'd take too kindly to his advances. I just remember thinking, "dude, just keep talking to me....don't turn around, please don't turn around." In the end, it didn't matter, because he left while I was in the bathroom. I guess I should've been worried about him rather than for him, because it turns out he stole my jacket while I was away. Hilarious.
"They told me to see the glass half full cause some see it as half empty
I chose to see the glass twice the size it needed to be" - Pharoahe Monch, 'Broken Again'

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

Rye and Coke wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:15 pm
"you're only a painter when you paint." The same goes with writers too, I guess. I haven't been a write of worth in a very long time.
That`s kick ass.

You`re only a modern drunkard when you drink

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

I was on a solo mission in my go to dive once and this Tom Berrenger scarface ugly dude was getting the host for me. It was four o clock and there was no one to be seen in that bar.
I played dead hooker/roadkill/pass out/hard to get which seemed to piss him off.
The barkeeper had to take him out and lock the door.
That dumbass proceeded to kick the door until glas broke.
It turned out he was pissed from me turning him down. Ewww

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Rye and Coke »

oettinger wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:20 pm
Rye and Coke wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:15 pm
"you're only a painter when you paint." The same goes with writers too, I guess. I haven't been a write of worth in a very long time.
That`s kick ass.

You`re only a modern drunkard when you drink
One of the greatest teachers ive ever had. And he was a drinker. Came to most classes drunk, slurring and fiercely passionate about painting. He broke down crying in class once, trying to convince us of the difference between talking it and LIVING it. He was basically just Hugh...but in college professor form.

I remember the day I told him I was going into English and not Art; the look he gave me. I felt like such a sellout.

Cheers to that man of principle. Hope he's still out there, painting and drinking.
"They told me to see the glass half full cause some see it as half empty
I chose to see the glass twice the size it needed to be" - Pharoahe Monch, 'Broken Again'

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by mistah willies »

Rye and Coke wrote:
Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:23 pm
oettinger wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2019 3:20 pm
Rye and Coke wrote:
Sun Sep 08, 2019 2:15 pm
"you're only a painter when you paint." The same goes with writers too, I guess. I haven't been a write of worth in a very long time.
That`s kick ass.

You`re only a modern drunkard when you drink
One of the greatest teachers ive ever had. And he was a drinker. Came to most classes drunk, slurring and fiercely passionate about painting. He broke down crying in class once, trying to convince us of the difference between talking it and LIVING it. He was basically just Hugh...but in college professor form.

I remember the day I told him I was going into English and not Art; the look he gave me. I felt like such a sellout.

Cheers to that man of principle. Hope he's still out there, painting and drinking.
That's how you do it, like that teacher. Mine was Mr. MacChesney of Roosevelt High in Fresno, CA before I transferred to McLane High up the street.

Man of principle. Very dry sense of humor, but never mean. He simply had high standards. And, he took me aside and told me to continue to write.

For that, I will never forgive him.

Me? I prefer to romanticize my life's path like this:
The previous time I'd visited this earthly plane, I was extremely successful, in many things. A true Renaissance Man.

This time however, I decided to find out how it would be to make every decision the wrong way. In the worst way possible, but with three simple principles, if I was going to be here again. Those are these:

1. Breathe good air. Pot included.
2. Eat well. Very well.
3. (Most important) DRINK well. Drink middle shelf. Drink top. But DRINK!


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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Hugh »

Good to be back in my own lair. Yesterday I started drinking in a bar at 8 AM. Yes, AM as in morning - that was not a typo. According to my call log, I called for a cab home at 11:12 PM. 15 fucking hours of drinking! Goddamb, I don't know how I do it. The last bar of the night was a bar I had spilled a drink in about 6 months ago. The bartenders assured me that I had not been 86d and that I shouldn't have stayed away so long. I slept half the day away today, and spent the other half searching my memory for any instances of bad behavior I might have engaged in, but came up with nothing serious. It seems unlikely that I could drink that long without doing something stupid. I did, however, find a note in my pocket, written upon what looks like cash register tape, that says, "New band - Digital Leather." I have no recollection of receiving the note. This morning my microwave was flashing END END END... I had put in a microwavable dinner but passed out before I could eat it. Oddly enough, the hangover wasn't that bad. I spent most of the day drinking wine and then finished up with vodka at the last bar. That wine and vodka combo usually gives me a vomiting hangover the next day.

It had gotten to the point that it becomes habit for me to sit in here the next day after hitting the bars saying to myself, "Fuck! Why am I so stupid?" So today it was a pleasant surprise to be say, "Hey, wait a minute. I didn't do anything stupid yesterday!"

Time to pour the wine, read, maybe write a couple of shitty poems. Have you guys heard of Garth Risk Hallberg? He wrote a novel called City on Fire and got a $2 Million advance for it. It's probably the best prose I've ever read. It's almost like a 900 page poem. I'm gonna let this kid lead me by the hand and show me how to write. The novel didn't sell that well, and if the reviews on Amazon are any indication why, it's because the book is too wordy. But that's what I like about it. And I'm sure that's what the publisher that paid him so much money liked about it, too. Most readers want a Grisham-like novel to tell them a story and keep them turning the pages. What's wrong with savoring a long, elegant sentence though? Some of his sentences I read two or three times before moving on. The novel kind of morphs into a typical cops and robbers story in the end, but his writing is so good I keep on reading.

All right, enough yakking. It's Franzia Chillable Red for me tonight. What are you guys drinking?

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by mistah willies »

^ ^ ^

That's, like, every writer's dream, isn't it? Get paid a $2M advance for the promise of more words.

Not a sellout. Frig that shitty notion. It's the dream, baby.

The only thing is: the Muse is not amused when forced to write for an audience. Then it stalls, or wanders off. I really think that if one gets forced into writing something for a specific purpose, and it becomes a sort of proficiency, then it ventures into the land of Hack. Or, technical writing. Both are similar.

But this guy, with his long and wordy prose, and a payoff.

Hell yes.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by oettinger »

Hugh wrote:
Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:39 pm
That wine and vodka combo usually gives me a vomiting hangover the next day.

It had gotten to the point that it becomes habit for me to sit in here the next day after hitting the bars saying to myself, "Fuck! Why am I so stupid?" So today it was a pleasant surprise to be say, "Hey, wait a minute. I didn't do anything stupid yesterday!"

I don`t remember the last time I had to throw up from drinking. Or being hungover. Must been ages.

What you call "being stupid" I think is the feeling guilty part about drinking. It`s brain chemicals. Dopamin.
Fuck that, you`re a seasoned drinker, you should know better. Never feel stupid.
I have to admit however, sometimes I wake up on mondays and think I forgot something important I had to do. Althought there`s no to do list that I missed I feel uneasy and can`t just relax and nurse my hangover. I should know better, I know...

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by scream ale »

Wine always have me the worst hangovers. Not always puking, almost always one epic bitch of a headache. Damn you space bag wine!

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by mistah willies »

oettinger wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 11:26 am
Hugh wrote:
Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:39 pm
That wine and vodka combo usually gives me a vomiting hangover the next day.

It had gotten to the point that it becomes habit for me to sit in here the next day after hitting the bars saying to myself, "Fuck! Why am I so stupid?" So today it was a pleasant surprise to be say, "Hey, wait a minute. I didn't do anything stupid yesterday!"

I don`t remember the last time I had to throw up from drinking. Or being hungover. Must been ages.

What you call "being stupid" I think is the feeling guilty part about drinking. It`s brain chemicals. Dopamin.
Fuck that, you`re a seasoned drinker, you should know better. Never feel stupid.
I have to admit however, sometimes I wake up on mondays and think I forgot something important I had to do. Althought there`s no to do list that I missed I feel uneasy and can`t just relax and nurse my hangover. I should know better, I know...

Ye olde Brutal Hammer.

Here's a website that might help.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Nausea »

I dabbled with a brutal hammer back in ze college days.

It was red wine and Johnnie Walker Black (a terrible abuse of JW -- I know).

I was pouring a wine glass halfway full of the whiskey, topping it off with the red, and pounding them.

Morbid hangover.
Don't worry. We're in no hurry.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by scream ale »

Nausea wrote:
Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:53 pm
I dabbled with a brutal hammer back in ze college days.

It was red wine and Johnnie Walker Black
I always thought a brutal hammer was a 50/50 mix of vodka and red wine? Didn't a combo of red wine and scotch, or maybe just whisk(e)y in general, have some other snappy name?
Memory rarely serves me well and I am more than likely wrong as hell.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Nausea »

Oh, I think you're right.
Don't worry. We're in no hurry.

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Re: Another Solo Mission

Post by Patchez »

Kilted Hammer?
Now you're ready for some anti-dry-otics!-BeerMakesMeSmarter

If worms had daggers, birds wouldn't fuck with them-Todd Snider

Blackout and be extraordinary-Absinthe of Malice

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